
For Whom the Bell Tolls!

A massive spider, its body spanning over three meters in diameter, emerged from the ground with a fearsome roar. Yet, enveloped by an ethereal mist, it scanned its surroundings in a frenzy of panic and confusion, unable to locate Jason within the ghostly shroud.

Jason observed the Crypt Demon Spider with a calm, detached gaze. Though he bore it no ill will, the inadvertent psychological intimidation emanating from him unsettled the beast, as if it sensed the ominous presence of the Grim Reaper itself.

The spider, overwhelmed by this intangible pressure, retaliated in desperation, unleashing a torrent of spider silk. Thousands of pristine white strands interwove, crafting a colossal web intended to ensnare any threat.

With a mere flicker of blue flame, Jason's counter was swift and decisive. The cobwebs incinerated instantly, disappearing into ash under the intense heat.


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