
Reborn To Save The Villain

“How can you do this to me?” She asked feeling a burning anger and hurt course through her body as she glared into his red eyes. “The same way you were hanging onto the arm of another man,” he replied back in a cool tone making her disbelief increase by the second. “You cannot force me to do what you want! Why are you even here? You didn’t seem to care about me before! I will do whatever I want to do and stay with whomever I want,” she yelled ranting out all her thoughts, the frustration and fury she had been suppressing inside her, bursting out in rivulets. This caused his expression to darken, his jaw set into a firm line and his red eyes seemingly gleam with a deathly threat that made her recoil for a second. She often forgot but the man standing in front of her was the manic villain that had killed people for reasons more insignificant than hers and of statues much higher than hers. Why couldn’t she just control her mouth for once? “I am not giving you an option here, either you come with me right now or we may leave after an hour when I am finished destroying the Duchy of Amias,” he said threatening her with his words. The tone that he had used had been a relaxed and languid one making Goosebumps rise on her skin. How could a man talk about destroying her home so easily? She remained silent and when she looked at him again she met his eyes and a smile came upon his lips at the amusing expression of horror that she had been sporting, “I tried resisting but these expressions of yours are too amusing for me to just let go of you yet. For the time being, you are mine, Veraya Amias.” ********** When Sophie woke up one day to find herself reborn as the sister of the main lead in her favorite novel she had been partly sad and partly happy for the old life that she lost and for the new one that she had found. Reborn as Lady Veraya Amias, a minor villainess in the book who ultimately dies soon she decides to do everything that she can to change that fate. She succeeds but just when she thought that life would be smooth sailing for her she attracts the attention of the main villain of the story, Duke Leynox Windsor and is caught up in his mayhem that would surely wipe her existence out too. She had therefore made a big mistake when she had jumped into the arms of this Villain whom she had mistaken for her boyfriend from the real world. It was only later that Veraya learnt about the truth but it was already too late, she had caught the eye of the one man that she shouldn’t have in the whole of the Empire of Aethel. She knew that in the book the Villain dies a tragic death but when faced with someone who looks so much like her boyfriend she felt sympathy for his character and decided to save him from that bad ending. Although she had made up her mind would that be possible? Could she perhaps change the storyline and save the villain and herself from him?

Illustris · Historia
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6 Chs

Chapter 3:Shocking Events

"I am sure she will realize your goodwill soon enough, my lady."

Mary's words echoed in Veraya's head over and over again as she tried to build her strength. It had been two whole months since she had been in this new world and there hadn't been much change in her relationship with either her brother or Lady Rose.

Although on a positive note her maids and the palace staff had started to like her more. They could see how much she had changed and although it was almost unbelievable to them they couldn't deny it any longer.

Among them, the first to acknowledge her true nature and efforts had been Mary, Veraya's personal maid who had before suffered most of her cruel actions and words. To have someone like her believe in the Lady had helped her a lot in increasing her image from before and Veraya had been profoundly thankful to Mary for that.

Mary had therefore become her close confidant.

"How much longer is it going to take?" Veraya asked feeling her nerves bundle up in the base of her stomach.

"We are almost there," she heard the coachman inform her, and sitting back down to somehow calm herself she tried to encourage herself.

"There is nothing you need to worry about, it is just a small tea party," she mumbled to herself as she fisted her hands and looked out at the passing scenery to take away her mind, "They are all just normal humans like me, and I don't need to get so anxious."

Even though Veraya said these words to herself she knew from reading many historical romance novels that a 'tea party' in high society wasn't just a normal hangout between friends that she had been used to in her world. Here, every word that she spoke would be judged and used against her, and every action of hers could set ablaze a storm of rumors enough to ruin her life.

It was where hidden politics and dirty schemes were played at their best and for a person like her who had always liked having fun and avoided these unwarranted dramas, this situation was proving to be a lot more difficult for her to comprehend.

"We are here my lady," she heard a guard say as he opened the door to her coach for her, and asking for her hand he helped her down the steps.

This had been the first time Veraya had left the house of Amias and stepped out into the outside world of the novel. It had been just as beautiful as it had been described and although Countess Lila didn't have a place as beautiful as hers it had been extravagant nonetheless.

"Let me escort you to the party, my lady," the guard said as he guided Veraya to the garden where in the shade of the trees, the tea party had been organized.

"I am so glad to see you Lady Veraya," The countess immediately came to greet her. She had a polite smile on her face as she bowed slightly but Veraya knew that the countess didn't actually like her. It had been a known fact in the book and because Veraya had already read it she was aware that a just and kind person like Countess Lila was only respecting her for the title that she held as the daughter of a duke and nothing else.

Even though she felt dejected to learn that the hostess of the party had already disliked her she still controlled her nerves and smiling she greeted, "The pleasure is all mine, Countess Lila. I am grateful for your invitation."

Her words shocked the countess. To anyone who had known the previous Veraya, they knew well enough that she was one to flaunt her title and rank more than anyone else. It was also expected as the lady of the Duchy of Amias. If it was anyone that should be grateful then it should be the Countess and the other guests present at the party to have been graced with her presence.

Therefore her humbleness was such a flip from her usual behavior that the countess lost her composure for a few seconds and then stuttering she said, "Oh no, it should be me who should be grateful, my lady."

Merely smiling at her to provide her with some comfort, Veraya then followed her to her seat, and sitting down she looked around at the others sitting at the table in greeting. There had been six chairs in total that had been set up for the ladies to all sit together. It had been a small tea party and for her initiation into this society, Veraya had purposely chosen this one to avoid having to meet a lot of people altogether. But her main reason was that she knew that Lady rose was going to attend this party as well.

Looking up at the charming beauty she wanted to speak to her when she was greeted first by the lady sitting beside her, "Lady Veraya, I am upset that you haven't been attending any of the parties for the last two months. It hadn't been fun without your presence and quick wit."

This person who had just spoken to her had been none other than the original Veraya's closest friend who had stuck around her for all the drama that had kept her entertained. She had a vile personality and although the current Veraya hated her she knew she had to show some form of an acknowledgment as she said, "I hadn't been feeling well Lady Sena."

Leaving her statement at that with only a small smile she then looked back towards Rose when suddenly she heard Sena say, "Lady Rose you haven't even looked up to greet Lady Veraya are you trying to disrespect her?"

Rose stilled at this for a second and then looking up from her cup of tea she placed it down and with a pleasant smile she said, "I had merely been waiting for my turn and for her to settle first."

Veraya knew that it wasn't Rose's fault for having delayed an introduction or a greeting because the original Veraya never liked it when she spoke to her first at public meetings. To her, Rose Conwyn wasn't at a level or rank to speak so freely to the daughter of a duke.

"Oh I may be wrong but I feel like you are just making excuses to hide your malice," Sena said as she sipped lightly on her tea while the other ladies snickered at the humiliation of Lady Rose.

"Please don't think ill of her Lady Sena, but if you remember well then Lady Rose had always had poor etiquettes and is a slow learner you must forgive her for her impudence," said another lady making Veraya feel the true horror of the events that she had only till now read of.

Having read the novel she knew how Rose had been feeling right now but even if she hadn't she would still have been able to guess the sadness and frustration one would feel when they would be targeted like this in public. It also, therefore, made some sense to her behind the reason why Rose had been finding it so hard to trust her when the original Veraya had been the reason for such humiliation for such a long time.

"I think there has been a misunderstanding Lady Sena-" Countess Lila tried to correct the situation but before she could continue she was cut off by Lady Sena who directed her gaze at Veraya and asked, "I feel pity for you, my lady for having to be treated in such a way but I would like to apologize to you on behalf of Lady Rose's insolence."

Right about now, the original Veraya would have given a haughty remark to drag down Rose further but that villainous soul wasn't here and Sophie who had only ever loved the character of Rose felt her nose flare with anger as she asked, "Are you sure it is Lady Rose who is ill-mannered and not yourself?"

Her words, so unexpected to the others had stunned the crowd into silence as they stared at her in worry and wonderment trying to figure out what kind of tactic she had been playing. They couldn't believe that she would take Rose's side and therefore they waited for what they believed was a scheme that Veraya must have kept hidden under her sleeve.

"Yes, of course, my lady! She disrespected you."

Lady Sena said not understanding what she should do as she looked at Veraya's blue eyes that had been scarily burning into her.

"No, Lady Sena, it's you who has disrespected me," Veraya said, her voice strict and final to leave no place for any other thought as she continued, "You have unjustly insulted Lady Rose while also trying to create a misunderstanding between us. I am sure you are aware that she is my brother's lover and will soon be my precious sister-in-law and therefore insulting her is a direct act of impertinent behavior towards the Duchy of Amias."

"W-what? But my lady I-" she started to say but at the look that Veraya gave her she knew that everything that Veraya said had been true and if she were to speak another ill word about Lady Conwyn then she would surely be punished by the law as a crime for defaming a noble.

"It would be better if you apologize to her right now along with the others if you do not want to make the house of Amias your foe," Veraya said feeling true anger at the people who had been trying to hurt her precious female lead.

How dare they?

"I am sorry, Lady Rose I was wrong. Please forgive me," Lady Sena said at once, fear gripping her at the authority that Veraya showed. The only reason why these ladies could hurt and say such degrading things to Rose had been because Veraya had been backing them up but without her help, they would be nothing.

The others quickly apologized following lady Sena's example. They couldn't understand what had happened to Veraya to have changed her so much in the span of two months that she had been away but her new version scared them.

Seeing that every perpetrator had bowed their head to Rose she then herself stared straight into her perplexed eyes and catching her attention she said, "I, myself would like to apologize for my previous behavior towards you. I had been wrong in misjudging you and I truly wish for your happiness with my brother."

It seemed as if the day had been a series of shocking events for the audience sitting there couldn't believe that the proud, arrogant and hateful Veraya Amias had just apologized and not to just anyone but to Rose Conwyn, the lady whose life she had vowed to make hell.

Rose stayed silent for a second examining Veraya's face and then standing up she looked at the other seated ladies and said, "I don't think I can accept your apology just yet after all the things that you have done but I hope that you will act civil towards me as I will to you."

Turing her gaze then to Countess Lila she nodded her head and with her manners intact she said, "I deeply apologize for the scene that has been created at your party because of me but I will have to take my leave now."

"You don't have to worry about anything, Lady Rose; it was a pleasure to have you here. Please visit soon," Lila said standing up herself to bid her goodbye.

With the permission to leave, Rose finally set her gaze at a sullen-looking Veraya and asked, "If you would allow me to accompany you then can we leave together Lady Amias? I had been hoping to talk with you."

That was all that Veraya had needed to hear and getting up at once she couldn't hide the excitement from her voice as she exclaimed, "Yes! I mean I don't mind at all. Let's leave in my carriage; I am sure you would be happy to meet my brother as well."

Getting out of her seat she was ready to leave at once when remembering the countess she turned back and smiling slightly at her she said, "I apologize for what happened just now as well, Countess Lila, and I am also really thankful for you to provide me with this chance to clear up the misunderstanding that had been prevalent before regarding the relationship between Lady Rose and me."

Going closer to Rose she mustered some courage or maybe it was the excitement of getting acknowledged by her favorite FL she hugged Rose's hand and announced, "I would like you all to know that from this day onwards if I hear anyone spreading a bad rumor or insulting Lady Rose then they will not be left unpunished. She is a very precious person to me and my brother."

With that said Veraya nodded at a slightly disgruntled Rose and led her away and back to the carriage. It had been the first time that she had seen her speechless and dumbstruck and at that moment Veraya found her to be so cute that she wanted to pinch her cheeks.

Finally seated in the carriage the two ladies remained in a silence that had been heavily burdened with awkwardness.

"Lady Rose can you please forgive me, I am truly sorry for my past actions and I hope you would realize that I am a changed person now. I no longer want to wedge a distance between you and my brother," Veraya anguished at the silence that she received from Rose.

At her words, Rose snapped out from her daze. The past two months of kindness that she had been receiving from Veraya had been bizarre but what happened today had been completely out of her expectations.

She had never imagined seeing the high and mighty Veraya Amias to ever bow her head to anyone and certainly not for her as she asked for her forgiveness. She wanted to find faults but every time that she looked at her she couldn't help but feel herself to be the 'bad person' as she left Veraya sad and expectant after the little meetings that they had at the palace.

It was hard to believe but after today Rose was sure that Veraya had really changed and feeling her heart pang with the hurt expression that she saw marring her face she took Veraya's hand in hers and clenching them she said, "I forgive you. I believe you now Lady Veraya and I am willing to trust you this once but I really hope you wouldn't break it."

"Yes, you can trust me, Lady Rose," Veraya said trying to contain her happiness. Finally, she had been able to crack down Rose's walls around her heart and form a bridge of friendship between them.

And hopefully, she would finally be able to escape her death.