
Reincarnated as a Bow

(Updated Version) *In a different universe 'Aaghh... Am I alive? Did Ozzie die?' Bramson Tried to speak but realized his voice didn't seem to work. He quickly stood up, and looked at himself... And realized he couldn't see himself. He didn't even seem to be able to move forward or backward. He felt like someone was watching him. As he looked around, he suddenly saw a gargantuan head, with its huge mouth that was easily the size of a football stadium opened. "You are my final resort... I leave this world in your hands and my power in your friends... Goodbye." A voice resounded through the abyss. 'Who! Help! Who are you!' Bramson tried frantically to yell at the voice, but try as he might he could not speak. Slowly, his thoughts started to fade, his vision dimmed, and his consciousness left him. Authors Notes: Heavily Inspired by I Reincarnated as a Shinia No Harem Or Romance 1500 Words/Chap, 1 chap/day unless sick/out of town. MC Will use people, not be used. (Spoiler) His friend who died with him is the system, but he won't know for some time. First Novel, Sorry for grammar or flow errors. Please do point them out, so I can fix them. (First Novel I actually try on)

ThatWritingDude · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Completing the last quest.

***Author Note: While I do know a bit about actually shooting a bow, I know nothing about making an arrow. I googled it, but google just showed me how to make it in a bunch of games... Haha... Guess I'll just have to... Put a flint, stick, and feather together!

Now, Basmon just wanted to complete his final quest so he could rank up to rank D. The first problem was, of course, making an arrow. The system would not let him use 'Summon Arrow' after all.

The first thing he did was summon his aura. He needed to chop down wood and whittle it, so he had to. The hardest thing to do was make his aura sharp, as he mainly would just use aura as a shield.

Once he had gotten a sharp knife made of his aura, he resummoned spectral body and went to work.

He first grabbed a smaller, straight branch off the ground. Then, using his aura, he started to carve the arrow. In all honesty, he had no idea how to make an arrow, so he was just guessing.

Slowly, the shape started to come into being. You could see the point at the end, and the slit for the bowstring.

"Snap!" The piece of wood suddenly snapped, shocking Basmon and Vatue, who jumped up from his large stone bed.

"Dad? What happened? Are you ok?" Vatue asked worriedly.

'Nothing, it's fine. I just broke a stick. It might happen some more, just sleep.' Basmon replied, and got back to work.

The arrow's shape came into being, and soon it would be formed once he shared the end. He made it circular, like a spear, and as sharp as he could. It ended up looking like a large toothpick, to Basmons dismay. After all that, Basmon ended up spending the entire night making arrows, but in the end, he only was successful in making 16 of them.

Soon, the sun came over the horizon, waking up Vatue.

"Dad? Did you sleep at all last night?" Vatue asked, concerned.

'No, but it's fine. I don't need sleep as an item, it's just nice to get.' Basmon replied.'

"Oh thank gods..." Vatue said thankfully.

'Actually, Vatue. Come here and grab these arrows! I need to hit you from 100 meters away!'

After explaining what he needed to do, Basmon and Vatue walked towards a more cliff-like edge. Vatue dropped the arrows off with Basmon and jumped along the small rocks to the bottom of the gorge.

"DAD!!! I'M READY!" Vatue shouted up at Basmon.

'Alright! Give me a second!' Basmon replied.

Soon, Basmon had the roughly made arrow knocked and ready to fire. He aimed down, at Vatue, and released. The arrow shot through the air, and suddenly deviated from its path. It completely missed Vatue, even with Vatue trying to make it hit him.

'Aw... Shoot. This is going to take a while...' Basmon moaned internally.

Soon, Basmon had released all his arrows, almost all of them completely missing. Only 2 came even remotely close. Basmon ended up having Vatue collect the non-broken arrows, 7 of the originals, and tried again. He still missed all his shots.

This pattern repeated for a couple of days, with Basmon making the arrows at night than in the morning using them, until one special moment.

"Twang!" The arrow flew towards Vatue, right on target.

"Woosh!" Suddenly, a gust of wind moved it to the side.

'Aghhhh... Guess this is a fail too...' Basmon groaned, wanting to give up.

However, to his surprise, a gust of wind blew it back, knocking it slightly back on course. It was still off a bit, but Vatue jumped in the right place, and the arrow hit his arm perfectly.

'WHAT!!! YESSSSS!' Basmon screamed internally.

'THANK YOU SO MUCH VATUE!!!' Basmon exclaimed telepathically to Vatue.

'YES! YOUR WELCOME DAD!!!' Vatue also said excitedly, as he was now done with standing at the bottom of the gorge getting a neck ace.

<Quest Complete: Make an arrow shot from 100+ Meters. Reward: Skill: Bind>

<Rank Up! Now Rank C: Reward: Identification skill. +200 Durability (480/500), +160 Mana, (320/320)>

'Wonderful!!! Now I am rank C! And on top of that, I got the Identification Skill!' Basmon thought happily...

'But it's too bad I didn't get any TP... I really want arrow rain...' Basmon thought, his happiness slowly fading, but it quickly came back.

'Yes! And Now to check my new quests!' Basmon thought, giddy.

<Quests: (New For Rank C)>

<Get 50 Skills (21/50) (Identification, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Spectral Body, Arrow Summon, Enhance, Arrow Bounce, Triple Shot, Arrow Clone, Teleporting Arrow, Bow Control, Invisibility, Devils Wish, Medusas Head, Homing Arrow, Strength, Power shot, Second teleportation, Arua, Heal, Lightning Arrow)>

<Get 2 Subordinates (1/2)>

<Shoot 20,000 Arrows: (2.4 Thousand/20,000)>

<Gain Intermediant Aura Control>

'Wonderful! These quests don't seem insanely hard! I guess I can do them!' Basmon said, happy they didn't seem too insane.

<Hidden Quest Complete: Gain A Subordinate (Vatue has turned 1 year old, now adult. Officially a Subordinate)>

'What? So what was he before? You said he was a Subordinate... To be honest I forgot about this quest... Wait! What is the reward?' Basmon wondered.

<Subordiantes Must be adults and have 100% Loyalty to be considered 'Subordinates' by the system. Vatue was born into an egg exactly 1 year ago, 2 minutes, 59 seconds ago>

'Oh... I think that's dumb, but ok...' Basmon internally moaned, wondering how he had forgotten about this quest. At least the system remembered it.

'Ok, but what's the reward?' Basmon asked the system for a couple of hours to no avail. In the end, he just accepted that he wouldn't get a reward for the quest, and moved on.

'I guess now we should explore the mountain...' Basmon decided, telling Vatue.

'Hey, Vatue. We are going to go exploring the mountain tomorrow, then the mountain range in a couple of days.' Basmon told Vatue.

'Alright! But... What about the murderers?' Vatue asked nervously.

'It's fine, we can take them! I just got stronger anyways!' Basmon responded, upbeat. In all honesty, he too was scared. Not scared they would kill HIM, scared they would kill Vatue before he could protect Vatue. This was his worst fear, as they had become quite close in the time they knew each other.

That night, Basmon kept watch, just looking out from the cave into the distance. The fire below them in the forest had finally stopped, but the forest looked extremely bear. To his surprise, some trees had already started to grow back, and some had been fine through the fire. Now, however, he wanted to test his new skill, 'Identification.'

'System, Identification information please...'

<Identification: Can identify an item, cost mana respective to rarity/strength of item/creature>

'Oh? It can identify living creatures too? How interesting... Now to test it, I guess...' Basmon thought, walking towards Vatue.

He placed his hand on Vatue and activated his skill. To his surprise, instead of popping up on a screen or a ringing notification, he felt like he knew the information his entire life. He knew Vatues height, 8'2, his weight, 600 Pounds, his everything. He even knew his true parents. And even more surprising, it only took up 12 Mana!

Basmon quickly jumped up and tried it on something else. He grabbed a stray rock on the ground, and activated his skill.

Basmon learned that it was, as expected, a Basic Rock, which can be found almost anywhere, with nothing special about it. It could be used for building, and that was about it. He even knew where it came from, this cave. Of course, he would have assumed that anyways. And! It only used up 1 mana! He had already regenerated that!

*Back in the royal palace

"Your Majesty! May I enter?" A voice rang in the room, and a knock could be heard from the door.

"Come in."

The man came in, and immediately knelt on one knee.

"Stand. You may talk."

"Yes! The fire in the forest finally stopped! We have no idea what started it, but we know it was something magical as it could not be put out through normal means. Thankfully, the trees are already growing back." The man shouted, but made sure he was still respectful.

"Alright, Thankyou. You may leave. Call my first son in while you leave." The king commanded.

Soon, Vasile walked into the room.

"Yes, Father?" He asked.

"Son, please go check on the situation in the great forest, and try to investigate the cause of the fire." The king requested.

"Yes Sir! But, can I bring reinforcements?" Vasile asked.

"I guess you may. However, I would like to know who you are bringing?" The king asked.

"My friend the dragon! I told you about him! He's super strong, and gets stronger every day! Him and my Fiancee!" Vasile responded happily.

"Alright... I wish you much luck. Do be careful around the dragon, I am still not sure I trust it, even if we have a treaty with its kind... Do be careful..." The king said worriedly.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine! Love you!" Vasile nodded, running out of his father's study to go get his teammates.

Soon, he had gathered all of his teammates. Also known as his Fiancee and Jityss. They had both agreed, and were on their way to the forest.

***I may decide to go to a 6/7 Day release schedule, as 7 days a week is hard. Thanks for reading!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fun little music bit: I never watched the Music Video for Thomas Rhett - Marry Me until today, and HOLY COW! That ending is SAD! Bruh! How did I get feels from a 2-second clip at the end of the song?

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