
Angina's Evaluation!

Tina watching took another serious look at the dragon with her knowledge she surmised it was a sky and sea dragon, renowned for its mastery of wind and water magic, a formidable breed indeed.

"Yeah, but she's yet to learn magic. Right now, flying is all she can manage. Honestly, she's kind of a dimwit for a dragon—a real disappointment to her lineage," Dick replied, with frustration in his tone as he regarded Carona, the dragon clan's apparent underachiever.

"You've slept plenty while I was away. Time to wake up and join us on our journey," Dick urged, a playful seriousness in his voice.

"Hey, no fair, Carona just wants to sleep. Master, this feels like tyranny, you are abusing a minor, which I learnt is a crime!" Carona protested, half in jest, her reluctance to leave her dreams behind clear in her response.

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