

Well let's start off with an introduction shall we? First my name is Georges Richard. 20 year old Afro-American guy. Average life none of those stupid overly powered things like millionaire playboy. Just a regular guy.

My hobbies include reading light novels and fanfictions. If I'm in the mood I'll look up some Manga. Then there's just those average days where you sit on YouTube and watch a billion videos on nonsensical things like those survival videos until you are just bored and filled with stupid information you'll never ever use. Average stuff.

Today I'm going to tell you how I passed away.

Wait what?

Yeah I died.

I was reading Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation at the library you know a nice quiet place and you know when they turn up the heat in the room and it's just the perfect temperature for you to lay your head down on your Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation in webnovel and just pass out?

Yeah it happens in class too you just feel tired for no reason.

I woke to the sounds shouting and the roof being covered in a rolling flame. The shelves had gone up pretty fast and my vision was clouded by smoke.

I scrambled to my feet and started to rush toward the entrance. All around was basic chaos, the bookshelves where being knocked over and catching fire. Books don't make good fire stops people.

I noticed a small child about 9 crying for her mother, who had her leg trapped under a fallen bookshelf.

I rushed over to give her a hand. The woman grabbed onto my waist as I lifted the shelf up and pulled her leg out. I picked up the child and helped the mother as we started making our way to the exit.

Right as we were about to get out the roof groans. I look up and see flaming roof bits falling towards us and I know we aren't going to make it.

So I do what any self respecting hero would do, I drop the child.






I push the mother and daughter as hard as I can towards the exit while flaming hot debris falls on me. I didn't die from the debris no I slowly roasted and let me tell you that's not a good way to go.

I screamed myself but after a bit I just couldn't go on and everything turned black and that's how I completed my ultimate form of jerked chicken BBQ style.

I woke up in a completely empty white space as far as the eye could see. The first thing I noticed was that I couldn't feel my legs helI couldn't feel anything. I looked down at my body and noticed that I didn't have a body.

"You are taking this quite well although you are dead you know?" Said a voice.

"Who's there?"I asked looking confused because there is no one here, hearing a voice in this dark place is strange.

I turn around only to see a gentle looking old man sitting across from me gazing at me kindly.

"Hello there young man my name is ***** but that's hard to pronounce for mortals you can call me God." Said the now proclaimed God.

At about this point my minds going 100 miles an hour and I'm just staring at him. I mean I wasn't really that religious in my life I believed there was a higher power though. But I didn't really go to much to church, Well I didn't really go. Just figured you know if I didn't kill anyone I'd be fine and set to go to my happy spiritual place when I died.

"Ah well hello there I take it I died then?" I asked to confirm my situation.

"Yes you did. What was it you said? Right you achieved jerked chicken form. But quite the heroic way to do it I might say and fixed a mistake on my part." Said God with a chuckle.

"Mistake?" I questioned.

"Oh yes even I make an ocasional blunder, you see that fire was caused by my accidentally releasing divine lightning and it would have killed that little girl and her mother. But thanks to you you've saved them and for that I'm going to give you a new chance to live and four wishes of anything you want." Replied God with a smile.

"Uh ok..quick question why did you accidently release divine lightning? That seems like a major thing to accidentally do." I asked.

I notice God's cheeks light up slightly and he coughs out some words I can't make out sounding like cancelled Anime or something.

"*cough* let's not talk about that for now and get on to the real prize your next life." Said God casually pushing the question under the rug.

"O....kay." I said giving him a suspicious look.

"Now you get 4 wishes, 2 for the lives you saved and 1 for your own life as compensation and the other you can count as bonus." he told me seriously.

"Sounds fair enough to me. can I ask some questions though?"

"Sure."he replied.

"okay well first question what do you mean new life?"I asked.

"Well you can pick any time or place that you want to live and I'll send you there." He tells me.

"Nice. so is it reincarnation or transmigration? I read some light novels about that I enjoyed them." I asked excitedly.

"Exactly and you get to pick which one you want." He said with a smile.

Inwardly I'm screaming and shouting with joy. I'm about to blow up with excitement this is something great. Hundreds of world's are running though my head like Naruto or bleach maybe a cultivation world or dxd, Oooh. How about one piece?

No, I choose immortal and martial dual cultivation it's my favorite novel, there are many challenges that life on earth doesn't have, flying through the skies and looking down at everyone and the heaven, beautiful women hehehe, just imagining I'm already drooling.

"Alright second question will I retain my memories?" I ask seriously.

"Quite smart of you to ask hardly anyone does and yes you'll keep your memories. Wouldn't be much of a second life if you didn't." Said God.

"Then my first wish is to Reborn in Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation world as adopted brother of Xiao Chen, I want to memories be sealed until the story begins." I said excited.

"Granted" Said God.

"My second wish is to have a Leveling System but different, the system must have a shop for me to buy cultivation techniques, weapons/armors, medicinal or spiritual herbs, bloodline, pills and martial arts and cultivating normally I can also gain experience, also with spiritual herbes and pills."

"Granted"Said God.

"My third wish is to have 5x more experience in killing spirit beast and demonic beasts and my Martial Spirit to be a Dragon type."

"Granted". Said God.

"My fourth wish is to be very handsome that God's have jealous of me, with silver hair and blue eyes" I said excited because to court beautiful girls you have be handsome, it's a lie I just wanted to be handsome hehehe.

"Granted. You'll be handsome that even gods will jealous but not to handsome as me hehehe" Said with amused laugh.

Ignore it..

Just Ignore it

"That seems fair. So last question am I going to have to do something for you like fight some strange evil G.o.d that suddenly defeated you or save the universe from destruction?" I asked seriously, I don't like being tricked.

"No my boy. None of some super being who lost his memories and has some hidden wife somewhere who needs saving." He laughs happily.

I'm sweating internally. That was a very specific statement, because I want be free and live my life without restrictions, I don't want be a hero that save the world.

"Alright I'll trust you on this." I say. Even if it does happen we will deal with it.

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