
Immortal, no more!

Slowly, but gradually he opened his eyes, his eyes were beautiful, and dark. "I have been awaken? But why?" Said this tall black-haired man in a calming deep voice that echoed in that room.

His clothing matched his hair, and eyes. He was wearing an elegant black tan robe with white that flowed in-between. He had a great deal of jewelry on him. This included a black ring on his right hand.

The place he was in was like a palace, it was beautiful and alluring. The walls had great design and had the color of gold, this place was a temple and it belonged to this black-haired man. The decor looked charming, the man was presently sat on a golden throne twice as long as him. On the right and left side of the throne, there was two obsidian swords.

The man got up from the throne, and began strolling to the exit of this throne room, suddenly his expression changed. "There is something wrong…" he said while remaining calm. "I can't feel my powers…"

He pondered for a few minutes, and then he said out loud: "Has my immortality also disappeared along with my strength?" as he said that he strolled back to his throne and grabbed the dim sword, and did the unthinkable. "There is one way to find out," he said as he cut himself, blood began streaming inside his valuable temple, he hauled the sword out of his stomach, and rapidly the injury began mending itself. No more blood was streaming out onto the ground, the blood that was at that point spilled there remained.

"It seems, that isn't the case."

"I see, yet my powers are no more." "How can this be the case, is this the reasons to why I was awoken?" he said, even after losing his heaven defying strength, he was calm even after losing his powers, rather he was happy!!!

This man was immortal, meaning he could not die, or there is not a way discovered yet that could accomplish that.

'My powers are no more. I can now by and by shake the world with my solidarity, the sensation of beginning from nothing again feels exciting this time! Yet, my everlasting status actually remains. The world after all has changed definitely since I was roaming the world freely, no one but few could oppose me. In any case, presently there is more than thousands!' 'Thousands may be an incredibly enormous underestimation. Millions sounds more like it!"

As he was pondering the incredible and energizing future to come, his physical issue that had previously recuperated begun to return, yet it was a few times less than when he cut himself initially.

A smirk appeared on his face, his immortality is also beginning to disappear. All while he lost his heaven-defying strength, and is on verge of losing his immortality, his knowledge on everything he had learned during all these years of living had not!

Again blood was spilling out of his body, he was easily able to endure this little injury, maybe he had gotten so used to battle that he could not feel such small injuries, maybe it was just the blood that was being spilled. That must be it, no? after all his expression was calm, maybe he was not hurt at all? Or maybe he was just good at hiding his expression? He began strolling to the exit once more, he left his dim sword canvassed in blood on the ground, and gave it no thought, the temple's floor was streaming with blood.

After he left the temple and meandered onto the outside world which he would soon conquer once again. The temple from the outside looked just at good as it did on the inside, surprisingly enough it was built in the sky!

The temple was built on a piece of land in the sky, the off chance that you got on top of the temple, you could make contact with the clouds.

"Master Lucius!!! You have stirred?" said a tall man with a robust body while carefully looking at the man in front of him.

He saw the injury on his lord however said nothing since he knew that Lucius was an immortal.

Lucius gazed at him and briskly said: "To be sure, I have." "Orchestrate a flying carriage, I'm plummeting onto ordinary land once more." "My powers have vanished, adventure looks for us again my steadfast subject." "Oh, and clean up my temple."

The man hearing this immediately took action on doing what he was instructed and orchestrated the flying carriage.

He was shocked that his lord had lost his abilities, however, his dedication to him was excessively perfect for him to make the most of this open door and take his wealth, and he still couldn't seem to gain proficiency that his lord is losing his eternality.

Perhaps, there would come when he will realize this and double-cross his master, the truth will surface eventually.

Following a couple of hours the flying carriage was prepared, the temple had likewise been cleaned and it was the ideal opportunity for Lucius to go on the land beneath again. It had been numerous years since he had been conscious not to mention leave his sky temple.

Lucius' devoted subject was named Arthur, near a surprisingly long time, One-Hundred and seventy-five years ago to be exact, he wound up meeting Lucius. This was Arthur's most premonition experience, clearly he knew next to nothing about that at this point. Be that as it may, years after he would be exceptionally appreciative for this experience.

Lucius found Arthur when he was 14, he was a youngster taking off from the Wang family, which at the time was a renowned family which had an extraordinary impending, however that was stopped by Lucius and Arthur themselves.

The explanation this youngster was being pursued, was because of the conflict between the Wang Family and this kid's loved ones. His family had proactively been killed, and he was the final straggler.

He was caught in this conflict between renowned noble families, and since he was the young master of one of them, he could not escape!

"You cannot run from us!" Shouted a man wearing silver armor with a few men behind him.

The youngster was going through a city, attempting to get farther from them, while running he hit a man, who was almost two times as tall as him. "Sorry." Said the kid while attempting to run.

The man he had ran into was Lucius, he immediately saw certain individuals were pursuing this kid, and inquired: "For what reason are you being trailed by those men" The youngster needed to move away as quick as possible, however Lucius had snatched his arm, the youngster attempted to make him let proceed to drive out, yet he couldn't do as such, as his strength couldn't add up to a percent to that of Lucius's.

The men quickly approached Lucius and the youngster close to him.

"Give us the kid." Said the silver armored men.

"What if I don't want to?" Replied Lucius while smiling.

"You don't want that, that child is being wanted by the Wang Family, give him up or you will face the consequences." "We should simply go after him boss, fools deserve to die." "You are correct, kill him!" Said the boss without even thinking twice.

"Allow me to have this one" Said one of the men in this crew, without sitting tight for their arrangement he started running at Lucius and situated his blade to slice his neck.

However, that attack came to an conclusion truly fast by Lucius, who would stop this man's sword with his left hand by grabbing the blade and holding it still, the man gave it his all to try and slice through Lucius's bones, but he was unable to do so and was met with a punch in the stomach, which sent him flying unconscious.

Seeing this matter unfold the flying man's companions began sprinting towards Lucius, they anticipated the flying silver armored now unconscious man to be able to kill Lucius, but as the situation stands he was sent flying with a single punch.

One of them approached Lucius but was met with a roundhouse kick, which he was unable to see and prevent.

This had already created a huge commotion in that area of the city and many had already gathered around.

"Isn't that the prestigious Wang Family?"

"I think it is."

Many were wondering if that was actually the Wang Family.

"Stay behind." Said Lucius to the kid, who was hiding behind Lucius.

Lucuis was in the least bit worried, he streched out his hand and a dim sword showed up.

He held it firmly waiting for the enemies to reach his grasps, which he would soon witness their bodies on the ground, and the ground canvassed in cold blood.

He traded a few moves with the next opponent, but he shortly after cut him in half.

With no chance to inhale another two men immediately moved toward Lucius from behind, however since Arthur had been with him from the start he yelled "More behind you!" Lucius immediately turned Waiting for both of them to arrive.


He was trading blows with both of them, he managed to easily damage them without even flinching once.

"Time to end this." A few more man approached him from behind as he said that.

"This will be a pain." He said.

He slashed one of them in half, while simultaneously defending himself from the other three.

The boss had approached Author, which could no longer stay close to Lucius, and tried running away, but was stopped by the boss of the Wang Family crew chasing him.

The youngster looked scared.

But he remembered the stone his father gave him in his last dying moments.

His father was in his bed, after a long fight with the Wang Family Leader, he has been harmed and had the option to retreat fortunately, yet he was out of commission throughout recent days.

Also, he realized it was his last minutes on this world so he called his only child.

"Father, you called?" Said the young man while rapidly strolling towards his fathers bed and standing by without complaining for him to talk.

"To be sure I did my son." He said while giving a green stone to his son.

"Father??? However, this is… "

"Im giving it to you child. Use it whenever you are in trouble."

He looked at his child without flinching and said: "child, consistently recall with great power comes..." he halted.

"Great responsibilty?" the child asked confounded

"Great power" and afterward he passed on

"What on earth." Said the child while beginning to cry.

Back on the battlefield, Arthur remembered this last moment with his beloved father, and activated the stone through just thinking about it.

A large green horse appeared to his aid, and took arthur in the sky just above Lucius.

Lucius grinned as he sliced a mans throat, "I knew it! That stone, its a grade green spirit beast!"

Lucius was well off now that he needen't to safeguard that youngster.

He could uninhibitedly meander and murder the Wang Relatives, thus he did.

Following a couple of moments, Lucius had killed 17 additional individuals.

The supervisor of the group had seen this and attempted to get away, however Lucius grinned and situated his palm straightforwardly at the man taking off from him.

A little dark circle showed up on his palm which was sent flying towards the running man, when the dark circle connected with the man, the man was eradicated entirety.

"It can't be!!!"

"Is that…"

"Dark magic…."

The crowd that had formed quickly noticed that this man possesed dark magic.

"You can come down now!" Said Lucius while looking up at the green majestic flying horse above him.

Arthur heared Lucius, and in his heart willed the horse to go down on the land once more.

The horse tuned in and it began dropping onto the ground, the horse was two times as large as an ordinary horse, and it could take part in fight whenever willed by itʼs owner.

Arthur didnt yet have great control of it, assuming the horse needed to it could deny to fight for Arthur, that was on the grounds that Arthur's control was not as great at this point.

And one of the main reasons was that Arthur was weak.

After all, it was grade green.

Spirit beasts were divided into seven grades: Divine, Shadow, Gold, Green, Blue, red, and Yellow.

There was a total of seven spirit beast grades, and green happened to be in the middle, while yellow, red, blue were common, blue being the most uncommon of those three.

Green was much more rare than those three, and obviously the grades above green were extremely rare. Just hardly any indviduals had Divine grade spirit beasts, even Lucius in his lifetime never had one.

If one possesed a Divine Spirit Beast they would be near untouachable, however on the off chance that their foe was one like Lucius thriving it wouldn't be a hard battle, yet it might all rely upon the owner.

Thus, the green grade was difficult to control for Arthur, however since this particular spirit Beast had commitment towards the youngster's dad it would follow the youngster, yet it wouldn't take the request which would hurt it, basically not yet, perhaps until it acknowledged Arthur.

After that day the word would get out that a solitary man and a youngster defeated twenty men from the Wang family, and that the supervisor of those twenty individuals was seen taking off from these two.

The word spread quickly!

Also, since Arthur had no place to reside, and no food or cash, Lucius took him.

Lucius would soon after get attacked everywhere he went until he chose to stop this tiring fight with the Wang Family insects that we're sent at him on the daily, he at last concluded it was the ideal opportunity for this family to meet its end.

Arthur sought the retribution he wanted, and he was grateful to Lucius for saving his life and allowing him the opportunity to seek retribution on his loved ones.

He would not long after vow dedication to Lucius, and they traveled around the world for years to come until Lucius settled down in his sky temple.

And now once more, Lucius would start another journey!

I have started to rewrite this story, hope you enjoy it!

When will the next chapter to be released? I dont know, since I have yet to start working on it, and I want to take my time with it, so add this to your library if you wish to read the second chapter the moment it releases, thanks for reading!

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