

Salazar was not an average person, deeply scared emotionally and mentally after the death of his parents he's now living in his old house only for the sake of living until one day a letter arrives from his grandfather telling him he needs to take his parents jobs. What is Salazar going to do now?

catalin2766 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

An old story

A sharp pain woke me up from...my sleep? I almost jumped out of the bed but again pain kept me in place. Where was I? A white room with a weird bed, devices and tubes running in my hand, I'm in a hospital?

"Hello Mister Salazar!" I heard a feminine voice from the door, scared I searched for something to defend myself when I observed that my left arm is broken. "Are you filling alright?"

"What?! No! For god's sake I'm covered in...bandages? I woke up in a hospital? Why am I here?!" I scream panicked as to who might've brought me here.

"You were brought here by your grandfather. He told us you fell from you roof while working to repair a leak."

"What? I-I don't remember...how bad was I?"

"Let me check a second." She told me while looking on some papers. I looked better at her now, she was quite young, maybe thirty years old, with black hair and a nice smile. "Here it is! You were brought here two weeks ago..."

"Two weeks?!"

"Yes! You had six broken ribs, a broken arm, internal bleeding and a contusion. On top of that some of your...scars opened so we needed to treat those too."

"Right...so my grandfather brought me here? Where is he? I want to talk with him!" Did that old bastard really save my life?

"I will call him as soon as possible!" she told me while changing the bags with...actually I don't want to know.

I try to look around, to look at my wounds, to move my arm...hmm bad idea! The room is small, it seems like a private room. Outside I can hear the usual sounds of the hospital, doctors being called, shoes on the cold floor, people talking, arguing, sometimes screaming about some nonsense.

It's been twenty minutes and nothing from the assistant. I might as well go to the bathroom. I started to move and I could already feel my stiches rupturing, bad idea.

I wait maybe an hour when I see entering thru the door, Ibus Ravenloan, my dear grandfather. A tall man with silver like hair and a thick mustache. He was wearing his usual custom, making him like some kind of college professor. At first glance you would think he's fat but looking more careful you would see that he has the physique of a heavyweight boxer.

"Hello, Salazar! How are you d..."

"You old fuck! What did you?! No, actually why haven't you spoked to me for five bloody years?!" I screamed as loud as I could, probably waking up a lot of people.

"Calm down now. I know it's frustrating but you have to understand the situation..."

"The situation! My father and mother were killed in front of me! I was a sixteen year old boy and you did nothing! You went back to those bastard cases!" I screamed again my voice slowly fading as I started crying.

"My dear..." He stopped and came closer, I could see how tired he actually looked. "I wanted to see you again with a proud face, my boy! I wanted to come to you with your parent's killer...but I couldn't!" He told me with a red face full of anger and shame.

I couldn't say a thing, I was tired of this. I wanted answers first, anger can go afterwards.

"How did I get here? What happened with the troll?"

"I was keeping an eye on your house and I saw the troll coming in. I went as fast as I could. When I reached the house the bastard was wounded and was sharpening a knife to slice your head off." He told me everything calmly almost like the discussion from a moment ago never happened. "At that moment I pulled out my trench knife and cut of his throat before he could react. I got rid of the body and got you here!"

"But why? Why did the troll attack now! Why did you send that letter now?" I asked confused.

"Because, my dear, the family is in a bad shape. It's not only your parents, other five members were killed in the last five years. In total seven people and no clue on how and why. You were contacted now because of two reasons, firstly because I tried to exclude you from the family, that's why you weren't called when you reached eighteen and because we need more hunters." He said all of that with that straight bloody face.

"Are you expecting me to be one of you? A shadow walking in the dark killing things like that troll? After all this year? Why would I ever want to do this?"

"There is no want, you were solicitated by The Raven and whatever he desires he gets so get ready to finally meet him!"