2 Where Am I

whats going on why cant I see, or hear anything, everything is so dark, and I can't feel my body.

hello is anyone there, "no answer". I tried my hardest to sense something, but nothing was happening, then suddenly a bright light was nearing as if I was getting pushed towards lt, I tried my hardest to fight it but it was no use i felt something grab my hand and was pulling me towards the light. when i reached the light I seen two big humanoid figures in front of me, and I could feel my body again, but I wasn't like it used to be, i could no longer control my self. i was crying and throwing my head but then I heard a voice that calmed me down, and one of the men that was holding me handed me to the most beautiful person I have ever seen . this woman was my new mother, she spoke again but this time she said the name xion as she pulled me closer to her, and kissed my head. I felt warmth and comfort whole i slowly fell asleep in her arms.

Today is my first birthday, and its gonna be the first time I meet my father. he was away on a quest to protect the kingdom from the. cursed ones, they were manly made up of mythical beast and humans that has reproduced with them. my father was the king of zhavoria, but he loved to fight on the front lines with his men. he specializes in elemental magic but he is know for his lightning abilities.

one day I hope to be as strong as him so I can rule this kingdom and have my name down in history.

The door flung open, and i hid behind my mother. I looked up at the door and there stood a gigantic man with two short sorts that seemed to be made out of dragon bones the energy radiating of of them gave me the same feeling as that emrald green dragon that finished me in my last life. he was a very handsome man he had a perfectly symmetrical face with an x shaped scar on his left cheek. his voice was soft but I could tell that if I were to make him mad it could shatter glass so I walked up to him and said my first words," Dad"? he looked at me and a angelic smile spread across his face as he picked me up. "of course I'm you dad" (he said) while squeezing me, my mom looked at me and just stood there with her mouth wide open as if she had seen a ghost.

"only you may use this sword, as you gain strength so does this sword" says my dad as he hands me a sword twice my size. i felt like it was calling to me. I hear the soothing voice from the war again. "Do you wish to activate this sword as your own?" Bringing me back to reality my dad say; "but it needs a little bit of your blood to activate the sword"

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