
Chapter 11: A quiet day

Dean Roderick's morning began with the soft rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds outside his window. Today, he decided to observe the academy as if he was a student, wanting to get a feel for the atmosphere and understand the daily lives of those under his care.

He started his day by attending Cedric's class.

As Roderick entered Cedric's classroom, he found the students sitting in a semi-circle. What surprised Roderick more, was that the new students that he had brought in yesterday were already sitting in the first row, exercising an impressive amount of self-control and attention for such young ages, their attention rapt on the passionate teacher at the front of the room.

Cedric was in the middle of explaining the nature of mana.

"Now, students," Cedric began, his voice filled with enthusiasm, "as you know, mana is the lifeblood of magic. It is an energy that exists within and around us, a fundamental part of our world. Today, we'll discuss how mana flows and how we can harness it to cast spells."

Cedric walked over to a large diagram drawn on the chalkboard, depicting the flow of mana in various environments. "As you can see, mana is not static; it moves, constantly shifting and adapting to its surroundings. It's essential for a mage to understand these fluctuations, as they can greatly impact your ability to cast spells effectively."

Cedric then reached for a small glass vial containing a shimmering, ethereal substance – a physical manifestation of mana. "Though I cannot manipulate mana directly, I have developed methods to visualize and analyze it. This vial contains a small concentration of mana that I have collected from the air. Observe."

He opened the vial and released its contents, which hung suspended in the air. The students watched in awe with a few `wow` echoing as the shimmering substance danced and swirled before them, forming intricate patterns.

Cedric expertly guided the students through the observation process, pointing out the various interactions between the mana and its surroundings.

"Now," Cedric said, turning his attention back to the class, "who can tell me how a mage might draw upon this mana to cast a spell?"

A young girl in the front row raised her hand eagerly. "By focusing our thoughts and channeling the mana through our core, we can use it to cast spells," she said confidently.

"Excellent," Cedric replied, beaming at her. "And what factors might influence a mage's ability to control mana?"

Another student chimed in, "The mage's affinity for a particular element, their emotional state, and their level of experience can all impact their ability to control mana."

Cedric nodded approvingly. "Very good. Remember, the key to mastering magic lies in understanding the flow of mana and learning to harness its power."

As the lesson continued, Roderick was impressed by Cedric's ability to convey complex concepts in an engaging and accessible manner. The passion in his voice was infectious, and it was evident that his students liked him. Despite his lack of innate magical talent, Cedric's dedication to learning and teaching made him an invaluable asset to the academy.

Afterward, Roderick made his way to Lila's botany class, where students were working diligently on their plant-based projects. The earthy scent of soil and the vibrant colors of the various flora filled the room.

As he entered, he noticed several students staring at him and whispering among themselves, undoubtedly wondering about his identity. Some of them had heard rumors about the Dean waking up from his coma, but seeing him in person was a different story. Roderick ignored the whispers, instead, Lila`s coughed in her palm, quieting the whispering students.

Lila's gentle voice once again guided the students with patience and understanding as she explained the properties of the rare Firebloom flower.

She gestured to a nearby planting bed, where the red-orange flowers seemed to flicker like flames amidst the green foliage. "This remarkable plant is not only beautiful but also possesses potent alchemical properties and a temper." she chuckled.

She carefully picked a potted Firebloom flower and held it up for the students to see, the petals dancing like tiny flames. "The Firebloom flower thrives in warm climates and requires constant exposure to sunlight. As you can see, the petals appear to flicker like fire, ergo, the name."

"The petals of the Firebloom can be harvested and processed to create a powerful heat-resistant salve," Lila explained, her voice filled with passion. "This salve is invaluable for those who work with fire magic or need protection from extreme temperatures. However, extracting the essence from the petals demands great care, as the plant is quite temperamental and sensitive to its surroundings."

Roderick observed a student scribbling down notes at a fervent pace. This simple act brought him back to his days on Earth when he, too, was afraid to miss even a single detail his teachers shared. A bittersweet smile graced his face as he continued to watch the lesson unfold.

"Now, please, be mindful of how you treat the Firebloom," Lila cautioned. "For example..." She gently shook the plant, and to the students' astonishment, the stigma – the central part of the flower – suddenly ignited, producing a burst of flames aimed directly at her.

Lila, ever prepared with her heat-resistant gloves, expertly pinched the flames between her fingers, extinguishing them in an instant.

"As I've said, quite temperamental," she chuckled, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Now, please pay close attention to how I harvest the petals. If you make a mistake, the plant will make you pay for it – quite literally. Fireblooms can self-immolate and burn to ashes in less than a second."

Lila then demonstrated the careful harvesting process, explaining each step in detail. The students watched in rapt attention as she deftly handled the delicate petals, preserving their magical properties. "Once harvested, the petals must be dried in a controlled environment, away from direct sunlight or excessive heat. This will ensure that their magical essence remains potent and effective."

His next stop was Elara's enchanting class, where the air buzzed with the hum of magical energy.

Elara Seraphine, Vice Dean, and Master Enchanter stood in front of her class, her eyes sparkling with her usual energy as she prepared to begin the day's lesson.

"Good morning, everyone!" Elara greeted the class, her voice filled with warmth and positivity. "Today, we're going to learn how to enchant a simple object with a basic water-repelling spell. This enchantment can be incredibly useful for those who travel or live in areas with frequent rain or snow."

She held up a plain tablecloth, which she would use as an example for the students to follow. "Enchanting an object requires a deep understanding of the magical properties you wish to imbue it with. In this case, we want our tablecloth to repel water, so we will need to have studied the basics of water magic."

Elara proceeded to demonstrate the enchantment process step by step.

First, she instructed the students to draw a circle of mana around the object they wished to enchant. The circle would serve as a conduit for the magical energy, then a sigil on the cloth using a special ink, that would allow the enchantment to take hold.

Next, she began to chant the incantation for the water-repelling spell, her melodious voice resonating throughout the room. As she chanted, she directed the flow of mana into the tablecloth, infusing it with the magical properties of the spell.

Once the enchantment was complete, Elara held the cloth under a small stream of water from a nearby pitcher. To the students' amazement, the water rolled off the surface of the cloth without seeping in.

"Now it's your turn," Elara encouraged the students, her eyes filled with pride and confidence in their abilities. "Take your time, focus on the spell and the flow of mana, and remember, practice makes perfect."

As the students began to work on their enchantments, Elara walked around the room, offering guidance and assistance to those who needed it. Her gentle, nurturing approach helped even the most inexperienced students feel at ease.

As she saw Roderick leaving, she gestured for him to wait and joined him outside.

"Hi, Dean, enjoying the lesson?" She asked with her usual mirth accompanying every syllable.

"I could listen to you talk about an old brick for hours." He replied with a smile and a bow.

She punched his arm lightly with a giggle. "You are terrible." She fixed a lock of her raven silky hair back behind her ear before continuing. "I just wanted to inform you that I will begin with the mass enchanting idea you came up with the other day. Today`s lesson will provide a proof of concept whether the kids can produce commercial grade items we can sell."

Roderick nodded seriously. "Great job, just let me know how it goes." He bowed and went to leave.

"See ya." She energetically waved before returning to her class.

Finally, Roderick arrived at Thane's combat magic class. A small group of students, clad in protective gear, stood in a semi-circle around Thane, their eyes fixed on him as he demonstrated a series of defensive spells.

"Listen up, students," Thane began, his voice commanding but calm.

"Today, we're going to focus on the importance of combining your magical abilities with physical combat techniques. The key to becoming a formidable mage in battle is to understand how to seamlessly integrate the two."

He motioned to a training dummy in the center of the grounds. "I'll begin by demonstrating a simple earth spell combined with a physical attack. Observe closely."

Thane swiftly lunged forward, his movements precise and agile, as a wave of earth magic surged from his hand. The ground beneath the dummy shook, and within moments, a pillar of earth erupted, lifting it off its feet.

Thane then closed the distance, unsheathing his sword in a fluid motion and delivering a powerful strike to the dummy's midsection.

"Now, it's your turn," Thane instructed, stepping back to give the students room. "Pair up and take turns practicing the combination. Remember, the key is to time your magical attack with your physical strike."

The students paired off, and the training grounds came alive with the sounds of clashing metal and magical energy. Thane walked among them, offering advice and corrections where needed. He noticed Roderick watching from the sidelines and motioned for him to come forward.

"Hello Roderick, how are you doing today? Elara told me about your lesson yesterday." He greeted while keeping his vigilant gaze on the students.

"I'm doing better every day," Roderick replied with a small flex of his arms.

"Hmmm, tell me, how would you feel about giving our young pupils here a demonstration of your superfueled spells? Just as a way to introduce you properly." He proposed smirking.

Roderick thought for a moment but eventually nodded. "Sounds good."

Thane immediately raised his bulky arm, scars running across the muscles glistening in the light.

"Listen up! Our dear sleeping dean is back from his nap and would like to give you all a demonstration of his extraordinary magical prowess. Pay close attention, as this is a rare opportunity to witness such power in action,"

Thane announced, his voice booming across the training grounds.

The students immediately halted their practice and gathered around Roderick, curiosity and excitement evident on their faces. Whispers spread through the crowd, as some of them had only heard rumors about the dean's legendary abilities.

Roderick stepped forward, his expression focused. He glanced at the nearby metal training dummy, which had so far remained untouched. "For this demonstration, I'll be using a firebolt spell. Be sure to maintain a safe distance." He warned with a wink.

The students and Thane stepped back, giving Roderick ample space to perform his spell.

With a deep breath, Roderick extended his arm towards the metal dummy, his hand beginning to radiate intense heat. Flames danced around his fingertips as he concentrated, before condensing into a small hovering firebolt the size of a coin.

In a sudden burst of energy, Roderick super-fueled and unleashed the firebolt toward the metal dummy. The projectile grew 3 times in size and changed from scarlet to white flames shooting through the air like a blazing comet, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake. The students gasped in awe as they watched the firebolt connect with the dummy and then explode, instantly melting it to slag under the immense heat.

The air was filled with the smell of scorched metal as the molten remains of the dummy pooled on the ground, still glowing red-hot. The students stared, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, at the display of raw magical power they had just witnessed.

Roderick turned to face the students, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Remember, students, magic is a powerful tool, and when wielded with skill and control, it can achieve incredible feats. I hope this demonstration has inspired you to continue honing your own abilities."

The students erupted into applause, their faces alight with excitement and newfound determination. Thane clapped Roderick on the back, a proud grin on his face. "Well done, Roderick. I think you've just made quite the impression on these young mages."

As the lesson progressed, Thane increased the difficulty of the combinations, challenging the students to adapt and think on their feet.

He emphasized the importance of always being aware of their surroundings and being prepared for the unexpected.

"Never underestimate your opponent, and always be ready to adapt your strategy," Thane cautioned. "In battle, the smallest mistake can be the difference between victory and defeat."

The lesson concluded with a brief sparring session, allowing the students to put their new skills to the test in a controlled environment. Thane observed carefully, stepping in to correct any dangerous moves or overly aggressive behavior.

Having observed each class, Roderick asked Elara and Thane to gather every member of the staff and the student body by the mana fountain, he had an announcement to make.

Happy easter, leave comments and maybe today there will be a bonus chapter ;)

Miticocreators' thoughts
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