
Reigns Over Me

Hades was still staring at me. Unsurprisingly, there was an emotionless expression on his face. I turned to look at my mom. "We need to clear all these rumors" I told her. There was something going on and by the look on my mother's face, I knew that I was not going to like it. "What is it?" I asked sternly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well" my mother started, not really knowing how to start. "This rumor seems to brighten Hades' reputation" Stella told me, sounding quite reluctant to tell me. "And what does it have to do with me?" I asked, my eyes moving to Hades. "Hades Reigns, getting married to Luna Jenkins, the only daughter of Kathy Jenkins" Stella said, very formally. "Despite the fame of your mother, you grew into a nice and generous woman" she said, making my eyes grow wide in surprise. "Your good reputation, will clean his" She continued. This time, my stares turned into glares. They wanted me to keep this act of getting marriage going so that Hades Reigns' reputation become clean. "And you agree to this?" I asked my mom who simply shrugged. "Sweetheart, it all depends on you. If you agree, then we'll keep it going. If not, you just tell us" my mother said softly. "Think about it" Stella said. "It's beneficial to both of us" she said quickly. "And why is his reputation so important?" I questioned. Hades had his eyes fixed on me. He seemed perplexed to why I was asking this question. "It simply is" he responded nonchalantly. I have to admit that he still intrigued me. "Then why did you ruined it?" I asked. This time, his eyes widened in surprise. "Luna" my mom scolded me again.

Lechna_Baram · Ciudad
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130 Chs

Chapter 49: Reached

I didn't know why I had a nice sensation in my stomach as we were minutes away from the beach house. The sun was bright and the breeze was calm. It felt nice. The atmosphere here was different from the city. I could see people walking on the sidepath, wearing just a short or some summer dresses, or some were wearing their swimming suits which indicated that the beach was close by. There was several shops on the roads. They seemed to be selling some cute stuffs. I already noted mentally that I was going to come here before leaving.

"Luna?" I turned to look at Hades. He had a small smile on his face.

"Yes?" I responded.

"You look like a kid walking by a candy shop" he pointed out. I shrugged then smiled at how relaxing and peaceful this was.

"I'm loving it here" I told him, appreciating the rays of sun that was fanning all over my face.

"We're here" he announced, making me open my eyes. Suddenly, the nice feeling was gone. When we drove into the huge ass driveway, I noticed the big mansion in there. There was a swimming pool just infront of it. I loved the fact that there was a lot of trees. No paparazzi would get access easily. Hades parked the car. The mansion was pretty modern. It was the 'square' type of houses. It had huge glasses instead of walls so we could see inside. The curtains were pulled. My eyes wandered around the property. There was an outdoor gym and a small tennis court.

"This is impressive" I admitted. Hades wrapped his hand around my waist as we walked to the door. Hades opened the door, his body never leaving my side as we walked in. "We're here!" I called excitedly and watched as Ella and Julien ran into the living room.

"Finally!" Julien exclaimed and pulled me into a huge hug. Hades' hand fell by his side and his body stiffened. I didn't bother much about his reaction as he tend to be quite hard around other people. Ella was wiggling her eyebrows several times as if suggesting my time spent with Hades.

"i hope you had a nice ride" Ella said with a little smirk. I knew that she was intending a pun so I simply rolled my eyes but I could help the chuckle that escaped my mouth.

"Hades" I heard Hannah's voice. I turned my attention to her. She was wearing a black bikini that looked so good with her skin tone. At that moment, I realised that I was not jealous of her. It was her lack of kindness that was repulsive to me. "You're finally here" she said in relief. "I thought that I was going to go crazy with them here" she continued.

"You know you like us" Julien said tauntingly. By the tone that Julien was using, I felt like they were getting along pretty well.

"I agree. You guys are not boring" Hannah muttered in amusement. There was another face of Hannah that I haven't seen. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all. When Hannah's eyes finally met mine, her amusement was gone.


"Hi Hannah" I greeted with a smile. I didn't want to ruin my holidays and hers as well. She forced a smile on her face. I could see that the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Hi Luna" she greeted.

"Luna" Ella and Hades corrected at the same time.

"Same thing" Hannah muttered.

"Okay, Hobbit" Ella drawled back.

"Hobbit?" Hannah questioned confusingly.

"Same thing as Hannah" she shrugged making me chuckle. I could see that Hannah was going to open her mouth so I quickly cut her out.

"Where's Jason?" I asked.

"He's chilling in the Jacuzzi" Julien told us. I started looking around the house. It was really modern. The inside was decorated in black and white and there was a lot of greeneries.

I love having plants in the house.

"I love it here" I breathed in amazement. Ella jumped by my side and grinned.

"You'll love your room" She exclaimed. "We already put your suitcases in there" she pulled my hand and started walking. Soon we were walking up a stair. There was downlights all along the ceiling of the house. There were different type of photographies on the wall. I noticed that all the photos were of nature. It suited the design of the house and the theme of its decoration. Soon, we reached the door of the room where I was sleeping. Ella burst it open and my mouth dropped open at the same time. The room was huge. There was a king size bed in the middle of the room. There was two palm trees on the sides of the bed.

"That bed is too big for me" I breathed in amazement.

"You'll be sharing the bed with me" Hades announced from behind me.

"Don't you have a room and a bed?" I asked back. Ella was looking at us as if she was watching a movie.

"Doesn't have you in the bed though" Hades said. I could feel my cheeks warming up as he stood behind me.

"Hades, Come! I'll show you your room. It's right next to mine!" I heard Hannah say as she walked up the stairs.

"He's sleeping in Luna's room" Ella announced with a huge grin on her face.

"He's not" i deadpanned.

"I am" Hades said calmly and pushed his suitcase in my room. Hannah no longer had a smile on her face. She was glaring at me. Her arms were crossed in front of her. Hades was not paying attention to her as she was standing behind him. Julien was simply standing there, waiting for us to move as we were blocking the way. I walked in the room, turned to look at Ella then grinned.

"Reminds me of the Bali holidays" I said.

"Oh the boys" Ella reminisced. I laughed at the memories. We got two strangers coming at the holiday house without our parents knowing.

"Boys?" Hades questioned.

"They were sexy" Ella said, making me laugh.

"Agreed" I said.

"Say what now?" Hades asked, his tone changing to a serious one.