
Chapter 35: Two Weeks Later

Roderick gave one last look at Saligo and headed back inside, nothing good would come from pushing the old alchemist too much.

Two weeks ago, when Elara had told him she knew someone that could teach Alchemy, Roderick had imagined some average cauldron stirring smoke inhaling average alchemist. Instead she had gone forth and invited one of the most wanted men on the continent, a true genius that once more increased the pression on the accademy.

"It feels like a lot of treasures are gathering in my humble place, if it keeps up a lot of eyes are gonna turn our way." He thought walking down the hallway to the dormitories. 

As soon as he crossed the threshold into the living quarters, a pleasant breeze caressed his face, compliments of the enchanted living quarters he had purchased a few days back.

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