
Reincarnated: 9th Lord

Rudra Kumar dies in his sleep and woke up in a world full of fantasy and urban legends... Will he die?..same as his previous life or will he survive and become one of the legends...whose name would never be forgetten in the history books....

vishal_singh_0552 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter. 14. Anger (ll)


For few seconds the whole resturant remained in paused like state..

The only one who was normal in this situation was Sir.Jerad who held the head of Jihan in his left hand.


Headless corpse of the knight fell down with a great force..

Blood flowed from its neck and the whole floor was coloured in red...

Nicole Akinston was terrified by this horrifying scene.., the arrogant smile that he had on his evil face was replaced by disbelieve..and negation towards the situation that was happening infront of him..

His leg felt weak as he moved back with shivering steps..

" ..This...--"

" Ahhhhhhhaaaaahhhaaa !!!!" a woman scream from the sideline..

" Run...everyone....run...." someone else shouted..

" Murder.....someone killed an offical knight of the Mayor..." Another one said...

Like flood gate had been opened up by these screams..

Everyone in the restaurant started panicking and began runing out from the main door..

Crowd of people's were screaming and pushing anyone that came between their escape..

People's were getting trampled under their feets but no one stopped and kept on running..

Mr.Ron was one of those people's who was getting trampled in the chaos.., he was trying to somehow stand up but was stopped by the continuous kicks he recived from the crowd.

I didn't help him or told Sir Jerad to do so..

Even though it was the Mayor who kidnapped the young girl..,I don't think Mr.Ron was innocent in this crime..

This man knew.., Mayor had eyes on his secret recipe and he also knew that he didn't had any power to protect his family but still Mr.Ron choose to oppose the strong peoples and took risk with his young daughter's life..

To me this man was simply a proud idiot who can't see that it was pointless to fight with higher powers when he can't even save his daughter...

I hate people's who can't differentiate idols from reality...

They simply dig deeper holes for themselves and the people's around them..

Shaking my head I looked towards Nicole Akinston who was running along with the crowd..

" Sir.Jerad help the old man and we are going to follow that garbage..., I want to see.., just how many are involved in this crime " I said with pure killing intent..

No matter who was involved in this..., I am not going to spare anyone...

Sir.Jerad didn't said anything as he knew it was pointless to stop me...he simply kept quite and did what he was been told to do..


He went forward to help Mr.Ron stand on his two legs.

Even though Mr.Ron was beaten preety badly he was still able to follow me along with my team...

We were walking towards the direction were Nicole has run off to..

Everyone on the street were in a state of fear as they were leaving the area in hasty fashion.

They wanted to stay away fom the danger..

I didn't mind the commotion and walked passed them.

Five minutes later we reach the place were Nicole Akinston was hiding from me...

Akinston Family Mansion...

That rat had led us to the rat hole..To him this must be the safest place to hid from me...

' He he he...To bad this is not going to help him....' I thought..

Even though Akinston family is a noble family with long history and wealth in the Cornard Dukedom...they didn't held any authority to acquire military strength..

In a monarch system of rule...only the ruler of the land has the authority to nurture military Force's...so for this reason Mayor Andrew Akinston was not much of a threat to me...

His only hope are the Mercenaries he hired and the military force of Wingston City.., that was under the control of the official military commander send by the Cornard Family...

I moved towards the main gate when suddenly a large groups of over 100 armored knights came riding on strong steeds from behind me..

With quick movements they surrounded us from all side and pointed their deadly swords towards us...

" Don't move intruders or you will be killed on the spot.." Said the oldest looking knight...

He looked like the commander of the knights as he was riding the best horse and wore the strongest looking armor..

I don't know how strong he was but the Aura that was being shown by the man was clearly greater then the knight who was protecting Nicole Akinston..

" Stand down Commander George.., It's me Jerad Cornard..." He said..

Sir.Jerad had served the Cornard army for a whole decade before he became my personal.., so for obvious reasons he knew various high ranking peoples from the army..

Sir.George Pual was one of those peoples that he was acquaintance with from his army day's.

" Sir.Jerad ?...Why are you here ?..." Sir.George was surprised to see his old friend...

As far he knew Sir.Jerad had left the army twenty years ago for protecting the son of the late princess of Cornard..

Everybody knew that Sir.Jerad was a loyal knight of the princess and that's why his volunteer exit from the army for the princess son...was not at all surprising for everyone..

Since his retirement he has totally disconnected himself from the army and vanished for a very long time...

' why is here ? and who is that kid ?' He thought..

" I will explain everything Commander George but first let me introduce my master who I serve now...this is Young master Oliver Ecclestone.., Son of the late princess of Cornard.., Madam Martha Ecclestone..." He introduced with a loud voice...

Commander George and every knight surrounding me were all surprised by hearing my name and background...

" Nice to Meet Commander George " I played along with the persona and said with a dignified manner...

Hearing my words Commander George's eyes trembled.., he hasty get down from the horse and bow down on his one leg..


The duke of Cornard greatly cherishes the son of the late princess...for his safety he had send one of the strongest knight of Cornard... Even his two elder sons stood with their father's decision.

Commander George knew about this things that's why he wouldn't dare to be arrogant towards this young man.. Even if he was a respected Rank 5 Aura Cultivator...


Following the action of their commander...,

Every knight bowed on their one leg and said in unison...

