

Damien recently has a very clear understanding of his identity as a "sleeping robot".

After sending the message, he chuckled and stood in front of the floor- to–ceiling windows of the presidential suite of the Sunshine Hotel, admiring the neon night scene of the bustling traffic downstairs.

Ding dong.

He gets a reply.

Kendall, [Where? ]

Three simple words, crisp and clear, completely in line with her style.

Damien sent his room number, then sighed, and looked at "Where" again.

Small prey is too indifferent to chase.

"Knock, knock."

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Damien raised his eyebrows. As a man, he has almost zero charm for Kendall.

But as a sleeping robot, his charm is full marks.

He went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened a crack, Kendall came in, and asked with slight anger in her eyes,

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