
Side Story: The Alchemist 2

After a thoughtful pause, Saligo finally made his decision. He resolved to take up Elara's invitation.

Gathering the few belongings he had, he prepared himself for the journey toward Argentum Academy. The path there was arduous, tracing through rolling hills, sprawling forests, and wide expanses of open fields. It would take almost a week of continuous travel, but Saligo was no stranger to challenging journeys.

After a few days on the road, the tumultuous shores of the red sea disappeared beyond the tops of evergreen trees, and the powerful churning of the waves against the rock was replaced by the soft rustle of trees and the lulling rhythm of nature. Saligo savored these moments of peace, often stopping to appreciate the beauty around him and gather this and that useful plant along the way.

On the second day, as he traveled through a narrow mountain pass, a commotion up ahead drew his attention.

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