
Small Wheel of Destiny

Hi Wawawiwi present for you ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

A new chapter, this is the continuation of the prologue. In the next episode we'll really start the serious stuff!

Title: Small Wheel of Destiny.

I really hope the dialogue isn't too childish. I'm writing this in my head and quite quickly so here goes...

In your opinion, should I follow the original storyline or not? I hesitate in my mind hehehe ~

Anyway, happy reading (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Mother, I love you. That was the last thought I had before I died.

My eyes gradually closed before my soul finally extracted itself completely from my bloody body.


"Huh?! Where am I? Am I not supposed to be dead...?" I was puzzled as to my current condition since I suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar place.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to check my body, strangely it was transparent and immaterial. I was what is more commonly known as a soul.

After this rather logical realization, I deduced that I was currently in the afterlife or heaven, I don't really know.

So I started to look around, the only thing I can see here is a big white void.

My vision gradually adjusted before I could see anything in the distance.

In reality, this place was not as deserted as I thought since there was an old bearded man sitting at his desk in the middle of the void.

As I got closer, I noticed that he was writing strange things on his papers with a strangely cheerful smile.

Maybe he heard my footsteps or maybe he sensed me from afar, I don't know but he suddenly looked up in my direction and said in a joyful tone: "Oh, hello my dear Hiro. We have a new lucky winner hehehe..."

"Huh?!" What is he saying?

"You fell victim to the Loli-chan and truck-kun combo, you're a really lucky guy!" He says with a little wink.

What kind of crap is that again?!!!

"Hiro, I didn't know you were so vulgar."

I rolled my eyes before screaming at the top of my lungs, "What the hell am I doing here?! God damn it!"

"That's the way to put it hahaha..." He says, laughing like a madman.

I'm going to hit him, I'm going to hit him, I'm going to hit him, really hard, you'll see my old man!

"Calm down child, I'll explain." He says with a slight drop of sweat on his forehead as he waves his hands.

Then he says pointing to the seat in front of him. "Come and sit here."

"Rrrr... I'm coming."

Once I was comfortably seated, I asked in a curious tone, "So, who are you?"

Following my question, his eyes widened and he said surprised, "Finally some politeness! I didn't think it would take you so long, my boy."

"So, let me explain, we're not going to go through ten ways, can you shorten the old man?" I said slightly irritated by his childish behaviour. This old grandpa doesn't take the time to listen to me, he's like a kid excited about a new toy.

"Oh sorry, it's just been so long since I last spoke to anyone. This place is a bore, you wouldn't know it."

"I can see that." I say, scratching my head, my empathetic side apparently getting the better of me.

"Yes... Anyway, I am God!" He said as he conjured a golden aura around his body.

Maybe he wanted to impress me, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Seeing my reaction he asked me puzzled with a sad look on his face, "Aren't you saying anything?"

"Ummmm... So, let's say my first impression of you was not the same as it is now." I said with embarrassment.

"I see..."

Maybe I should have played along. I thought mentally to myself as I thought about the effort he had put into being presentable.

"No don't worry, no need for that. I know you're a good guy at heart."

"Thanks, that's good to hear! Especially coming from you."

Now I'd like to know the reason I'm here.

"Oh yes, that's right. I'll give you the reason."

He can read minds, I forgot... It's God after all...

"So, in reality you are in this place for one and only one reason, you have been chosen to participate in the wheel of reincarnation!" He proudly announces while raising the arms.

Wait a minute. Could this be the famous wheel that you find in these fanfictions?

"Yes that's right !"

I was happy but...Too bad...

Seeing my rather saddened expression, he suddenly asked me, "Why aren't you thrilled about it?"

"I already knew I wouldn't go to heaven, besides there's no way I could receive any wish." I say glumly as my otaku dream may never come true.

"You know, not everyone would have had the mental capacity to jump under the wheels of a truck in order to save loli-chan. *Cough* except for the weeb."

*Cough* "I'm a weeb…"

Our eyes were fixed on each other.

"Oh...." His expression was funny after he realized that I was actually a pure Otaku.

Since the atmosphere is quite awkward, I suddenly asked, "About that loli-chan, she's a truck-kun accomplice right?"

I've always wanted to know if these two were related in some way, it's my weeb soul that wants to know. All those fanfics I read made me want to finally know the real truth.

"Well... It's the case, Loli-chan and truck-kun are in cahoots, they send me people to reincarnate. Usually they are people with good funds."

Yes, Bingo I was right!

"But it's been several years since they sent me anyone..."

"It's the reason why you were lonely?" I said naively with a background thought brightened.

"Right! Anyway, you're allowed three laps around the wheel."

The wheel found in fan fiction that more or less decides my fate ?

He nods positively in response.

May fate be kind to me. I thought with a little prayer address to miss fortune.

"Where is the wheel?" I said worriedly.

"Here." He said as he snapped his fingers making a mini wheel of fortune appear on the desk.

Wow! I want to be able to do that!

"Anyway, before you turn the wheel that will determine your parting gifts, the world that has been decided for your reincarnation is the world of Naruto."

"Huh?" Isn't that world too dangerous?! All the stupidly suicidal, bloodthirsty plots this world has..."

Just don't reincarnate me as a member of the Uchiha clan! I thought strongly.

Getting killed by that little Itachi isn't a good future prospect. I thought wryly.

"That's okay, don't worry. Maybe you'll get lucky with the wheel of fate."

"Yes, maybe Huh..."

"Well, it's all very well to discuss paper and chocolate, but it's time to get the wheel turning. Otherwise your soul would be stuck here forever." He said putting an end to my moaning.

"Okay, no worries. Let's turn that wheel then!" I said as I turned the handle on the side.

The wheel began to spin faster and faster, I could see symbols of different clans from Naruto's world.

Obviously, I prayed with all my strength to get good bonuses. And after a little reflection, I told myself that it was useless to pray to this god who is right in front of me...

Then, the wheel gradually slowed down before stopping definitively on the symbol of the Uchiha clan.

I was screwed. Literally screwed.

"How lucky you are little Hiro." He said with a wink, sounding in a good mood. The opposite of my current state of mind.

As I began to make my future plans for my third life, God suddenly announced, "Don't you want to know who you're going to be reincarnated into?"

Of course I do!

"So the character you're going to be reincarnated as soon is... Uchiha Yuki. Congratulations!"

Who is he? That was my first thought after his revelation.

"Uchiha Yuki? I've never heard of this character, who is he?"

"Oh oh... You'll see later, it's a surprise."

Surprise my eye Huh! I thought furiously as I gave him a sulky look.

Despite my despair, I did find one good thing about being reborn as an Uchiha. I will have a Kekkei Genkai, at least I hope so...

Indeed, not all Uchiha manage to awaken their Sharingan and from what I know, you have to have a strong feeling to be able to awaken it, it's a moment I don't necessarily want to spend.

Plus, the threat of Itachi Uchiha is huge, we'll have to make a plan by then to survive.

Argh...! So much trouble and I'm not even reincarnated.

"Don't worry Hiro, the draw isn't over, I guarantee you good things to come"

"Thank God!" I said with a look of hope and expectation.

"So now let's spin the second wheel."

The wheel began to spin faster and faster before stopping on a sign that was supposed to represent chakra.

"What's the bonus this time?" I said slightly puzzled.

"It's a chakra pack! You're lucky hehehe..."

A chakra pack?

"Yes that's right, so this pack has two bonuses instead of one, isn't that great?"

I was about to jump for joy after hearing about this but he continued and said, "So this pack includes an A level chakra wielding and a B level chakra reserve."

Actually, I don't really know what these levels are, but they look pretty good to me. I thought about it happily.

"Don't worry, these are very good levels, but you'll have to improve as you go along so you don't feel left out. Let's move on to the third round if you don't mind."

And like the previous times the wheel spins and spins and suddenly stops on a cat?

"A cat?" I say with my head cocked to the side.

"Mmmm... It looks like you've become a jinchûriki, congratulations?"

What the hell...?!

What way do you want me to die in this world? I have several choices in front of me, either get killed by Itachi, Danzo or even better the akatsuki!

As my fuzzy thoughts fulminate with disorder, God suddenly says, "I'm sure you're worried about nothing, really don't worry."

Yes... I trust you...

Too bad he didn't give me systems like every other fanfic character I've read.

"Systems are too powerful to give away, or I would have given you one. Obviously, with your advanced knowledge of your modern world you'll be able to come up with some pretty useful tricks." He said with a reassuring smile.

"That's true, you're right..." I said to stay positive and not end up in a ball on the floor crying like a horse.

Just as I was hesitating about wanting to stay here with this old grandpa, he suddenly snapped his fingers and then my vision gradually darkened.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, anyway you have no choice since I don't want to see you again anytime soon. Goodbye Hiro." He said quietly into the void.

Anyway, I think my life starts from now on...

In a comfortable room located in the Uchiha clan compound: "Yuki-chan!" "Yuki-chan !"

Nice little note (◠﹏◠)

Wawawiwicreators' thoughts
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