
Aftermath / Peter's Trouble

Logan aka Wolverine's 3rd POV

Hanger, X-Mansion (8 PM)

The Black Bird descended into the hanger underneath the mansion's basketball court and when it landed a slight screech could be heard. As Logan exited to jet, he find himself facing Professor Xavier who is waiting near the hanger's entrance door.

"Fancy seeing you waiting for me, Chuck" Logan said as he chuckled slightly.

Professor Xavier seeing that Logan is slightly tense asked "Is everything okay, Logan?".

Logan hesitatingly replied "Yeah..." as both of them headed towards the underground facility's corridor.

Professor Xavier didn't want to drop the subject asked "What happen?".

"I learn few things about my past....." Logan answered as he dragged his words.

Professor Xavier raised an eyebrow at this statement but remain silent.

"I learn that my real name is James Howlett and that I was involved in the Vietnam war...." Logan grumbled.

"That is good news, Logan. It is a start!" Professor Xavier replied sounding slightly optimistic.

"Even though most of my memories of my past is a blur but .... the only thing I could remember clearly of my past is the pain when I was experimented on in the Weapon X program...." Logan said scowling in anger.

Professor Xavier remain silent but glance at Logan in concern.

"They use my DNA to create another weapon..... or to be more direct, I have a daughter, Chuck" Logan said as he walking away.

Professor Xavier gawking at Logan in shock shouted "They what?!".

Logan closed his eyes as he think back on Laura before taking a deep breath as he answered "They clone her from my DNA and had some scientist give birth to her! She is just a kid but they took away her freedom and made her into a monster like me!"

Professor Xavier stared at Logan in silence for a short moments before saying "You meet her in the base?"

"Fought her too…you should have seen her... with her skills, she could easily kill any of our students!" Logan replied with a smirk on his face.

Professor Xavier in confusion answered "I don't know what is worse the cloning or the fact that you are proud that she could have kill our students".

Logan let out a small chuckle before sadly sighing to himself.

"Where is she?" Professor Xavier asked concernedly.

Logan remained silent and then slowly answered "She need some time alone… but I believe that we will be seeing her soon.... once I bring her home, I will make sure that she doesn't end up like me"

"The X-Men will be always there to help both of you in any way possible" Professor Xavier said reassuringly.

Logan nod his head saying "Thanks for the therapy session, Chuck" before turning around and walking away.

"Anytime, Logan" Professor Xavier answered as he watch Logan walked away before muttering to himself "A daughter, huh! Imagine that...".

End of Logan's 3rd POV


Nightwing Base (8 PM)

Even though I wanted to help out the mutants, they insisted that they don't need any help. After Wolverine and I transported 'The Morlocks' to the underground tunnels beneath the Manhattan Island, I return back to home.

Since Oracle is helping me to sift through the Weapon Plus's data, I decided to test out the newly upgraded training room. Using Dr Octavius's fusion power research, Oracle and Bernard has help me assemble the gravity device in the training room.

Currently the gravity training room has the capability to increase its gravity to the maximum value of 60 times normal Earth gravity, adjustable 100x standard pressure, and adjustable room temperature.

Excited to test out the equipment, I quickly entered the gravity training room. My current ability is able to lift maximum weight of 49.2 tonne and running speed of 86 km/hour (53.9 mph). No changes in my venom blast which remain the same around 200,000 volt but now I am able to release it easily from both of my hands and legs.

"Set to 5G, Oracle!" I said as I prepared myself inside the room.

"Alright" Oracle replied as a light "buzz" sound could be heard.

Feeling the slight increase in gravity, I slowly jog around the room to familiarize myself to the changes in the room.

After warming up, I said "Increase to times 15G". In an instant, the training room buzzed slight more in power.

Feeling a tremendous downward force pressed down on my body, I said "Hmm.... seems to be working fine".

After that I started adjusting the temperature and pressure of the training room. Feeling the changes in the room, I nodded my head in satisfaction.

Eager to start my training, I said "Gradually increase the gravity, Oracle!"

Oracle didn't reply and start to increase the gravity in the training room. As the gravity gradually increase, my body slightly tremble as I try to adept to the changes in the room.

"It is 25G! Oracle, maintain the setting!" I said as I feel that 25G is the limit my body could endure to train properly without injuring myself.

Training in the room, I was eager to squeeze out my body full potential before taking the new OZ Serum that I am currently still researching. Even though I wanted to train insanely like Son Goku from Dragon Ball, I decide to take a systematic training schedule myself.

"Increase the room pressure by 10 times, Oracle" I said determinedly as I endured the changes and started training. I started with simple push-ups, sit-up and running as I train my body before moving to weights and martial arts.

As time slowly flies by and I was engrossed in my training, Bernard's voice could be heard in the training room speaker as he shouted "GO TO SLEEP!!!!! IT IS A SCHOOL NIGHT!!!!".


Midtown High (Tuesday)

The next day, I arrived at Midtown High with stiff and sore muscle due to my training, I feel really happy as I mumbled to myself "No pain, no gain!". The reason for this is because with my body quick recovery, my muscle will easily heal from my training which is really valuable as it help to thoroughly remold my body potential to new heights.

As I was taking my books from the locker, Felicia who is by my side nudge me softly as she gestured for me to look towards MJ's and Peter's direction.

I already know that Peter and MJ had a kind of attraction between both of them but recently it seems that their relationship is progressing well.

"We look better" I teased Felicia causing her pinch me in embarrassment before walking away.

As I was going to enter our classroom, Peter quickly approached me and whispered "Harry, I need to talk to you during lunch...alone".

I wasn't sure what this meant but I got a feeling that it might probably be about MJ.

I shrugged my shoulders and went into the classroom thinking that I will have to wait and see what he is worried about.


After informing Felicia that Peter wanted to talk to me alone, I approach Peter asking "So what is up, Peter? What did you want to see me about?"

"Well I was just wondering about something…..I mean I noticed this thing about two friends and I got a feeling that they obviously have feelings for each other….. but the guy does not know how to confess to the girl… What should I do?... I mean what should he do? He is worried that he will screw up the relationship between them" Peter stuttered hesitatingly.

I hate hypothetical questions, I shrugged my shoulder as I answered "Uh...he should just let the girl know about his feelings and worries…. and see whether both of them can work it out".

Peter listen carefully before nodding his head as he replied "Alright I will…. Uhm …. I mean I will inform the guy" as he quickly drink a bottle of water nervously.

After a short moment of silence between both of us, I said ''I see...So what is going on with both you and MJ?" Peter splutter water out of his nose and mouth when he heard my question.

Coughing continuously, Peter anxiously asked "What?!!!!! Do you mean!".

"I mean about you like MJ and she obviously having feeling for you too" I answered impatiently.

"Serious?" Peter asked worriedly and in disbelieve.

I smiled and nodded my head impatiently as I answered "Obviously!".

Peter nervously replied "Well... always thought she only think of me as a friend…."

"Felicia, Ned and I are annoyed about you guys slow progress. We told you guys many time but it feels like we are talking to a couple of dumb dumb! Ned also started dating already…" I replied as I get ready to walk away.

"Hey!!!....What?! Who?" Peter said feeling annoyed before staring at me in disbelieve.

"Betty Brant…. Let's just say….. Ned has game!!!" I answered casually before walking away and leaving Peter who looked at Ned's direction with mouth agape.

"Ned you… Traitor!" Peter mumbled softly to himself as he glared angrily at Ned.

Please review, write or provide feedback... spiderman movie coming soon... so excited but so busy

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts