

NOVEMBER 17th, 1981, 6:12am

Jennifer's Diary - Day One -

So I'm starting a diary, tomorrow I start my interviews with a criminally insane teenager named Kingston Kelly, at least that's the name he goes by. I just got up but I feel energized, maybe I'm a little nervous, ok, a lot nervous.

He was convicted as insane a few weeks ago after being accused of killing his brother, he's only 19. This oughta be interesting. I can't imagine what he's going through. the trial is next February, court gave him some time for therapy and other things before the trial. My interview with Kingston starts at 5:00pm sharp, and ends at 6:30pm tomorrow, to say im nervous is an understatement.

I should probably introduce myself, I'm Jennifer Lois Taylor, from New York, New York. I'm not supposed to give out the location of the asylum Kingston it at, so I won't just yet. Since I was greenlit for the interview, I've been so excited! I might put excerpts from the transcripts or my notes in here, I'll decide tomorrow! I have to go for now. I'll write again later!

Sincerely, Jennifer T.

NOVEMBER 17th, 1981, 8:35pm

Damn, work is hard, as I'm sure you can guess, I'm a reporter, I do interviews of criminals both before and after trials, I've seen many heartbreaking things and heartbroken souls. I'm only 23 and I've got the job of a lifetime. It pays decently well, I live alone in The Bronx, which isn't ideal, but it works. I live in a decent part of my neighborhood.

Tomorrow my interview starts with Kingston, the first asylum patient I've ever interviewed! Maybe not exciting for you, but it is for me. He's in a bad situation, but I like this kind of juicy interviews.

Perhaps It'll be heartbreaking, but who knows. For now I have to get ready for bed.

Forever Grateful, Jennifer T.