
Redo Mortal to Divine: The LitRPG Quest of a Teenage God

After a fatal encounter in his earthly life, 17-year-old Alex finds himself reborn as a god in a mysterious universe, wielding unimaginable powers. Surrounded by other enigmatic deities with varying intentions, Alex must navigate a perilous journey to uncover the universe's secrets. With allies by his side, he grapples with the true essence of power, responsibility, and sacrifice, all while facing challenges that shape his destiny. In this cosmic odyssey, Alex discovers that his transformation goes beyond a mere twist of fate, unveiling a deeper, mysterious purpose that binds him to the cosmos.

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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Guardians Unleashed - The Chat Room Chronicles

The system's voice cut through the silence with the crispness of a new page turning. "Please Provide a name for the planet Sylvana resides in."

Elysia... the word flowed from my thoughts like a gentle stream. It was a name of peace, a whisper of paradise in the chaotic expanse of cosmos that I now ruled. I felt a connection with it, a tether to the beauty I hoped would flourish.

"Chat room is now available, player can talk to other deities/gods inside the chat room."

"WARNING: gods can challenge Player to gain their universe as a reward. The chat room is also where gods can converse, help, or give information about anything."

A digital frontier to converse with fellow gods? My curiosity peaked. "Due to other deities having grudges against each other, every god is required to use a username to hide their identity from others."

I watched, a mere observer, as Sylvana bent elements to her will, ensuring her safety before delving into the chat room's unknown territory. "Well, it beats doing nothing here."

"Please provide a username."

The cursor blinked expectantly. A smile cracked on my face as I typed in a familiar alias, a remnant of my past life.

"Username has been approved, notifications of the chat room will now be available."

The Forgotten one has joined the chat room.

{SFX: *Ding*}

Hangman: "Someone new?"

Rainstorm: "Yay! I hope he's someone nice."

Prince of Darkness: "A newbie huh, hope he isn't weak like the last one >:)"

Planet Jupiter: "Leave him alone, he just joined the chat room."

The Forgotten one: "Umm, hi? Sorry, I'm still learning about everything."

I felt like a freshman in a hallway of seniors, their avatars casting digital shadows across my screen.

Hangman: "I'm going to guess you're still in the Tutorial, @The Forgotten One?"

Planet Jupiter: "Ah, I remember when I started the tutorial, brings back memories."

Prince of Darkness: "@Planet Jupiter: You sound like an old man."

Their words, a mix of jibes and jests, brought a sense of life to the chat room, a liveliness I craved.

The Forgotten one: "Yes @Hangman, I am. Any ideas on what else I should do?"

Hangman: "Well, first I think you should just continue with the Tutorial. It'll help you progress. Currently trying to fend off raiders right now."

Raider attacks? My brows furrowed, the term unfamiliar, yet it echoed with foreboding.

Rainstorm: "Hiiiiii @The Forgotten One, I'm surprised the system hasn't told you about raiders yet. They're species from another universe that will raid worlds with life to try and take the planet as their own."

The chat room blurred as I envisioned Leviathan's alluring form, the thought of her flushed cheeks sparking a warmth within me.

The Forgotten one: "Thanks so much @Rainstorm and @Hangman. I guess I'll have to make more guardians to fend off raiders then."

Prince of Darkness: "You're such a newb. Guardians can't fend off raiders; only the species that reside on the planet can."

{SFX: *Chime of Correction*}

Prince of Darkness: "Guardians only keep the balance or protect their Creator. They don't engage in battles with raiders."

Their messages, a torrent of information and banter, left me feeling both educated and overwhelmed.

Planet Jupiter: "I haven't had a raid in a while :) I guess no one could beat me."

His arrogance was almost tangible, a digital puffing of the chest in this bizarre pantheon.

Hangman: "…"

Rainstorm: "…"

Giant killer: "Yet you've hid from challenging my father @Planet Jupiter."

Wizard King: "Now, now, @Giant Killer, I'm sure he has his reasons; don't start unnecessary drama."

The Forgotten one: "Seems like there's a lot of history here..."

Amidst the quarrel, a pang of longing struck me. The life I once knew—soccer, movies, the mundane yet comforting—was now a relic of my past. Trapped in a celestial role I hadn't auditioned for, I mourned my lost humanity.

"My parents were right... soccer is just a dream now. What will I do in this empty space other than watching this damn chat room?" I shouted into the vacuum, my voice lost amongst the stars.

{SFX: *Echo of Despair*}

Yet, as Sylvana shaped Elysia with delicate care, a new purpose blossomed. Her dedication, a beacon of hope in my solitude.

"System, how many Guardians can I create?"

"Infinite," the system replied, "but keep in mind for every couple of Guardians you create, Sleep mode will be activated."

Determined, I drew on the sun's fiery heart, molding a new Guardian, Ignilite. His form took shape within the blazing crucible of my will, fiery red eyes and wings black as charred wood, his presence a clash of fire and energy.

{SFX: *Crackle of Creation*}

Ignilite's eyes opened, and his voice, laced with challenge, broke the silence. "Who... are you? You don't really look strong. Can't even tell if you're a girl or boy."

I stifled a laugh—his audacity, a refreshing irritation. "I am Kaelic, the god that created you."

Ignilite's doubt was a visual sneer. "YOU? I bet I can beat you with one hand on my back."

I raised an eyebrow, a silent dare.

{SFX: *Whirl of Black Flames*}

Ignilite unleashed his fury, a storm of black fire and lightning. I remained unscathed, untouched by the tempest of his power.

"Inferno Storm!" he roared, his spell a maelstrom around me.

With a mere breath, I scattered the chaos as though it were mere dust.

Ignilite, bewildered yet grinning, conceded. "I guess you are the one who created me."

It was my turn to retaliate, a playful show of omnipotence.

{SFX: *Rush of Divine Speed*}

Ignilite's eyes widened, a moment of realization before my hand met his bare rear with a divine smack. His howl reverberated across the cosmos, a humorous note in the symphony of creation.

Rubbing his behind, Ignilite accepted his role. "Okay, okay, I get it. You're the boss," he grumbled, his pride nursing a bruise as palpable as the one likely forming.

With a smirk, I tasked Ignilite with aiding Sylvana. "Help her with Elysia, but don't you dare upset her or disrupt her work."

Ignilite puffed out his chest, the sting to his rear a forgotten memory. "Piece of cake," he boasted, the fire in his eyes undimmed.

{SFX: *Skeptical Sigh*}

"Right..." I murmured, my doubt an unspoken shadow between the stars.

As Ignilite streaked towards Elysia, his form a comet of arrogance and energy, I turned back to the chat room. The bickering of gods continued, a soap opera spanning galaxies.

The Forgotten one: "So, these raiders... how do we defend against them?"

Before anyone could respond, the system chimed in, a timely intrusion into my quest for knowledge.

System: "Tutorial stage two commencing. Creating life forms and establishing planetary defenses."

{SFX: *Ping of Progression*}

I absorbed the information, a sponge for the divine directives that would shape my nascent universe. I would not be a god of idle hands; I would forge my domain with purpose and protection.

The Forgotten one: "Nevermind, got it."

The chat room fell silent for a moment, my declaration an unexpected ripple in the constant stream of their divine discourse.

Rainstorm: "@The Forgotten One, if you ever need help or advice, don't hesitate to ask."

A smile touched my lips—Rainstorm, a potential ally, or perhaps something more? Her kindness was a lighthouse in the fog of my new existence.

The Forgotten one: "Thank you, @Rainstorm. I appreciate it."

Planet Jupiter: "@The Forgotten One, don't get too cozy. This is a realm of gods, not a playground."

His words, a reminder of the stakes at play, hardened my resolve.

The Forgotten one: "@Planet Jupiter, I'm well aware. But thanks for the concern."

{SFX: *Click of Defiance*}

As the chat faded into the background, I delved into the next phase of my tutorial. I would need to create sentient life, beings capable of defending Elysia—my very own Eden—against any who would dare threaten its sanctity.

"System, initiate life creation protocol."

{SFX: *Whir of Cosmic Machinery*}

The energies of creation coalesced at my command, and I, Kaelic, embraced my role. I would be a guardian to my Guardians, a creator of life, and a force of balance in the cosmos. Elysia would thrive, and I would watch over it, an ever-present deity, from the lonely throne of godhood.

The path ahead shimmered with unknowns, a mystery wrapped in the enigma of divinity. I was ready to walk it.