
realm of the gods

A group of people was taken to a new place, where they must do everything to survive. A place where questions arise and the answers only generate more doubts, not counting the threats against which they must fight.

Carl_27_28 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 0001

Human beings are curious by nature, I think it is thanks to that curiosity that we have been able to move forward and adapt to what surrounds us.

It's been three days since the day I woke up in that cave and although I don't know if we all woke up at the same time or not, what worries me is the fact that everything is too peaceful. It's like they would say on my home planet: "The calm before the storm." But the question is what is the storm and when will it reach us?

When we left the cave, we discovered that we had everything we needed to live in that place, a river passed near there, in whose waters we could see fish of all kinds, obviously none of us was able to identify them, but as long as they can be eaten we won't. there is no problem. What I was able to recognize is the rabbits that roamed there, to my surprise they are animals that are found on all of our planets and on all of them have the same name, in addition to never changing their characteristics.

The first day we ate fish, although it cost us a lot to catch them, but in the end we did it. the second one was the same, just today we have eaten meat, rabbit meat, and it is delicious, but difficult to catch.

Oh, true! Going back to the calm before the storm. My doubts were there from the first day, and I think everyone has them, it's strange to wake up in a cave and when I came out I had all the tools to live, we had tanks to store water, pots and pans, spoons, knives and even a net, that we use to catch fish, as well as various kitchen supplies. As if that were not enough, we found several weapons, from spears, shields, swords, daggers, although no pistols.

We did not know why there were weapons but after some consideration I decided that it is best for everyone to always carry a weapon with them. I chose a dagger, it is very comfortable to use, it is easier and the weight will not prevent me from running well in case of an emergency. Besides me, Pandora, is also carrying a dagger, the rest decided to go for swords.

The sound of a howl resounded where we were, instantly I felt my body shudder, it is an instinctive fear that invaded me and ran through every inch of my being, a justified fear because instantly many more howls were heard.

Wolves are supposed to come out at night, they attack at night, but the truth is that I am a person who does not know anything about life in the forest, my limited knowledge is based on what I read, listen and observe, whether it is around me in books or movies.

I calculate that an hour had just passed after lunch, and assuming that we eat lunch at noon, since we eat when the sun is over our heads, it is too early for a wolf attack.

Everyone looked at me, that's why I don't like the role of leader, but I also have to admit that it's beautiful to be in control of everything.

Let's go back to the cave. -I told them

cave? the cave was gone. It is assumed that we were only a few minutes from the cave, what's more, the cave was in our sight, but as the howls rang out, the cave disappeared. In an instant everything that was in that place disappeared, from the spoons to the weapons. Well correct me, the only thing that didn't disappear was what we were wearing and that includes the weapons, even though we were still clad in blades.

-Now what? asked Pandora.

I must admit that the only good thing we had at that time was calm.

We must make a shelter. The women go and bring as many branches as they can, the bigger the better. We men will make a hole.

They all looked at me strange.

-Fast! No time to lose. - I yelled at them, and they all began to move according to my plan.

Hello everyone, short chapters, but the idea is to get used to writing. I hope you like it, thank you.

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