
Chapter 9: Hell Training

After the encounter with Tang Hao, Yun Hao decided to start the training of the kids. At first the teens are excited to be trained, but after one day of training they now curse Yun Hao. Why because it is simply hell they experience life and death.

They run while carrying 15 kl. each hand and 10 kl on their waist, while the support type carry 10 kl. on each hand and 5 kl. on their waist. They run 20 laps around the village without the support of spirit power.

After the first five laps the teens are still running, but after ten lap they were only walking so they at first transfer there weights with each other. It is already noon after they finished the 20th lap and collapse due to exhaustion of their body Yun Hao put them on a medicinal bath were he place a drop of his blood which can heal and remove the impurities on their body.

The Teens after waking up was so hungry they were surprise to see that the food available on the table was different it is more nutritious and healthy, even just the fragrance of the food made there mouth watering. Yun Hao tell them that after there one month training the will fell the change on there body and tell them that they will thank him for that.

Due to always breaking there limit in running with weight and controlling their spirit power they manage to discover more about their spirit characteristics gaining them inspiration specially Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar. Their spirit mutated Tang San mutated his blue silver grass to blue silver spear by charging 1/4 of his spirit power on to the spirit increasing his close quarter combat efficiency and control power. Xiao Wu also upgraded his bunny spirit to a knuckle bunny spirit creating a silver knuckle covering her arms and wrists, each punch of this knuckle could create a shockwave blowing anything away from her. Oscar change is minimal his food spirit just change it's appearance to footlong ( a sandwich that Uses oval shape bread with sausage in the middle) it also inrcrease the duration of buff and healing properties of his food when eaten. Ma Hong Jun spirit is not the only one that change his appearance after summoning his spirit also change he became slim and handsome joined by the aura of his spirit that change it's color from black to a golden Phoenix. So what happen the company made a joke on Ma Hongjun saying that he need to summon his spirit before chasing woman.

After training them Yun Hao decided that it is time for them to get a knew spirit ring to improve their strength and knowledge in spirit beast and poisonous plants. With the company of Zhao Wuji the young monster get their spirit ring one by one. Then a situation happens when Oscar was about to assimilate the spirit ring to his spirit, a Grandma and a woman appears they demand the students to hand over the captured beast because they are the one to chase after it first. Seeing that they were only two people, Zhao Wuji decided to kill them both silence so that they can take the beast away. When Zhao Wuji was about to attack his hand was stop by a Yun Hao and tell him to stand down. The old lady was offended by Zhao Wuji's action,but seeing that he was stopped by a man in the same group ease her expression a bit. The old lady named herself as Chao Tian-Xiang given name is serpent grandmother and this is my granddaughter Meng Yiran a rank 30 spirit Grandmaster. We just want to have that spirit beast so that my granddaughter can assimilate it to his spirit and rank up to spirit elder.

Sorry Grandma Xiang this young master cannot give this spirit to your granddaughter, because the rank of this spirit ring is almost in 6 thousand years if your granddaughter absorb this ring there is a high chance that she would explode due to absorbing more than what her body could take. If you could give this young master this spirit ring I could find Miss Yiran a more suitable spirit that will enchance his overall ability. Seeing the good manners of this man both Grandma Xiang and lady Yiran have good impression on this man and decided to know his name. Grandma Xiang this young man is Yun Hao I am 19 yrs. old rank 92 title doulou, Yun Hao telling her while showing a "fake" configuration of spirit rings 2 yellow, 2 purple, 4 black, and 1 red.

Seeing that this young man was out of the ordinary the old Grandma take his offer, before they go he shouted Dan Er don't go and scare this children Xiao Wu will come for you. Hearing this Xiao Wu and Tang San ask their teacher Wuji to leave, and go to the center of the forest so Xiao Wu could meet his/her siblings.

After they leave the group Yun Hao encounter the dragon Duke Meng Shu, The Duke almost spurt blood from the seeing the spirit rings emmited by Yun Hao. After finding a suitable ring for Lady Yiran and absorb it Lady Yiran make an initiative to kiss him on the lips then turn around running with cheecks so red like blood were going to fall. Seeing what there granddaughter do make the two old man and woman speechless, while Yun Hao just say "such a cute lady" and smile.

After what happened the group decided to stay in the star Dou Forest for another two days because Tang San break to the 4th rank after having a mock battle with the Titan ape Dan Er.