
The Companions

Daniel was having a peaceful dream. He was walking around a beautiful city that seemed awfully familiar to him.

To one side, he could see a building whose room looked like an upside-down wooden boat. The locals called this Jorrvuskr. Next to that building was a hill that had a giant eagle carved into it, and under that, a forge called the Skyforge.

That was the first thing that drew his attention. Over the six years of his new life and the four years of it that he could actually do anything, forging was the thing he did the most of, and he instinctually walked to the forge.

Daniel walked to the person manning the forge. The man with long white dreadlocks hears him and turns around.

"Greetings, young'un. I am Eorlund Grey-Mane, the best blacksmith in Skyram."

"This forge looks amazing." says Daniel as he stares at the forge.

"The Skyforge? Aye, my clan-fathers have worked it since the first Grey-Manes came to Whiterun. Skyforge Steel is all the Companions will use, for good reason."

"The Com- Companions?" asks Daniel. This setting is starting to seem a lot more familiar.

"The Companions? By Ysmir, are you thick, or just too new to know better? The Companions are the oldest, most honored band of warriors in Skyram. Whiterun was built around their hall, Jorrvuskr. Don't reckon they can use you. But stranger things have happened."

And finally, something ticked in Daniel's brain. He remembered the first meeting that you have with the companions in Skyram as he started to run down to the watchtower in order to find the farms.

At the very edge of his sight, Daniel could see three silhouettes fighting a much bigger one.

"Holy guacamole, I'm in Skyram." he whispers to himself.

He turns around recklessly and accidentally falls from the watchtower. "Ahh!" he shouts, and then he lands with an *umph*

"Ugh... that hur- wait, it didn't hurt?" he saw in the bottom of his vision 'Health 94'. "So I don't need to be afraid of anything hurting? That's grea-" he asks himself before he gets interrupted

"Are you okay, child?" asks a woman as she walks in from the gate. "I am Aela the Huntress. Where are your parents?"

"I don't know." answered Daniel honestly. He had no idea where his father went after they left, and he had never known his mother.

"Well, you're welcome to stay at Jorrvuskr with the Companions until you find them." she says.

"Are you well, Aela? We cannot let a child stay with the Companions!" says a rough man with very heavy armor on.

"Farkas, it's a child without his parents! He will be able to stay with us." says Aela.

Farkas looks the other way begrudgingly.

"Come." says Aela as she takes Daniels hand and brings him to Jorrvuskr.

"Oh, you brought a child into Jorrvuskr Aela?" asks a man similar to Farkas, but much kinder.

"Be of use, child. Bring by my sword to Eorlund to be sharpened." he said.

Daniel did as he said and carried the sword that seemed inferior in his eyes to the man at the Skyforge.

Back at the building, Aela said to the man "Vilkas! Immediately ordering a small child like that to do something so dangerous..."

On his way up the stairs to the Skyforge, Daniel said to himself "This is basically the mission to join the Companions in the normal Skyram. Will I be accepted as a Companion because of this?"

He reached the Skyforge and said "Eorlund Grey-Mane, I was requested to bring this sword for you to sharpen."

"Oh," said Eorlund "You're the little lad who called the Skyforge amazing. You like smithing?"

"Yes sir, I enjoy smithing." replied Daniel

"Good, I may be able to teach you something. Bring this shield down to Aela for me."

"Okay." he said, and he did as he was told.

Later in the day, he was sitting in a chair away from the central fire in the hall and all the people swinging swords at each other. A man with a white beard approached him and said: "I am Kodlak Whitemane, do you wish to become a companion?"

"Yes!" Daniel shouts in excitement.

"You seem very young, so I must have Vilkas train you up to a higher level. Aye, Vilkas! Take this young boy out and give him training, he will become a great member of the Companions!" he says to Daniel before he shouts to Vilkas, the man who had Daniel take his sword to Eorlund.

Vilkas waves towards Daniel as he walks towards the training area outside of the hall. Daniel isn't so stupid to not know to interpret that as a 'follow me'.

He walks outside and sees Vilkas holding a large Warhammer with both of his hands. "You seem to like the forge, so I will teach you how to battle with a hammer. Who knows, you might be talented. Pick up that training Warhammer, and come at me with all that you can offer."

so yeah he can go into Skyrim when he sleeps and I'll probably have a few chapters in Skyrim, then a few in Douluo Dalu and I'll keep alternating

bigchickencreators' thoughts
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