
death, wishes and, reincarnation

hi there my name is oliver Benjamin i am a 50 year old ex marine special ops leader i was the leader of my ops group i was best in hand to hand combat i was great in stealth, sword and spear i also had great proficiency in guns and assassinations and information gathering also with trowing weapon the reason i joined the army was so i can be like the superheros i read when i was younger my favorite heroes from comics are batman and ironman they are ordinary humans put with training and knowledge you can help people and do great things so i joined the us marines to help people but i was killed for what i know but that does not matter now right now i am in a void that is really dark and the only thing i can see is huge woman a few feet away from me she has blond long hair that goes down to the middle of her back she is tan she is in a blue tang top that can barley able to hold her breasts and in tight jeans wear you can see her shapely ass she speaks

goddess- you are an interesting one how you are alive her i have no clue let me take a look at a past (she stops speaking for a couple of seconds) mhm you are a good one you only killed when needed to and to protect people but you always looked for a diffrent way out and you spent a lot of money to help children in need. Okay i have decided i will reincarnate you in to a world of your choice with 7 wishes no omni and no wishing for more wishes

Oliver- um i like what you said but who are you and are you serious

Goddess- i am the goddess ava i am the goddess of peace fighting elements sex beauty reincarnation and reality and yes what i say is true i will reincarnate you in to a world of your choice with 8 wishes take your time

oliver- okay and thank you goddess ava

for awhile the 2 just talked oliver was curious what she did and she wanted him to tell her about his life so they talked they did not notice but they have now been talking for ten years the goddess realises this

Ava- oh my we have been talking for quite some time i think you should choose your world and wishes i also forgot to say that you can choose your race and looks without wishes and you will keep your memories so please think carefully about what you choose

oliver- thank you for this again and for my race can i combine races

Ava- yes you can combine four races together and you can use full power of the races you choose but any more and you wont get full power of that race so i would stick with four

oliver- thank you um for my race can you make me a mix of original neminen lion, multiverse god, elemental phoenix, and perfect high magic demon incubus are the races okay

Ava- yes they will be now for your wishes world and looks

oliver- i want to look like i did before but with blonde hair red eyes and a swimmers body light tan skin

Ava- okay now onto the world and wishes

oliver- i want to be reincarnated i want it to be a mix of the MCU and arrowverse

Ava- yes that is possible now will you say your wishes oli (that is a nickname she gave him)

oliver- um 1st wish i want to be able to learn anything 20 times faster than i normally would 2nd wish i want unlimited talent in everything 3rd wish i want the spear of the fairy king from the seven deadly sins anime 4th wish i want to be able to create absorb release and redirect any energy i ever come in to conduct it so say i meet the flash i can create speed force energy and use it 5th wish i want weapon proficity 6th wish i want unlimited potential 7th wish i want you to come with me Ava.

Ava- those are acceptable but are you sure you want to use one of your wishes on me

oliver- yes i am sure now for my last wish i want the ability to copy skills knowledge and abilities to the full ability is that acceptable

Ava- yes they are accepted now i have to ask again are you sure you want me to come with you

oliver- yes i am sure i want you to come with me you are great to talk with you are a nice and caring person or goddess and you are incredibly beautiful

(she blushes at my words)

Ava- okay well wait for a minute and i will be back i have to go tell the council of great gods that i will be leaving

(she disappears and a few minutes later she appears again and looks really happy)

Ava- i am ready to go with you we are going to a mix of high school dxd and arrowverse and when and were would you like to appear also as soon as we reach the new world you will be asleep for a day that is so you will not feel the pain of having the new powers and race change so when and were

oliver- i want to be in the

Ava- get ready here we go

and now the disaeper and his journey starts