
Reborn in one punch man as a monster

Jack, betrayed by his siblings whom he loved was reborn in one punch man world as a monster with a system. Watch as our mc destroys heroes and monsters alike in the world where only the strong survives.

Hellopeople1222 · Cómic
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5 Chs



Jack Tanaka, the third son of the great Tanaka family, his family owns the largest gaming company in the world, and he is the as well as the succesor to the Tanaka family business.

The day he was about to take over the family business he was plotted against by his siblings and died, he had a close relationship which his brothers and while he was dying, he learned that he's siblings had plotted against him, he was heartbroken, he was filled with sadness, confusion and hatred and died as his siblings watched him while laughing at him.


Jack slowly opened his eyes, his head still a little dizzy.

"Where am I?"

Jack said noticing that he was not in Japan and was instead in a forest.

he noticed that his height was shorter than before, about 60 cm.

'Is this what they call reincarnation? Although it is pretty cool that I've been reincarnated, why am I so short? Well at least I don't have to be with those greedy people anymore' Jack thought

He felt his throat itching a bit realizing that he was thirsty, he tried to search for a water source nearby.

He walked for several minutes until he found a pond, he quickly ran to the pond and started drinking, he didn't care if it was clean or not because he was extremely thirsty.

He used his hand to scoop up the water then drank it, he repeated that process many

times until he was no longer thirsty.

He felt refreshed.

He noticed a weird figure in the water, he looked closer to get a better view of it

"Ahhhh! What the hell is that!"

he got scared and jumped back

'No wait, maybe this is a magic world so it has monsters, it makes sense! Since it is a magic world that means I can get magic and I can kill all the humans, after all, humans are all so greedy and only cares about themselves and they betrays their friends without a second thought they don't deserve to live, I'm going to murder all of them'

He decided then looked back at the water,

'the monster in the water is probably a low level water monster so it shouldn't do much harm to me'

Jack thought, and slowly approached the pond again, once he got close enough to it, he noticed the thing again and tried to kill it, he kicked it, water splashed everywhere but after the water became clear again the figure was still there,

He became confused but he kicked it again but the figure was still there he noticed that the monster was moving at the same time and the same way as him

'Wait don't tell me…'

He wanted to make sure and did some random movements and the monster did all of them at the same time

'Wait maybe it's just a monster that copies people like mr mime but if it's copying me it would do the movements I did after I did them after all it can't prodict the future so it can't do them the same time I'm doing them, don't tell me…..'

"It-it's me! Wait what that's me? What? How?"

Then he noticed how furry he's hand looked, it surprised him and he thought

'Why didn't I notice how furry it is, before?maybe because I was too thirsty that I was too focused on drinking water'

"No! Why did I become a monster I don't want to become one….."

He was losing his mind, and was extremely depressed

'But wait, it would be better that he was a monster since a human killing his entire race just doesn't seem right but if a monster killed the entire human race it would seem like the monster is just doing what he's supposed to do and I also don't want to be a human since humans are all greedy bastards and trash.'

He thought, realizing it was a blessing in disguise.

[System starting]

It's probably a bad chapter since I'm not good at start of novels.

Hellopeople1222creators' thoughts