Dead then Reborn with Wishes, started from the Age of Bran the Builder and the North against the White Walkers and the Night King, then all the way to Robert's Rebellion. House Salvatore, as their house says, "In Shadows we Strike." This man is going to change the whole game, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
I was once again here in the darkness, but this time I didn't feel uncomfortable since I have done it before. Reincarnation and Rebirth, marvelous things really, I should know, I've done it plenty, and still currently do, because this dark void that I'm in, is actually in a woman's womb.
So I currently am 8,226 years old mentally, now you must be wondering how or why am I able to tell that I reincarnate, well it's simple, I'm not from this world.
When I say this world, I mean this Planetos world, no I came from a world filled with technologically and modernity, where the world I am right now is from the thoughts of a famous author.
Now how did I get here, well it's simple, I died, yep, I died in my old world, very young if I may add, I was 25 when I did.
But anyway I died, and well, I met God, see I was getting judged, and I was told about my sins since I wasn't an innocent man, I was a learning diplomat, but I kind of snapped and talked down to God, blaming him for my situation and blaming him for basically everything, I mean I even blamed him for killing babies right after their born, I mean what was the point for it.
God then realized my points, and he offered me reincarnation and a five wishes. First I span a wheel of fortune and got the Game of Thrones world, a world that I enjoyed reading and watching, except for the ending of course, so I thought carefully about my wishes, and here were the ones I chose.
Have a pocket dimension in my mind with a library with every single peice of knowledge from my old world and my new world, and including a computer in there to help me research, since I would like to help my new world.
Then I wished for to be able to reincarnate as well as posses through my bloodline in my choosing and that I would always be a male when I do reincarnate, but if I don't wish to reincarnate, I would stay in a mirror dimension with the ability to summon things from my old world to not get bored, basically I would be a ghost who can't be seen but can only influence the mind from my bloodline if I choose to.
Next I wished to be able to interact with nature, so the ability to make trees grow, make land fertile, talk and communicate with animals, and to be able to be like a warg like they call it but not for wolves, but for an animal called a shadow cat, basically a black tiger with white stripes (I know that it's smaller that a tiger but I'm going to make it the same size in this story, this is how they look like.)
Then I wished for the super soldier serum, but more enhanced and that every century, my decendants would have my attributes, basically have the enhanced super soldier serum plus worg ability for shadow cats and nature ability, as well as everytime I reincarnate or possess, I pass those abilities.
Then I wished for the knowledge of mastery of evey weapon existent in my old and new world, no matter if isn't used or not.
After that, I requested that my appearance and my name change since I didn't want to be reminded of my old life, I changed my blonde hair for black and my eyes dark forest green, with a fair tan skin with a 6'2" height, and then I requested to be born in the same year that bran the builder was born, and that was the start of my new life, as Denneth Salvatore.
I wanted to be born in that year because I wanted to start my own kingdom, so that's what I did. I started the Salvatore Kingdom with a shadowcat as my sigil (Story cover) and I took over the northern Manderly territory, though that kingdom was still living in the reach.
I was of course born in a war against the white walkers and the Night King, so I reunited a few kingdoms, House Reed, House Locke, House Flint of Flint Fingers, House Phibian (Lower half of House Reed territory), House Palm (Right half of Flint fingers territory)
We soon beat them as I lead from the west, Brandon from the center, and Azor Ahai from the east, and that's where I helped Brandon make the wall as I made a mountain from the ground where the north used the stone from the mountain and Brandon used some sort of magic to complete it.
Soon the petty wars for power started once more, expect the ones that I was able to allie myself with, and soon they bent the knee and named me the Shadow King of Lower North.
(Mc kingdom consisters of Flint fingers, Reed, Manderly, and Locke, the black color is mc kingdom/lands)
Soon this body of mine died and I just watched over my bloodline, made certain decisions here and there, by influencing or possessing, until it finally it was 2,000 years later that the Andals arrived and they conquered the lands though they couldn't invade my kingdom because of Mount Caitlin.
Many years later, Dorne arrives and soon becomes part of the eight kingdom's in Westeros, later my people in the former Manderly territory clashed against pirates and one in the White knife, and so I took over the current king who is my descendant and constructed White Harbor, or what I named it, Shades Rest.(This is how it looks like.)
Shades Rest became a Port as well as the first City in the North. It first started selling Fish and Salt and now it's opening silver mines.
As well as we helped the final and complete kingdom of the Starks against the rebellion of the Boltons, making us allies of the North, and the Starks and their Kingdom benefited from us as we let their kingdom use Shades Rest.
But soon came the Targaryen Conquest, the Riverlands, the Reach, and the Westernlands were defeated and the Torrhen Stark tried convincing me, aka the Reincarnated King at the time, to come with him and bend the knee, but I refused.
In the end the I waited outside my Castle and port with no army as I wait for the Targaryens to arrive, which they inevitable do, and Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys see me and they land with their dragons, Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar. They tried convincing me to bend the knee but I didn't, and didn't flinch when Balerion with all hia glory roared at me along with the other dragons as I stared down Aegon.
Impressed at my lack of fear, he proposed something to me, we would duel, if he wins, I bend the knee and become the Overlord and Warden of Lower North. If I win, he would let us be as a Kingdom that isn't under his rule.
I lost. He didn't beat me no, I had him, and he was struggling, but then my senses were alerting me about danger behind me. but I ignored it, having an idea what it was and soon a sword stabbed the back of my calf, making me fall on one knee with Aegon's sword on my neck I look slightly to my side to see it was Visenya's sword, but there was nothing I could do at this point so I yielded and swore loyalty, but I knew Aegon would give me something in return for Visenya's actions so I let it play out.
When I rose, Aegon promised me privately that if he ever had a daughter, he would give her to my son as an apology, which I agreed on, for obvious reasons, so after that day, I was known as King Lenord 'the Limp'.
So two years later after the birth of Maegor, Valaena Targaryen was born, from Visenya nonetheless, how ironic, you steal my kingdom, I steal your daughter.
So when my first born son, Tavian, was about Seventeen, older than Valaena by a year, I left my Lenord body and went into Tavian's body, I married Velaena, and not because I wanted to feel how a Targaryen was in bed, no, no that...
Anyways I was gentle and when she was used to the sensation and got pleasure from the intercourse, I basically pounded her, she liked it rough.
But other than sex, I was fair with her, We ruled equally, she would give recommendations here and there, and the Kings and Queens were surprised that I did this even though I knew what they did to my 'father', so they basically named me an eternal ally for the crown, if only they knew what I had planned.
So it all brings me back to here, Two and a half centuries later, here I am now, in a void about to be born once more. It should be the year 263 A.C., 3 years earlier before the birth of the Lannister twins.
So I patiently wait to be born, oh and I feel the sqeeze, my time has come to be reborn once more, yippy cay ay motherfuckers wooo.
-Lady's Chambers-
"One more push, that's all my lady, I see the head." Maester Thomas says as ge extracts slowly the babe, and soon, a cry of the babe is heard.
"It's a boy my lady, I will tell my lord that his heir has arrived." He says as he wraps the babe in a blanket and hands the babe to his mother, Mira Salvatore, once Mira Locke, then leaves.
Minutes later, Lord Harold Salvatore arrives and couldn't help to smile in what is in front of him as he looks upon his wife and child.
Mira notices him, and smiles weakly as she extends her arms with the babe towards his father, and Harold gladly accepts. "What shall we name him my love?" She asked.
Harold thought for a moment as he looked at his 'sleeping' son and heir then he smiled. "Aumury Salvatore."