
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 50

First, I should drain the water on me …

Alright, I take a look at the village from the shadow of the tall grass.

Ah, of course, the water blob is an obstacle, so I'm erasing it.

The flying water blob is like a sign that I'm here.

This time I'm going to secretly explore this village so I must not be discovered.

Dozens of houses were lined up inside the village.

These house doesn't seems like made from stone or bricks, or rather, the main material is more like woods or straws.

At the first glance, these looks like an old Japanese house, but it didn't seem to have been elaborately made of wood like in Japan.

There are fences around it, but all of them are as simple as tying a string around some thin wooden stick.

I think I can destroy them.

Building technology may not have developed much in this world.

Wait, but there was a carriage too.

At least I thought that the wooden processing technology was cultivated …

There was also longswords and other edged weapon.

That mean they also have the technology to process iron.

I wonder if there is no decent craftsman in this village.

But hey! It's commendable if they have made it this far without any building knowledge!?

I don't know much about architecture, but I think it would be great if I could build it up to this point without knowing anything.

I can do it just by imagining it …

It's a house made from soil.

Speaking of which, it seems that they are cultivating a field … I wonder what kind of field they are cultivating?

If I look at the fields, they are lined up properly … There were rice plant in the fields.

I'm sure of it.

That is the nostalgic rice that I've craving of for a long time.

Rice ...? Hol' up, that was rice fields!?

No, wait! Maybe it's different kind of grain … yes. This is a different world.

I was wondering if I could have food from my homeworld conveniently.

It's like I set my hope bar too high but dropped instanntly.

Well, I'm quite curious. Let's ask what is it for the time being.

Heavenly voice. What is that grass?


It's riceeeeee!!

Excuse me! Is this something you can easily find?

I found it! I'm going to have this nostaic taste, I must eat that! Eat da raisu!

Fufufu … I'm having too much fun from this.

I definitely want to get along with the people in this village …

I must remember this place!

Oh, by the way, where are the villagers?

I can't help but want to see the person who cook the rice.

Oh. Here they are. [Haze Manipulation] is convenient.

I only know their silhouette, but are they went out somewhere?


I wonder if the number of their houses is more than the villages' population.

It's sparsely populated.

Are they going out somewhere?

Ah, they came when I was thinking about that. Let's see how they are-?


I knew there were person walking in the [Haze Manipulation] area, but … I was surprised by what I've just seen.

Their clothes are the same as those worn by old Japanese farmers.

Well, even I rarely seen these kind of clothes …

I wonder if their clothes have been used a lot.

It's easy to see that this village isn't wealthy just by looking at it.

But that's not the point to note.

What surprised me when I saw them was the farmer had a small horn on their head.

I can just guess, but it was close to the existence called "Oni" that I heard in the old tales.

Wait!? A demon?

They exist!? Seriously!?

There are Demons … what's happening in this world …?

Why is Japanese element mixed too …?

I've on a horse-drawn carriage before, but that's a vehicle from medieval Europe, right?

I thought it was a completely different world of Western Middle Earth kind of age …!

It's more than that!

Isn't a demon a fictional existence?

They just appeared normally, is that okay …?

The fact that there is a demon … or are they Tengu?

They looks more like demon.

Is it okay to think that a fictitious existence is normal in this world?

I don't know! I don't understand anything!

I don't know anything about this world!

No, if I could understand this world even a little, I thought that it might be a stepping stone to find Satella, but on the contrary, I don't understand a thing.

...Sigh. Anything won't happen if I just stay like this .

Alright, it's still bright, let's explore that village.

Activate [Assassination] to erase my presence.

I'm not sure if this skill is really erasing my presence … but let's believe in my skill here.

I approach the village while moving through the grass.

I passed by the villagers earlier, but they didn't seem to notice me at all.

I thought I'd be exposed soon because my body was white.

It was all fine until I entered the village for the time being, but I feel that somehow the houses seems to have nothing remarkable.

No, I'm not trying to be a thief, okay?

I just want to know what this village is like!

This is a demon village, isn't it? Isn't it amazing?

I want to hear their conversation for the time being …

But all of them are scattered in different places, so it's unlikely to heard any conversation.

Oh, that's right. Where are the other people? Are they hunting?

Hmmm, now is the time to explore their house.

Should I climb to the roof and see the whole village?

I thinnk it twas a good idea, but I'm wondering how to climb to the roof.

I'm the Udo Snake now.

A snake that is good at climbing trees.

I climbed while entwined with the ladders and wooden sticks, I reached the roof in no time.

Looking at the village from the roof, the building in this village look similar with each other.

I don't even know if there is any difference between them.

However, there was only one slightly larger house.

Just because it's a really big house, the appearace is almost the same with the others.

I didn't notice the difference right away because all the houses are shabby.

If I want to explore, why don't I try to explore that house fist?

It might be a warehouse, but maybe I'll find something interesting.

A map is good enough if possible. Please give me a map.

Now then … I hope no one notice me … let's proceed.

When I approached the slighty bigger house, I found out that the atmosphere was different only in this house.

I mean … It feel like they tried to make this house look as neat as possible.

There is plenty of knotted wood on the walls of other houses, but this house has no knotted wood at all.

However, it does not seem to have been difficult to process, such as warping the wood.

Maybe I don't have much knowledge about wood, in the ind it just like wallpaper with woods … Just like that.

Other than that, they try to plant flowers around it, and there are some carvings on it.

It's – uhm, not that good, but- … maybe this one is a pretty expensive.

There are hundreds of thousands of antiques in the world that look like just driftwood.

But I couldn't understand it at all.

I don't understand art …

The entrance is tightly closed, so it seems that I can't enter from the front door.

When I went around the house, there was a fence window, so I jumped in and invaded through it.

It looked like a kitchen, and there were tubs and water tubs.

The interior is like an house from the old times, with several pillars supporting the roof.

The kitchen and the living room are firmly separated, but it seems this room temperature would be cold because there is no partition between each room.

The living room is all made of wood and covered with something like woven mats.

I looked back at the kitchen, and although it seems that the cooking utensils are substantial, they were all used up and tattered.

Is the only neat thing in this house is the kitchen knife?

Only this one is well maintained.

There is also a hearth, but the pot is quite dull.

This thing also seems to have been considerably used daily.

Hmm … Most of the tings in the house is quite ragged.

Perhaps this house wasn't built recently, but a long time ago? Not gonna lie, this house is really well-made.

Even if I look at cooking utensils, there are many old ones.


As I looked around the house, I heard someone walking from behind me.

I immediately hid myself and waited for the person to pass by.

"Mother? Father? … huh?"

Apparently it's a child of this house.

She is about 15 years old and she is wearing a pretty purple kimono.

There is a beautiful thin red horn on her forehead.

The kimono she's wearing is so beautiful that it doesn't match with the house.


Pardon me? Princess?

This time I heard a man's voice.

Next is, a man dressed in red armor came out from behind her.

There is a black horn on his forehead.

It's completely looks like the old Japanese armor, but … He don't wear a helmet.

And the armor he was wearing was tattered.

"Please go back, princess"

"Tenda, is mother and father haven't returned yet?"

"… Yes, I was told they will be back by the evening. It's okay, they will definitely be back."

"You are right … I'm sorry. I was a little selfish."

"Don't worry, but the safety of the princess is the most important thing. Please say a word to me if you want to go somewhere. I understand that you were worried but, please understand …

"I will be careful"

After they said that, the two demons went back to the back room.

...what was that?

Isn't there absolutely some things he hide from the girl?

I'm kind of curious … I think I should go all the way and follow them.

Let's listen to their story.

Eh? How can I listen to them you said?

I can't listen to their conversation directly, of course I'm eavesdropping it!

Well something like that, maybe!

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