
Rebirth In Mha

Guy is reincarnated in a world of his choice with a few wishes

Phillip_Jawoski · Cómic
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1 Chs

Reincarnation & wishes

When i opened my eyes i was in a place so dark i couldn't see and my body didn't listen to me as i floated in the darkness for what felt like ages and suddenly light enveloped me as i was now standing infront of an old man who was drinking some tea

[A/N][ ''...'' Is Speech '...' Is Thoughts/Thinking *BOOM* Is well BOOM ]

[Also ima start writing in 3rd person]

{God} ''Hello my child''

{Akira} ''Hello? who are you? and were am i?''

{God} ''I am God and you are in limbo''

{Akira} 'Makes sense i guess i do remember dying but i'd rather not remember that'

{Akira} ''So what now are you going to judge me?''

{God} ''No no you shall be reincarnated with 4 wishes and yes you have to wish for what world you go to, as well as your memories''

{Akira} ''So basically your saying i have 2 wishes''

{God} ''...''

{Akira} 'Whatever since i only have 2 wishes ill just have to make them op' He thought while a large grin appeared on his face

{Akira} ''Ok old man i want a status screen but it also includes a store with everything from every anime (Includes anime characters memories) and to use the store you need money''

{God} ''Ok''

{Akira} ''My second wish is infinite money''

{God} ''...alright''

{Akira} ''Ah right also i want to keep my memories as my third wish and my last wish i want to go to Mha as it's pretty peacefull kinda''

{God} ''Ok well just so you know you will gain your memories and powers once you turn 4 and you will also stop ageing once you hit your prime''


When he woke up he skimed through his memories, turns out hes an orphan and tomorrow is his 4th birthday, looking around he sees that it's dark outside and everyone is asleep so he sits up and says


Name-Akira (orphan)


Age-Almost 4


Cheat-Shop & Inf money

Quirk- (N/A)

{Akira} *cracks knuckles* 'shop'

(can't be bothered to write this shit out so ill just skip dat and tell you what he bought)


Name-Akira (orphan)


Age-Almost 4



Cheat-Shop & Inf money

Quirk- (N/A)

Whatever he bought from the shop-

EMS & 3 tomoe sharingan & pure uchiha bloodline


itachi's memories

madara's memories

wood release

hashirama's memories

ban's memories & regeneration factor

might guy's memories

(switching it back to first person)

as soon as i saw all that a smirk appeared on my face but it was gone after i realised how weak i am physically luckily i still have 10 year's to train so i left the orphanage while everyone was sleeping as i mean i have infinite money what's the point so soon after i traveled for a bit until i saw a forest pretty far away from civilization and decided to train here for 9 year's so i can master all my skills

*timeskip 9 years cuz im lazy*

9 year's later and let me tell you the uchiha bloodline make's you look way too good now i look similar to itachi like same hair and stuff but just way more handsome i've mastered everything i know from the the abilitys of ems all the way to The Eight Inner, the use of the rinnegan, wood release, a shit ton of jutsu's and i have an inhumane amount of chakra as well as perfect chakra control

I quickly washed myself in the river then bought anbu clothes and a mask you might be wondering why? well i look nothing like when i was 4 so i decided ill just pretend as i just woke up here and if they try anything guess ill take over the world? sounds like a plan to me

i put on the clothes make sure i have everything from shinobi food to kunis and shuriken and let me tell you i have better shurikinjutsu than itachi that says somthing

As i confirmed that i have everything i start running atop the tree's untill i reach civilization again