
The Fire Slain





"Do I really need to learn this?"

"Yes. I don't want to translate everything for you!"


Euryale was complaining.

No surprise there.

The reason was that the group of three were finally back on the road after having finished up with the bandit camp as Arison took the liberty to start teaching Euryale this world's language, and she complained heavily at the start. At least it seemed that the girl was a quick learner and was picking up everything pretty quickly.

Whenever Rory or Euryale spoke, he would have to translate for each of them if they were speaking to one another. It was very annoying as they would always ask him to translate. So, the best course of action would be to teach Euryale the language himself, and if need be, he might teach Rory how to speak other languages too.

They weren't riding on the motorcycle formed from The Sword of Fire though as they were actually just walking now at a calm pace. This way Arison didn't need to concentrate on keeping the vehicle active and having to drive it, he could place pretty much all his attention on teaching Euryale as he even took the damn liberty to write a bunch of stuff down on a blank book he got from the bandit camp.

He felt like he was writing a dictionary...

Arison had to ignore the non-stop gaze of Rory who wouldn't stop smiling at him, though it was more in a slightly more seductive manner compared to all the other stares she had given him previously. He had constant shivers down his spine as he was trying to teach Euryale, can't the goth girl just stop staring?!

"That was certainly a display you did back there."

"You've been saying that for the past ten minutes. Why do you keep mentioning it?"

"I can't help it. Just watching that little display truly excited me!" Rory smiled and gave a giggle as both Arison and Euryale just deadpanned at her. Euryale was thankfully able to understand the damn girl, the teaching was going places! Arison was really really regretting allowing this damn girl to tag along with them. "Hm? What's this?"

"Huh?" Arison turned his head forwards as the group stopped their walking. They could see the reason for Rory's little statement was what was happening up ahead on the road. Arison blinked in surprise at what he was seeing, he was sure that he was in a medieval... yet, he is no doubt seeing what he thinks he was seeing.

"Are those... cars?"

"Yeah, they are..." Arison replied simply with the same amount of confusion and surprise as Euryale had. Rory just gave them a confused look, it seemed that the two were able to identify the metallic carriages that were approaching their direction. 'But, how is this possible? Is this not a medieval world? Rory seems just as confused, though more on what they are.'

"My, my~. Those seem much like that contraption we rode on before... a motorcycle, was it?"

"Yes. Those aren't motorcycles though, they're cars." Arison informed simply as they had decided to stand still and wait for the group of cars to get closer. Arison could easily see they weren't normal ones either, they were from the military. Which military, he was unsure of. He wasn't too big into the whole military stuff, so his info on it was satisfactory at best.

Due to their enhanced senses, they could easily see also that there were soldiers sitting inside driving the vehicles. Judging from their appearances, Arison could see that they were definitely asians, perhaps Japanese or Chinese? Once he hears them speak, then he would most likely get his answer, he would easily identify what nationality they are from the language they speak.

As the vehicles came closer, they watched as they suddenly came to a stop.

Arison just kept his gaze on the vehicles and also analysing the people inside, also taking notice that there were many other carriages being pulled by horses being them. Are these soldiers escorts or something? He noticed practically all the males staring at mainly Euryale, who was irritated by their gazes, though he couldn't care right now as he had his own thoughts.

Many questions came to his mind.

Where did these soldiers come from?

Who do they serve?

Are they from this world?


"It's the Oracle!"Arison and Euryale noticed a number of kids wearing rather old clothes come out from the back of the front car that was staring at them as the kids ran up to Rory while screaming. Rory had a calm smile on her face as she was speaking with them, though Arison completely zoned them out and began walking towards the front car.

He walked past Rory and the kids, as well as a few older males that seemed to be bowing down to Rory. Euryale followed behind Arison as he was the only one she felt comfortable around here with right now, she really didn't want to stand next to Rory... for reasons. Arison arrived at the window and looked up at the male who was wearing green military clothing.

'Ah~, must be Japanese then. That's the armour of the JSDF.' Arison thought to himself as he accessed his vast knowledge of armour across the Omniverse. There were various kinds of interpretations of the armour, but they were all similar in some way. JSDF standing for Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

"U-Uh~, hello? Nice to meet you?" The male sitting at the front seat spoke in this world's language to him in a nervous manner. He didn't appear to suspect him not being from this world due to his clothes, which were clearly of the modern era. Maybe it was because of Rory and her gothic lolita outfit. Arison just scoffed slightly at this.

"A pleasure, soldier."

"I-Is that English?!"

"You got that right."

"N-Now he's speaking Japanese!" The driver chimed in as the three soldiers that were present in the vehicle stared at him in shock as Arison just had an amused smirk on his face at their reactions. It seemed that they were certainly not expecting to find someone who knew how to speak their tongue. The third soldier being a young woman, probably in her mid-twenties or younger.

"A-Are you from our world?" The soldier he spoke to first asked with shock.

'So, I was right. They're not from this world. Good, information acquired.' Arison held his usual calm smile as he thought this. His assumptions on this world being a medieval one skyrocketing as it would seem these guys weren't from this world. How interesting. "I don't know. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. What do you think?"

The male just stared at Arison with unblocked shock as well as the other two, and the soldiers who could hear the conversation through the coms also were in a state of surprise as they were listening in on what was exactly happening. In truth, Arison wasn't actually sure. He might have actually been from their world before he died.

Though, he had a feeling that wasn't the case.

"So, who are you?"

"O-Oh, uhh... my name is Youji Itami, Commander of the Third Recon Team for the JSDF..." Itami introduced himself nervously towards Arison as the boy kept a neutral expression on his face. Euryale just standing beside him silently as he crossed his arms and decided to introduce himself.

"Arison Legion, a pleasure."


"Do you mind telling me about your abilities now?"

"Not yet, I'll explain later when we're in a more comfortable position."

Arison replied to Euryale's question as the goddess just gave a frustrated pout towards him as he just shrugged and closed his eyes. Both of them were now riding on top of the JSDF's car as Rory was forced by Arison to sit inside as he didn't want to have to deal with her staring at him again the entire time, which had caused the demi-goddess to pout heavily.

He was lying down on his back with his eyes closed as his arms were crossed behind his head, acting as pillows for him to rest his head. Euryale was just sitting beside him as she was staring forwards towards the direction they were going, Arison, seemingly unaffected by the heatwave everyone else was feeling.

From what he had been told by Itami was that they were heading towards the JSDF's headquarters.


"Is something wrong?" Euryale wondered as Arison opened his eyes and narrowed them as he looked towards the direction of the sun. He sat up from his position and stood up, turning his body to look up towards the direction. When he did, he saw a wyvern flying towards them, though noticed something else.

"Oh damn..."

Arison widened his eyes a bit when the wyvern was suddenly snatched out of the sky by a much larger creature, a large scaly red winged beasts. A beast that he and everyone here was most likely knew the existence of, and that was a dragon! This dragon being much larger than the wyvern and was crimson red in colour.

"Contact!" Arison and Euryale both heard Itami shout from within the car as they guessed he must have seen the beast as well. He soon poked his head out and looked up on top for the vehicle and screamed. "You guys better hold on, things are really going to get bumpy! There's a god damn real dragon coming for us!"

"Oh yeah, I haven't noticed." Arison voiced with an insane amount of sarcasm. "Itami, tell all your soldiers to stand back! Help the people get to a safe distance, and let me deal with this thing! Euryale, you stay here with them."

"If you say so..."

"Wh-What, are you insane?!" Itami gawked at the male.

"No, just confident." All the soldiers and the people all watched in shock as Arison leapt off the vehicle and landed on the rocky ground before bursting off with insane speed towards the dragon, much faster than when he was fighting the bandits. Euryale got off from atop the vehicle and got into the back with Rory and the kids as they all watched from windows.

"C-Commander, what do we do?!" Kurata shouted as he was driving the car. Itami seemed conflicted as he saw a kid who looked no older than sixteen rush into battle, though he seemed to possess incredible abilities. His insane inhumane speed already speaking volumes. Itami then turned towards Kurata and grabbed the coms before shouting.

"Everyone, stop your advancements towards the dragon and focus on helping the people!"

"Commander, what about Arison?" Kurata asked with a concerned expression as he saw the boy rushing in straight towards the massive beast. Itami just gulped as he looked at the scene before replying. "We'll just have to leave it to him. He seems confident, though it hurts me to send a kid to deal with this thing..."

Arison saw the dragon about to claw one of the carriages, though he quickly jumped and punched the claw away, causing a few of the claws on the hand to shatter as the dragon recoiled back in pain. Everyone who saw that widened their eyes at the display of physical strength, it was from a mere punch from his hand!

'Oh, no you don't!' Arison saw the chin of the dragon glow orange as it held its head up to the sky, he had witnessed a scene like this before in many different fictional worlds back when he was alive, and that only meant one thing. A damn dragon roar! Arison quickly ran forwards before jumping up, he waited for it to lower its head before he delivered a high kick to its jaw.

The dragon recoiled but slashed at him nonetheless. He was about to kick the hand away, but a familiar halberd struck it off course. He blinked at this and looked to see Rory on top of the car with a smile on her face, he just gave a small smile of his own as he saw that she helped him.

"I had it, but I appreciate the help! Better get rid of this thing before any more casualties happen." Arison thought seriously as he frowned a the dragon. He noticed that a few people had been killed by this thing just now, not a lot, but even a single life was extremely precious in his eyes. "Prepare to face your grave, lizard breath!"

Arison spin-kicked the dragon as it recoiled backwards, to which Arison landed on the ground and backflipped back. He then held his hand forwards as Itami and his soldiers managed to gather the remaining large number of people who were still alive, who were all watching as Arison faced off against the dragon on his own.

Including the elf that had just woken up from her unconscious state.

The soldiers all gripping their rifles while gritting their teeth. Just leaving a kid to deal with this left a bad taste in their mouths...

"Commander, we should help him!"

"Wait! He's doing something...!" Itami shouted in response to Mari's words. They all looked to see that Arison was indeed doing something, and that thing was him holding his hand forwards as some kind of bright light was encompassing his right hand. They then all heard the young male shout at the top of his lungs.

"Come to me, the blade that slew the dragon Fafnir! Balmung!"

That was when the light that encompassed Arison's hand solidified and extended before becoming a brilliant silver blade that had a beautiful blue jewel that was embedded into the hilt of the blade. Arison swung it around expertly before holding it forwards with both hands gripping onto the handle of the greatsword.

Everyone that looked on watched with widened eyes, especially the soldiers as they recognised the name. While most of them were most definitely not really knowledgeable at all on things like legends and such from mythology, they seemed to recognise the name of the sword that Arison just seemingly summoned forth.

A certain two mages among the people were staring at the blade in utter amazement, they could feel that it was releasing an incredibly powerful magical energy. Far beyond anything they had ever felt in their lives, and they doubted they would ever be able to utilise something as grand as this blade, or anything of the like.

When the fire dragon regained its senses, it glared towards Arison, though soon became uneasy upon taking a glance at the blade that now occupied the young god's hands. Whatever the blade was, it caused an incredibly uneasy feeling to wash all over the fire dragon. Its instinct was telling it to run, but its pride was telling it to fight...

"It's over, dragon!" Arison stated simply as he seemingly twisted the handle of the blade before a tall pillar of blue violent energy erupted from the blade as it reached high into the sky. The pressure causing the ground to crack and everything to shake. "The Evil Dragon will fall. All will be separated into light and shadow. The world will now reach the twilight!"

Arison then raised the blade high above his shoulders before bringing it down with a violent swing.

"Fall - Balmung!"

When he swung it down and it struck the ground, the energy from the blade seemingly shot forward in the form of a beautiful blue beam of violent energy. The strike travelling at incredible speeds towards the fire dragon, who was frozen in fear as the attack quickly closed the distance and struck its massive body.

Agony and pain.

Those words were perfect for its current situation as the attack made it feel like its body was being ripped to shreds. It wasn't too long before the attack cut right through and the entire right half of the dragon was completely destroyed as the remaining half fell to the ground lifeless, the impact causing a large shake in the earth.

As the dragon fell, everything was silent as all the people who witnessed the scene were stunned shocked. Rory was smiling widely, she was jealous she couldn't fight, but just watching Arison seemed to be enough for now. Euryale was the least surprised out of everyone, but was still surprised nonetheless. He had used Gáe Bolg not too long ago, and now Balmung.

It didn't last too long before the civilians all began to cheer extremely loudly at the death of the fire dragon. It was from this day that they knew that some kind of legend of Arison was about to make itself known here in this medieval world, and the story of a young boy slaying a fire dragon all on his own will surely shake the world to its core.

It was on this day that both the people of the Special Region and the JSDF witnessed just what Arison is capable of!


Thanks for reading the story so far!

Also, just wanted to say that if there are any complaints about how I do things, please just keep them to yourself. I respect that everyone has their views on how things should be, but just please don't try and pressure me into changing how I do things.

If you don't like it, please just leave without any venting of complaints.

ConstantReigncreators' thoughts
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