
Reincarnated as a snake?

A typical reincarnation story about a dude who got reincarnated into a fantasy world as a snake inside a dungeon... but with some twists! So follow the tiny snake on his journey through the lands to become a bigger snake. --- Only writing it for fun and to pass some time. Chapters will be around 1500-2000 words long. Oh, and English is not my first language, but should be readable. The cover is not mine...

Man_of_culture · Fantasía
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93 Chs



Waking up with a yawn I could feel my body being energized again and my injuries didn't hurt anymore, even my hunger has receded a little bit. I don´t know how long I have been sleeping, but not caring I stretched my long snake body and let out a satisfying hiss. I couldn´t help but rub my face, where my eyes should be, with my tail after seeing blue transparent screens in front of me.

Wait, how do I see that?

Never mind that for now, reading the screens my jaw just dropped!

[You killed a Nagirus!]

[43 Exp gained!]

[First kill bonus!]

[22 Exp gained!]

[You leveled up!]

[Choose evolution!]


I read enough novels and manga to know that I just gained a system! I hope my system is the OP one with dimensional storage, a store, a map, quests, and so on. I could maybe even gain a human form and build my own kingdom and whatnot.

Hmmm, let's test the system a little bit first.

First, let's find out if I have a status or not.

'Status' thought I inside my mind and as soon as I thought that a blue transparent screen popped in existence. Looking at the information it read.


Name: ???

Species: Hatchling grey snake (???)

Level: 1


Strength: 9

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 20

Mentality: 17

Hp: 42/50

MP: 0

[Skills: Venom Fang lv1, Launch Attack lv 1, Slither lv 1]

[Evolution: none]

Oh, it worked!

I have a system that means I am indeed reborn into a different world, and my race is a hatchling grey snake? That confirms it, I am 100%, not a worm.

But I am baby?

And what's up with the question marks in my name? Hmmm, I can´t remember my own name anymore. Even things I did in my last life are becoming hazy. This is ge-


[Monsters don´t have names!]

Oh, that answered my question. Hmmm, thanks system! Guess I have to name myself or find someone to name me.

But there is still the question about my race.


[Your race isn´t named yet as you are a new species in the dungeon!]


The system can read my mind... and I am a monster!?

A new species it said. Am I the only one of my kind? And are there more reincarnated people like me or am I a special case? I don´t think I am so special that I am the only one who got a second chance at life. Maybe I could find a friend or something. I am only here for a few hours in this dark place and I am already getting a little lonely. But I can´t communicate with others they would kill me or run away when they see a random monster approach them. So, that idea is out of the question for now.



I am not going to split my head over it anymore, I just have to accept that I am a snake now, I guess. I don´t have another choice anyway. So better accept it and adapt to it.

Let's continue.

Hmmm, I also don´t have a storage, map and so on, just got the basics of basics. So no kingdom-building, conquering the whole world, and getting op in a few days... Meh, it´s enough for me. At least I´m not a slave to my own system and have to follow quests with ridiculous penalties.

Now to the important part, my stats. My stats are pretty low I think, but what did I expect from a level 1 snake and I have nothing to compare it to. Intelligence is my highest stat, so average humans have an intelligence of 20, or did I get dumber? I have a pretty low-strength stat, but that is normal for a venomous snake. But what is Mentality? it´s my second highest stat. Is this why I am so calm?

Looking at my skills I am happy to see that I have venomous fangs. If I didn´t have that skill I am sure I would have lost against that rat, I am laying on right now. The skill slither is a little confusing to me. Does it mean I would be faster when the skill levels up but isn´t that agility? Meh, I will find out soon enough, I hope.

Hmm, my Hp isn´t full yet, so I am still injured from the fight and Mp is at 0. Does that mean I will never be able to use magic or do I have to unlock it first?

Wait the system said something about choosing an evolution didn't it?

So where is it?


[Choose Evolution:]

[1. Grey Scales --> Random]

[2. Venomous Fangs --> Random]

[3. Eyes --> Random]

[4. Danger smelling Tongue --> Random]

[5. Vibration Sensing ears --> Random]

[6. (Locked)]

[Note: More specific Evolution paths will be unlocked in the future!]

Ohhh, there it is.

So I have 5 options and all are random and one is locked...

Oh, 3 of them are different. Guess they are my race advantage or something like that. That's why I could sense vibrations and smell with my tongue, but danger smelling tongue? I didn´t remember smelling danger...

I will find that out after I evolve.

Scales sound pretty useful for gaining extra defense, fangs for more damage, eyes for sight, and tongue for better smelling.

I don´t have to think much about it, I have long decided what I will choose.

Eyes, I choose eyes!

I want to see again. I can´t stand it to slither without seeing the world without any eyes. I even touched my face with my tail and there weren´t any eyes. Even if I get random eyes, anything is better than not having any at all.

Thinking about evolving my eyes, I got another notification.


[You must be full Hp to evolve!]

Damn it!


Well, better eat something first I guess. That is the whole reason I got into this mess anyway. I slither towards the sweet pond and took a small gulp out of it.



As the clear blue liquid goes down my throat I immediately feel myself warm up, as if I drank sweet liquor in winter. My whole body feels energized as never before. I squirmed in euphoria and immediately plunged my whole head inside, drinking as much as possible.



I let out a satisfied hiss.

Damn, this is some crispy water.

After filling my body with the sweet liquid, I became lightheaded and just laid in the grass curling myself up and rested for a few minutes. Waiting for my Hp to fill up and to finally evolve my eyes to get some sight.

While laying there I constantly checked my Hp, and I discovered that it rose 1 Hp after, I think an hour or so. Not having anything better to do I just slithered around for the remaining time, while occasionally drinking out of the pond.

When my Hp reached 47 I got another notification.


[Slither leveled up!]


Seeing that, I got more motivated and slithered through the grass more smoothly than before, trying to level it up once more.

After what felt like days I finally got the notification I have been waiting for.


[Beginning evolution!]

Not expecting it to automatically evolve I quickly slithered towards the rat and curled up between the corps to get more cover if other monsters are coming while I am in the middle of my first evolution. Curling up, I prepared myself and calmed my breathing.

My whole skin started cribble like ants walking on my whole body.

And where my eyes should be I suddenly felt pain, as if someone stings the place with needles.

Gritting my mouth, I felt my skin slowly peel off.

Wait, I am shedding my skin!

I squirmed around, while the dead skin just suddenly fell off.

Hmm, that isn't how normal snakes shed their skin, but I am not a normal snake.

I feel refreshed, like after having a long hot bath.


[Evolution complete!]

[Eyes --> movement sensing eyes]

Looked around I could only vaguely see black and white outlines of a rat-like creature. It was four times as big as me and was slimmer than I thought. I would have blinked at the sight if I could, but I don´t have any eyelids.

Well, I guess my luck is pretty bad this time, but it could be worse. At least I can see something.

But ending my happy thought was the rhythmic vibrations that are getting louder and louder from one of the tunnels.

Shit, shit, shit.

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