

There was a man on his phone reading fanfics about bnha/MHA he was crossing the streets and he got ran over by a big truck and since no one was around he died

[first person]

I was crossing the street then all of a sudden I felt like my body was being crushed and then after a few seconds of pain and then the pain was gone and everything was black and all of a sudden there was light

I said hello anybody there

Yes boy said a mysterious voice

"Who are you"

I am what you call god or kami whatever but you have died due to my cousin truck-kun and I have to take responsibility and when I say take responsibility I mean to reincarnate you into izuku midoriya

(Yes this is every otaku's dream)

But before you go you have one wish

After thinking for a while I decided

" I want to be able to take any characteristic of any animal I touch and to be able to talk to them and a mental list to keep track of them"

Okay good wish but have to nerf your quirk because that is a really strong quirk so you can only take one thing from an animal

"Ok I'm okay with that"

Okay wait a couple of secs I need to set up the world for you..... ok all set

ok 3..2..1 bye

Suddenly there was a blinding light and then out of nowhere, there was pain on my ass OUCH What The FUCK. Then my vision started becoming less blurry and I see multiple people in white ( oh I'm a baby ) the men in whit hand me to a slim inko [my mom] wow she my mom this is weird my parents died when I was young when they died all of their money went to me and there was a lot but then I asked for help handling money but then others took advantage of my young age and took money this happened a few more times until I realized and then I stop trusting other and had to step up at young age and grow up I had to get a job at a young age to get into college I could not buy stuff like AirPod max or the iPhone 15 with 10 cameras on it

I just bought a phone that worked and with nothing to turn to I turned to anime, fanfics, and manga.

But now I have a mother I won't let her worry and let her have a good life

as I become a hero

'I name him izuku can get my husband inko says

A man on the phone comes in talking about business

'Dear would you please get off the phone and look at our baby ' inko says

' ok what's his name 'says Hisashi

It's izuku would like to hold him'

No, I need to do something'

(What an asshole he would rather be at work than here )

{5 months later}

(this family is a disaster they argued almost every night about me and there relationship ship but it really took off when my dad says he wants a divorce)

{one month later}

After they broke up I started to try to make it easier for inko by not crying unless I need to and I started crawling

apparently, my dad still sends money for me and it's really embarrassing sucking on a nippy but had to do what I had to do

Two months later

I took my first steps I guess my body is a little bit better than others thanks to god I think but I'm not sure

{two years later}

My mom tried to make me become friends with bakugo but he was an annoying brat with a superior disorder and he did not even get his quirk yet

I told my mom I did not like him she stops bringing me over to his house.

what I did in my spare time is read books the old izuku was really smart the way he analyzed hero's were really advanced that could be considered a quirk but he wasted it on studying hero's but I'm not going to waste it and read strategy books and other math books and. Other things to get ahead and with my past knowledge I'm sure to get somewhere

Okay guys that it for today please tell me if I need to fix anything and rate, power stones bye 👋