

Salazar was not an average person, deeply scared emotionally and mentally after the death of his parents he's now living in his old house only for the sake of living until one day a letter arrives from his grandfather telling him he needs to take his parents jobs. What is Salazar going to do now?

catalin2766 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Unkindness of ravens

I get out of the bed with a pain in my back and my sheets slightly covered in blood. I hear somebody walking, heavy steps, probably without anything on their feet.

I slowly open the door and look around the corner, at the base of the staircase I see a big figure, seven maybe eight feet tall but with a crooked back. I can sense the stench of rotten meat and bog water. A troll...fantastic! I need some weapons but they are downstairs.

I try to walk quietly but I hear how he takes deep breaths and I realize, he's trying to senses my smell. He starts running up the stairs the planks of wood shattering beneath his weight. I jump through the railings and clumsily fall ten feet on my back. I need to get to those weapons, I need my sword but my body feels heavy, the room is spinning and the scars start opening covering me in blood.

I sense that stench again and I jump forward towards my basement door as that six hundred pound beast falls behind me on his feet.

"Salazar child of raven! I, Grugnag, shall claim your head as a trophy and token of might!" yells the beast with his mouth drooling with a viscous green liquid that he would call saliva.

"Go to hell!" I bravely scream while running like a coward to my basement while the room is spinning.

I open the door and dash down the stairs rolling being careful to hit every stair on the way down, did I say I'm not very agile? The ice cold cement floor took all by dizziness away...and a couple of ribs.

Hearing the thumping of the troll was bad enough as it was but the door being thrown in front of me was even worse. I manage to get up and go to the old cabinet and pull out a rusty blacked out sword. I try to take the proper stand but a shockwave of pain puts me down on my knees.

Grugnag hits me right in the chest, I feel and hear my ribs braking. I spit some blood on the trolls hand and my words starts to blacken.

"I told you puny human! I, Grugnag, will take your head and lavish in respect! A sword of such low quality would never pier..." I interrupt him by shoving my blade in his liver.

"By the gods of old let the ravens take your flesh, creature!" I scream and the rust on my sword starts to disappear and blood starts to ooze from Grugnag's body. "When your gonna meet The Raven Master tell him that I say hi and to take care of his own crap" saying that I pull out the sword and the blood dripping from the trolls wound takes form of little ravens and begin to tear his flesh apart.

I laugh while seeing him being devoured until I feel a wave of pain all over my body. My wounds open, I start to spit blood and my vision blackens. The last thing I remember are the raven becoming blood puddles once again and the troll getting up.