
Rebirth: The Vengeance Woman

I was betrayed by love, so I shall betray love this time. Emma Windsor can't hold on to the excitement when she is finally about to marry the love of her life. However, her hope and expectation for the future crumble when the so-called 'love' betrays her in the cruelest way possible. What she believed was love turns out to be a mere facade of a malicious scheme toward her family. Drowned in grief and despair, Emma lost her life. Upon her final moment, she swears vengeance for those who had done her wrong. "Do you wish for rebirth? You can have it if you pay the price." She thought everything was over when an eagle-like deity descended before her. It offered her a second chance, in exchange for something important to her. "Since you played me for a fool, then watch how I'll obtain my vengeance." Thus, the death vow has been rewritten.

Idczhen · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Making Millions

After hearing what Ikaros said, Emma's eyes sparkled like a diamond as she asked excitedly. (Mystic eyes? What does that do, Ikaros? Is it able to allow me to make millions?)

(Yes, it'll give you future foresight and the ability to determine a company's value) Ikaros responded to her. Though he didn't answer truthfully since the power of mystic eyes goes far beyond her imagination.

Its prowess and worth are way more than some paper money. However, Ikaros didn't plan on revealing much to Emma since it would only do her more harm than good.

Once Emma became someone stronger and more powerful. That will be the time when he would give her a glimpse of what her future lies ahead.

'Forgive me, Emma. But you will come to understand when you mature enough.' Ikaros thought.

Sometime later, he placed his claws at one of Emma's eyes as he began to impart to her the mystic eye ability. The process was a bit painful, almost like it was burning her pupil.

Emma clenched her fist tightly, trying to endure the process to the best of her ability. Her teeth were grinding at each other as the pain intensified. At the same time, she could feel her eyes being injected with some sort of mana, changing the structure of her pupil.

(Endure it, Emma. Soon, the process will be completed and you will truly feel reborn. Show those fools who dared to cross you on who you truly are.) Ikaros said, boosting her motivation to grind through the process.

Emma couldn't even respond to Ikaros's motivational words. Her concentration was completely focused on the burning sensation in her eyes.

Time slowly passed by, and Emma had already lost track of times on how much time she almost wanted to faint from the spot. If it weren't for the constant shouting of Ikaros to bring her back to reality, she might have really died again.

(Congratulations on your new eyes, Emma.) Ikaros flapped its wings as he landed on the table, congratulating her.

Emma smiled bitterly as she slowly opened her eyes which were silver-colored. Within her pupil, there was a small trace of red color that was hidden from others.

When she reopened her eyes, she was nearly sent into a shock as everything seemed different. She could see through the walls and pierce through them. Normally, the wall in front of her would obscure her vision from seeing what's happening behind it.

However, things had changed and she was able to witness the other maids talking to the chef about the instructions for making her favorite tiramisu.

"U-Unbelievable…is this what magic is about? Something that should only exist in television movies and dramas has actually become real." Emma muttered in disbelief. Although the fact that she was able to return back to her youthful days was proof enough that magic truly existed, it was different this time.

(Did you enjoy my gift?) Ikaros asked cheekily. Clearly, he was proud of himself for being so amazing and dope at the same time.

Before Ikaros could continue feeling proud, Emma extended her hand and wrapped around him, embracing him in the meantime.

"You're the best, Ikaros." She shouted aloud, not even bothering to use the sound transmission to communicate. Her arms began to tighten around, causing Ikaros to flap his wings uncontrollably. He was being suffocated by the intense affection from Emma.

(Emma, your arms… release it quickly. I'm about to be choked to death.) Ikaros's eagle-like face had turned bright purple as he was on the verge of dying from strangulation.

Emma panicked and was dumbfounded by Ikaros' purple-like face. She hurriedly released her arms and apologized.

Ikaros coughed a few times before crashing down on the table with a bit of sorrow in his eyes. He was expecting to be praised as a mighty being, not being strangled to death.

Emma held an embarrassed expression as she tried to act ignorant about what had occurred. It wasn't like she was trying to kill him or anything. She was just excited and overjoyed at the fact that she could see through concrete walls.

To avoid making the atmosphere more awkward, Emma decided to grab her laptop and began to search for potential companies to invest in. For every company she searched online, her eyes would glow in a dim but subtle light as she checked on the company's future path.

'Hmm, this company would go bankrupt in 3 years because of a failed invention product. So this is a no go for me. And this company would have mediocre success only... Not worth my investment nor my time to deal with it.' Emma continued to scroll through the list of companies and examine them thoroughly.

She wasn't going to invest half-heartedly and risk losing all of her savings in one go. Not especially when she managed to receive a god-tier gift from Ikaros.

Time slowly passed by, and a maid had gently walked into the living room with a tiramisu and a cup of tea on the plate she was carrying.

Upon seeing Emma full of concentration, the maid did not dare to disturb her. Hence, she merely placed the plate on the table, only to be shocked when Ikaros decided to fill his tiny belly.

Just when the maid tried to scold Ikaros for his audacity in stealing Emma's food, Emma suddenly spoke, "Just let the eagle eat his fill. You can simply tell the chef to make me another one."

Emma's eyes were still on the laptop, but she was able to see what had occurred with the mystic eyes' ability.

The maid could only nod her head and follow her instruction. "Understood Miss, another tiramisu will arrive shortly after."

(Emma, the tiramisu is tasty so tell the chef to make 10 more for me. I'm hungry after giving you mystic eyes.) Ikaros said to Emma. Of course, it was a lie since he was just a foodie.

Despite that, Emma gladly complied with his request.

"Wait a minute, Crystal. Instead of making another tiramisu, make sure to have the chef make another 20 just in case." Emma said to the maid that was leaving.

The maid's name was Crystal and she had been working for Emma for at least 6 years already. Crystal was baffled by her sudden request and wondered if she was joking with her.

"Miss, aren't you going on a diet? Why do you want to eat 20 tiramisu cakes? Your stomach would be bloated if you ate all of them." Crystal said, trying to warn her of the consequences.

Emma gave a slight smile as she shook her head. "The 20 tiramisu is not for me, but for my pet eagle. From now on, this eagle is a part of my family and his name is Ikaros."

She then patted Ikaros' head, showing a warm affection for him. Ikaros had been her limelight in her darkest hours and without him, she feared that she would have a mental breakdown after the betrayal from Jason.

"I understood, Miss. I will have the chef prepare the necessary portions and remind the other maids of Ikaros' existence and importance to them." Crystal responded. She was clever enough to understand the meaning behind Emma's words and didn't need her to say it twice. This was also the reason why she had managed to stay by Emma's side despite the harsh screening process of being hired as a maid in the Windsor Family.

"I'm glad you understand me well, Crystal," Emma said, dismissing her as she continued to focus on the potential companies to invest in.

Hours had quickly gone by, and all Ikaros had been doing was filling his belly with tiramisu. His wings were flapping continuously, clearly in a blissful mood for enjoying such delicious cake.

'Sigh, in the end, it seems like Peach Company is the only one with the highest potential and great future.' Emma sighed softly. After using her mystic eyes for the past hours, her eyes were nearly exhausted. She had to use some eye drops to moisturize her eyes.

(Ikaros, did you know all along that the only company worth investing in so far is the Peach Company?) Emma decided to ask him. If he had known all along and still kept his mouth shut, then Emma would truly be angry at him for withholding such information.

(That's not true, Emma. I might seem like an omnipotent figure, but in fact, I'm just a normal eagle that enjoys tiramisu. Besides, I don't really care about businesses since money is useless to me.) Ikaros swiftly replied, defending himself with evidence.

Emma stared at him for a few minutes before returning her focus to the laptop. Since the Peach Company showed such potential with the help of her mystic eyes, then she was not going to let it go.

The current stock price for buying a share of Peach Company was approximately $325.23. It was overly expensive, but according to her mystic eyes, the share value would rise up to $452.34 when the Peach Company would introduce a brand new Yphone.

The difference was $123.11 and if she were to bulk buy the shares, then the profit she gained would be multiplied, meaning the $123.11 profits would turn into 12 million if she were to buy 100,000 shares.

Added with her current capital and savings, Emma could easily become a billionaire by just dumping all of her money into Peach Company. This wasn't a gamble, but a guaranteed victory that would boost her assets to a new height.

She grabbed her Yphone and began dialing her bank. A few seconds later, a person from the other side of the phone responded.

"Hello, this is Khase bank. How may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Emma Windsor calling and I want to know about my VIP account savings."

"Emma Windsor? May I have your name, addresses, account number, and social security ID number?" The person from the other side proceeded to ask numerous questions to verify that it was indeed Emma Windsor speaking.

The questioning was a long process since Khase bank did not want to accidentally reveal another client's personal information, especially someone who is the heiress of a multi-million dollar company.

30 minutes later, the person answering Emma's phone finally believed it was indeed Emma Windsor on the phone.

"Hello, Miss Emma Windsor, the VIP account on your savings is 200 million dollars, and including your other liquidities, the amount would be around 700 million dollars."

"I see, can you sell all of my liquidity and transfer them into the VIP account?"

"W-We can do that, but are you sure about this, Miss Emma Windsor? The liquidity you have in hand is quite a lot and some of them are shared with your father's name on it." The banker warned, hoping to let her understand the magnitude of such action.

"Of course, I know it beforehand. Otherwise, did you think I would waste 30 minutes of my time just chatting with you on the phone?" Emma's voice turned ice-cold as she assumed an authoritative tone.

"I want all my liquidities to turn into cash and be placed in the VIP account. I have a big investment to make, and if I were to lose even a tiny bit of my profit, then I'll sue you to bankruptcy."

After hearing the threat made by Emma, the banker no longer dared to idle around as he quickly started doing what he was told. He had already warned her out of generosity, so the rest of the problems would not be for him to deal with.

Since the banker was frightened by the threat, it only took him around 48 minutes to finalize everything.

"Miss Emma Windsor, your current VIP account now has a savings of 920 million dollars. Are there any further instructions?"

"Nope, thank you for your swiftness in the job. You have just saved yourself a lawsuit and career." Emma said, cutting off the phone connection as she went to her bank account.

'Heh, finally, it's time to make millions.' Emma thought, putting all of her gained wealth onto Peach Company.