

Ning Xue's Bedroom

Sunlight shoots through the curtains, and reflects on the bed ,where a beautiful girl sleeps. She flutters her eyelids, to adjust to the morning sunrays.

She gets up "where am I?", she wakes up in a minimalistic looking room .

She gets up from the bed, and head to the bathroom, looking in the mirror, she screams "Aaaaaaaah". Thank god for soundproofing or else people may think she saw a ghost.

"OH MY.....FUCK!!!"


Suddenly her memories came back,

",FUCK!" She remembered killing herself, ' then why...'

She looks back at the mirror; seeing a twenty one year old girl with long brown hair, sharp defined eyebrows, long eyelashes, dark black eyes that could suck you in like a whirlpool, a sharp high bridged nose, plump red lips in the shape of a heart, a sharp chin, and a milky white face, overall very beautiful.

",NING XUE!!" Ning Xin shouts knocking on her door.

"Ning Xue?! thats my name?",

Suddenly foreign memories began rushing in, it gave her a serious headache.

Ning Xue, the infamous daughter of the Ning family, to others she was a dumb ugly and good-for-nothing, with no talent, basically useless.

This Ning Xue actually wears baggy clothes and big framed glasses, just to divert attention from her. Ning Xin 'gave' her an idea to dye her hair brown, which look unattractive on her but great on her sister (Ning Xin)