
reborn as an eldergod

This book is inspierd by a cyoa if you wish for see it go to Reddit.

luckus123 · Fantasía
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hello my name is Sully Cotmen I am but an average person who works at Chick-fil-A. The kind of guy you just would not remember and this is my story:

/// sully pov///

"Um, my head. What happened last night?" I looked around and I saw .... nothing but a void hell. l could see nothing but godforsaken nothingness all around me. I then thought to look at myself and I saw.... nothing. "What the hell? where is my body?!!!!!!" I wailed. And then...

[Hello, and welcome to your new life!!!]

an overly cheerful voice said. As a scream popped open in front of my eyes.

"Want a new life?" [Yep, you tragically died in your sleep and were randomly chosen to be reborn as a random life form. You are going to be reborn as an.... ".ERROR, Error. OUTSIDE FORCE DETECTED. REBOOT IN PROGRESS.] All I could think was 'what the fu_-?, and then the screen came back on. [Reborn as an elder god.] The voice had changed as it now had a far more sinister, if womanly tone to it.

["Now then. It is time to make you an elder god. Bwahahahaha! HACK Ahem, well time to choose how you look. Oh by the way, you are part blood and bone still, so pick an extra look and how you move around."]

I then saw the new screen pop up with a lot of the options. At this, all he could think was 'Ah what the hell!?' ' If I am going crazy, might as well go all in.' I then started to look at all the options for something interesting, as my mind started to come up with different combinations. And in the end, this is what I have made the choice to be a sort of rock-based diety.

["Ok, so you will look like a giant wall of a human body with giant diamond spikes sticking out of your back. You may now enter the name and tile of a new form of life."] the voice summarized. I thought it over, trying to come up with a name that would work for a rock-based elder god

I choose the name Corath, the digger of worlds

["Welcome Corath,] the voice said in an all too cheery tone.

The now named Corath could only think 'What have I gotten my self into?'

to be continued

a/n hey this is my first story I hope you like it, oh and I am using a cyoa for inspiration.