
A Human Mate

The man leaned in front of her. She felt tiny by his presence so close to her. His gaze was so intense but it did not look like he wanted to kill her the way he was scrutinizing her features. Chloe gulped. 

"What do you want from me and who are you?" she repeated in a slow voice but flushed when he stroked her cheeks. Her body was aware of the heat releasing from his touch.

"You are a human." the words felt strange and she wanted to ask, why. Are you an alien? But she bit her lips and nodded. He touched her hands, examined her fingers. Despite her fear, his touch kept causing pangs of heat in her core.

"What is your name?" The voice was lazy and seductive and she had to shake her head to keep her sanity. He was a danger, a danger that could kill her. 

"It's Chloe." 

"Chh loo eeee." He savors each syllable, his deep rumbling tone inciting more heated pangs in her core. Did he want her? Fancy her? His lazy touches and heat filled eyes suggested that. But if he offered, would she accept it? Perhaps she would if he let go of her after that. But would she give her virginity to a stranger? Her mother would kill her. 

A satisfied growl leaves his throat. He sure seemed to growl a lot and she shuddered coming back from her thoughts. 

"I will not harm you." he patted her hands and his lips curled back in the briefest of smiles. As if he was trying to comfort her though she did not understand why?

If he wanted to kill her, he could have done it easily. 

"Have you ever heard about mates?" she shook her head confused but he did not mind, but only nodded with a smile, "it is like soulmates. Marked by the goddess to live their life together." his tone went soft and sweet or was it just her delusion. 

But to think that someone believes in soulmates is hilarious. People change lovers like their clothes. But looking at the seriousness in his eyes, she did not dare to laugh.

"Why were you in this room, Chloe?" he licked his lips as he took her name as if tasting it, Chloe felt more intoxicated than before, a little dizzy and lightheaded. His actions only made it worse for her.

"I was looking for a washroom and I got lost. Would you believe that I was drawn to this room as if the room was calling me?" She shook her head like a foolish person. No one would believe such foolishness.

"Of course, i would" well, everyone except this strange man. 

"Well.. haha, it is good that you believe in me. So, would you let me go? I am not a spy and I was not eavesdropping. When I saw people entering the room, I hid instinctively. Then weapons were taken out and I was scared to come out. What if someone shoots me?" She tried to explain, but failed. So, she forced a smile on her face and continued, "My mother always said my nosiness would get me in trouble one day. It would seem she was right but I really meant no harm. I would tell no one what I had seen here, I promise." she spoke earnestly, hoping that he would believe her. Because he was the only one who was ready to listen to her and have been kind in his own way.

Though she knew kindness was never free. She should be wary of him because he was not even trying to hide what he wanted the way his fingers had not let go of her body even once.

"You should be more aware of your situation, Chloe. I trust you but others do not. They would not let you go back. But…" he showed another smile, an enticing one and her mind went blurry. She shook her head, clearing it. But his masculine smell had covered her, overwhelmed her. She inhaled a deep breath but it only filled her further as if she was trapped by it.

"But..?" she asked incoherently, making him pat her head as if she was a child and had performed well in a test.

"But they will let you go with me. If you come with me, I will keep you safe. Safe from all the humans that worry you." Once again, he was talking like they belong to two different worlds and races.

"And what are you, a posthuman?" she bit her tongue, realizing he could be the only way for leaving from here. But then, would he let her go once they would be out. And here she was only asking about his strange way of addressing them. Stupid Chloe.

"Something like that. You will know when you come with me." he offered his hands with a smiling face, trying his best to look harmless. 

"Where will you take me? And when will you let me go?" the warmth of her room, her bed and her mother's scoldings.. Would she ever be able to have them again? Her heart clenched at that thought.

A dark chuckle escapes him, and to her shock, he takes her hands in his, lacing his fingers through hers, "I will take you home. Where would you go after that?" Heat also radiates from his huge form, tempting her to lean closer in that cold night when she feels alone and strange.. Before she knew what happened, he was already leaning on her and wiping her eyes.

Crying, she was crying in front of a stranger. What was the use of putting a brave front so far when she ended up crying like a fool!

"Shush, I will never harm you, Chloe. I will take you home. You can trust me." he cooed, she would have laughed at some other time if a huge man like him had tried to sound gentle with that strange voice, but for now, she leaned on to the warmth and like a little child who believe in strangers offering candies, she accepted his strange words and nodded. 

"I.. I will come with you."