


Di ho the devil among men was free to do as he please to the realm of men and do as he pleased now that he was free and ready to rule the four kingdoms , Di ho feels the entrance to the tomb he was sealed in and blasts it with an energy ball of pure darkness and that you could hear a scream from it .

Di ho walks further and further to the light of the cave his tomb laid for so long , the sounds of birds singing and the leafs and branches move in the wind . Di ho takes a deep breath and lets in the stench of a free man or a free willed demon , getting ready to cause havoc in the world of men.

A dark armour starts to take form over his body as wings take sprout from the back of DI ho, cracking his neck and breaks the chains off his arms and neck . steel chains break off as if they were nothing as the powers of the dark dragon scale pushes more and more of he's strength out to the surface of his gauntlet .

Di ho takes a deep sniff of the air to acquire the odour of the red dragon gauntlet but seems to be evaded by the smell of different gauntlets some stronger and some weaker than the other. Di ho growls and leaps with such speed into the air flapping his dark demonic wings scouting the lands for any signs of the red dragon .

The chariot carrying the body of the fallen dragon and the masked figure draws closer to a black brick castle with a six dragon emblem with guards carrying swords and shields with diamond crest of the four legendary six dragons each withh their own uniqe skills and powers.

The news spread quickly to the centre of the castle square , a squad of soldiers in black armour with red horns on their helmets and red scalfs lap in the wind as four old men emmerged from the deapths of the castle clothed in full white holding staffs with six rings around them .

The eldest of the four lan su the great father inhaild and said with such grace"the last son has arrived and the dragon has found its way home to the kingdom hall" the rest set their eyeson the humming chariot that held the masked figure and the body of wu ing the fallen dragon .

The second eldest man the creator of the green dragon ki raised his hand and swayed it and formed a ki barrier around the four elderly man protecting them from any coming harm, A calm atmosphere suddenly surrounding the great four .

The chariot lands with athourity and simmers cooling down from the long journey from the outter lands, the masked figure steps out holding the body of the falen wu ling eaten and distroyed by the red dragon gauntlet , the crowd stands in aww as the two walk towards the elder men with the gaurds standing in attention grasping their swords.

"su ling what is the meaning of this?" lan su asked the a Stern look on he's face grasping the white staff firmly "this is my brother wu ling and as you can see before you makwe any judgments his fist,he carries the emblam o the red drago gauntlet . the strongest of all you combined so I suggest you show some respect for kid , with a ll due respect"

The black guard sprints forth dagger tip to the throat of su ling for the way su ling ran his mouth at the elders "you dare run your mouth like that boy?" the guard exclaims furiously at su ling "if it wernt for them you'd be dead in the gutter still feeding rats and digging the mess of the city"

"if it wasn't for me you'd still be in the lower ranks of cleaning the mess of the brothels so hold your tongue maggot" su ling smiles at the guard and bashes him with athourity, su ling faces the crowd of people and takes a deep breath to gain confidence for the news he wass about to expel to the publlic. He lets off a huge sigh and before he could say anything wu lings finger twitches and and a faint ki output

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