
Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Autor: CinderTL
En Curso · 1.3K Visitas
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What is Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Lee la novela Record of a Demon's Cultivation escrita por el autor CinderTL publicada en WebNovel. What's the book about? It is about Demonic Cultivation!, If you cannot handle it, Please don't read it.Synopsis:When Song Wen killed the frail beggar who fought him over food and consumed his blood an...


What's the book about? It is about Demonic Cultivation!, If you cannot handle it, Please don't read it. Synopsis: When Song Wen killed the frail beggar who fought him over food and consumed his blood and soul, every cell in his body leaped with excitement. His spirit was exhilarated, and he realized then that his life would henceforth be filled with slaughter. For survival, for longevity, he would spare no effort, even if it meant creating mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

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