It was going to be a longshot but-
Mihael had enough.
He was a former demonlord and a literal god.
It was time-
He faced one of his greatest mistakes.
It was time-
He faced-
But that brought the question-
Where was he going to find the girl?
He tried asking some teachers but no one knew the girl. And Mihael didn't know her current name either.
Which made things quite a chore.
Even when he explained her features, no one had a clue.
"Like you said we could always find her during the dungeon excursion…" Rose said. But she wasn't sure herself.
And yes, she'd been tagging along everywhere Mihael went.
For better or worse, Mihael didn't seem to be that annoyed though.
"I'm telling you, he goes there!" A yell-
"Nah uh! He doesn't!"
Two kids-
Arguing below a large tree.
"No, no, I saw that demonlord!"
"Demonlord?" Mihael warped behind the two kids.