
Uncare For The Value Providing Minds

There are varieties of values that has been provided by some selfless individuals as to progress and propagate the forwardness of certain economies. And some this people are passion drivien souls, some are graduate and some are people who create ideas and values out of God's giving talent and skills. But this talents dwindles in collapse and never raises it's head again due to the improper or lack of care given to them by the leaders. And some has devise means out of this talents to create and make wealth but due to lack of care and sponsor they faint and loose hopes. Some of them runs out if money and become broke. Some becomes destitute, no one values their timely created values to feed on them but wastes money on this that matters not. Hence open rooms for theft, killings, stealing and so on. Some of the above mentioned are things to leads to crimes in our polity. Let's embrace change and develop our tomorrow by feeding and nurturing potentials.

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