
First Episode and Current Abilites

In one of the households at Musutafu the Handa Family were lazing around at the living room while watching a live coverage of heroes apprehending a criminal.

"Does Kamui Woods can also get nutrients through photosynthesis?" Asked Yuma as he watched Kamui Woods grows branches and attempts to bind the criminal

Ren: "I don't think so but if he can do it I'll definitely trade my Quirk."

Yuma: "Yeah, me too. Imagine how convenient it is being able to eat just by lying under the sun."

Ren: "If I had that ability, the first thing I'll do is run off to the mountain then build a hut and spend my entire lifetime doing nothing but sleep."

Yuma: "Imagine being able to sleep and eat at the same time? That would be awesome~"

Yua: "Cut if off you two! You're being rude to someone who risks his life to save people."

Yuma: "Bah! It's not like he can hear us right?"

Ren: "+1"

Yua: "Haaa you two really are hopeless and Ren you are running late why are you still lying on the couch?"

Ren: "It's not like I'll get into trouble by being late once in a while."

Yua: "Whatever just get going now. Shoo shoo!"

Ren: "All right all right whatever." Yua were annoyed by Ren's attitude and decided to grab Ren's foot and drags him off the couch up to the door.

Ren: "Oi. Oi. Mom what are you doing? Oi! MOM! Ack! My butt! Ouch Mom! I'm sorryyy!"

Yua: "Get going now young man~" snickers Yua as she was satisfied by her actions.

Ren: "Tch. Bye Mom."


It's been months since the announcement and we're only a month away from graduating. I've already speculated that around this month will Midoriya first meet All Might. There aren't any interesting things to do at school so today I decided to skip class. Every time I skip class I always stock up on snacks and hang out at the little tower I built at Dagobah beach park. It consists of steal beams constructed to a cube shape as the foundation then at the top I use wood planks to create a floor for me to lie down.

I often use this place to plan my workout routines and ways to better control my ability as there are rarely any people who comes here to disturb me. At first my ability aren't so troublesome as I only need to eat meat to get the nutrients needed to improve but lately this ability of mine gets a little troublesome when my ukaku evolved and have the ability to produce electricity. At first I was so excited about the idea of my ukaku having a pseudo-electricity ability as I think about countless possibilities and ways to use my lightning but now it has become so annoying because of how hard it is to tame it. As I was cloud gazing I remember the novels that I've read from my past life explaining how lightning element works and that's when a thought struck me.

"Wait why am I trying to tame it? I just have to let it flow right? As I remember before lightning element is a very straightforward element, all you have to do is control the output and direction then let it wreak havoc."

"Ack! How dumb I've become?"

I immediately sat in a lotus position and empty my mind as I release my ukaku and slowly generates electricity and let it circulate through my whole body to let it get accustomed to lightning. When I first learned this ability I immediately thought of Killua's God Speed ability and swear to myself that if I can't run 12,000 miles per hour I'll go vegan for the rest of my life.

As I slowly reached my body's limit I've already decided on how I'll train my body and make God Speed to be usable when entrance exam starts.


I spent my entire afternoon in meditation trying to get used on circulating electricity throughout my body.

"If it wasn't for my desire to watch All Might choose Midoriya as a succesor I wouldn't stand up here."


"Let's go Sayu-chi" as i said to Sayuri while trying to put the mask that I made on her who just hiss and scratches my face.

"You should've told me you don't like masks there's no need to scratch my face." I said as I put my newly made Rimuru's mask while sulking.

After I'm done with my preparations I released my ukaku and run to the direction where Bakugo is captured.

Midoriya's POV

'Why did I woke up late today? I still haven't done my daily workout!' As I thought while running through the shortcut that I coincidentally found when I am doing my morning run.

Thinking about the day when Handa-San berated me, I really haven't put much effort to realize my dream.

Every time I remember that day I still feel shame by my actions.

I guess the reason why Kacchan hates me so much isn't only because I'm quirkless but also I always blabber that I wanted to be a hero while not putting any effort on it.

As I was running back to the street I suddenly get the feeling that I was being watched and when I turn around that's when I saw a gooey like substance flying towards me. I instinctively roll to the side and just when I thought that I completely avoided it a tentacle wraps my feet preventing me from further actions as it crawls up to my body.

"Kihihihi I'll borrow this body for a bit young man~ It probably won't be long before I give it back to you though I can't guarantee that you were still capable of breathing by then. Kihihihi!"

I disregard the words that this villain was spouting as I continue to struggle despite of my fear. I continued to struggle as I dream of the day that I finally become a hero.

"SHUT UP! I'LL SURVIVE THROUGH THIS! THIS IS JUST A TRIAL FOR ME AS I WALK DOWN THE PATH OF HEROES! BELIEVE ME! I WILL SURVIVE THIS AND BECOME A HERO! I'LL PROVE TO EVERYONE THAT A QUIRK LESS LIKE ME CAN BE ONE TOO!" I kept on shouting to no one in particular as I struggled from the grasp of the villain, even when my consciousness were becoming more blurry I continue to struggle refusing to revert to the spineless idiot I once was. As I slowly lose my strength that's when I heard the name of a move that I probably heard for thousands of times.


A strong gust of wind touches my face as my body is slowly losing strength.

"It is fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

As the dust that rises from the ground due to the punch dissipates what I saw is the figure of a man that I've admired from my whole life, a hero I aspire to be. All Might the symbol of peace is in front of me but strangely the one who caught my attention isn't All Might but a man at the top of a building. A white haired man stood there wearing a mask with a small red dot in the middle part of the mask with two big vertical snake like lines designed like a big nose while beside it a small "S" like shape depicted as eye while a long horizontal wavy line with two protrusions placed on the both ends portrayed as a mouth. The guy at the top is waving at me while holding a bag of chips. I got infuriated by the thought of someone treating my struggles with the villain as an entertainment but strangely when I look at the man I can't help but feel like I've seen this man before.

"He looks familiar." I muttered as I slowly lose my consciousness and collapsed on the floor.


"Kuh! I expected Midoriya crying but what happened was so much better. It's so cool and those lines KEUGH! It's so movie like! Coming here really is a good idea right Sayu-chi?"


"Looks like Sayu-chi have a thing with cool scenes too~ but honestly I was a bit nervous earlier. Izu-chi almost died you know! Fortunately as I was about to ambush the villain my perception caught sight of a very fast being apporoaching Midoriya.

I can only describe All Might's entrance as 'COOL' I almost shout like a fool. When I become a hero I wanted a cool entrance too like for example I'll jump from the top of a nearest building then I'll say 'have no fear bloody tail with wings is here!'

Ehem! As I was saying the scene here is done and I really don't want to bet my arse that All Might won't find me here plus Midoriya's safe too so I gotta go quickly find Bakugo."

Bakugo's currently being held as a hostage when I finally found him. His attitude was usually the same even if he was caught by a villain though that's what he acted like but when you gaze at his eyes he looks so scared. He looked so pitiable right now that I quickly understood what Midoriya means when he said that he thinks Bakugo looks like he need help. As I stood at the top of a building watching Midoriya rummaging through his backpack and took a large bottle of water.

"Hmm. He doesn't foolishly run in front of the villain and instead quickly plan a course of action huh? I guess having a bit of mental strength makes him able to think in front of danger and not just rush in like a fool. That's good." I nodded while watching his struggles.

In spite of Midoriya's efforts he too were captured by the villain immediately afterwards All Might comes in and blast the villain away and quickly captured it inside the plastic bottle.

The reporters quickly rush in after the villain was apprehended and interviews All Might. Just as I was about to leave I get goosebumps when suddenly All Might stares at me making me freak out for a second.

"Ack! He knows I was watching!" I blurted out as I just do a peace sign and immediately run away from the scene.

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