

Rea should only focus on being a medicine concocter in the pack, and being the only female omega who is successful in that field, when her peers are actually cleaning omegas. It's just that the girl never thought that her life would start to drift, when she found out that her soul mate was not from ordinary circles. Honestly, Rea never even thought about having a partner. Who knew, the most popular Alpha of this century—Kilian—was actually her life-long partner. Alpha, who is famous for playing with women is shrouded in cruel rumors. So, how does Rea deal with this? Meanwhile, she hopes that she will not be bound by anyone.

dewiwhy · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Chapter 6 You're Not Going Anywhere

"Reject you? I don't think so," answered Kilian at that time. "But, for now you will come with me."

 Rea clearly couldn't move when Kilian tied her body and then forcibly carried her. Instead of rejecting it as Rea expected, the man took her to the pack palace. Apparently Kilian really planned to make her his personal servant.

 It was a real nightmare, Rea thought.

 The girl made a pitiful face when Kilian looked at her. On the other hand, Kilian showed a typical grin full of arrogance as if mocking Rea's helplessness. They ride the same horse. Meanwhile, Rea was completely trapped in the bars of Kilian's strong arms.

 "Alpha," Rea called, her voice sounding squeaky. "I'm just a child like you said, so let me be free and achieve my dreams."

 Kilian grinned. "Sure," he replied casually. Rea was almost smiling when Kilian suddenly added, "you can still study medicine at the palace. I'm not forbidding it. On the contrary, you will get what you need easily."

 Rea grimaced. Tried to glance at Luce who was riding next to them. However, the man clearly couldn't be expected to help her.

 Sighing, Rea said, "I don't understand. Why are you making this difficult, even though you can live your beautiful life without having to be tied to your Mate."

 Kilian didn't answer, but his expression was stiff. It was only a moment before his fake smile returned to his handsome face.

 "For now, I still need you," he said, sounding casual.


 Rea couldn't deny that the Rosemoond Pack palace really looked magnificent. Even though she knew and didn't understand why they had turned around towards the back gate of the palace, this place was still just as good.

 There were three men on guard, standing straight as if they were waiting for their arrival. Evidently, shortly after finding the alpha's horse, the three of them moved closer.

 "Make sure this doesn't leak to the public," Kilian said calmly, while the man got off the horse, grabbed Rea's body in one fell swoop and lowered her to the ground. "To the courtiers, introduce her as my personal servant."

 Rea widened her eyes. "I don't agree!" Her pair of eyes met Kilian's cold gaze, only she was trying to be strong. "I don't want to be here," she complained again in a low voice.

 "I told you have no right to refuse." The man smiled lightly. He then glanced at the three men at the start. "Return the horse to the stable. Remember, only you Betas, Gammas, and Deltas know that this little girl is your Luna. At least, watch over her and treat her well when everyone doesn't know her identity."

 "Okay, Alpha!" they said almost in unison.

 Kilian nodded. He grabbed Rea's arm and dragged her away from that place, followed by Luce behind.

 Upon entering the room that Kilian had just opened the door to, Rea clearly realized that the door was connected to the kitchen. The activities of the people in there had clearly stopped. In unison, they bowed respectfully when they realized who had just entered.

 Kilian smiled at their politeness. The squeeze of his hand on Rea also strengthened.

 "Continue with your work," said Kilian as he left.

 Rea looked up only to see Kilian. Honestly, the man's body is very big and tall. "Why do we have to go through the kitchen?" she asked.

 Kilian turned his head for a moment. The man smiled slightly. "No one should know your identity," he said, lightly.

 "Then why did you bring me to this place then?" Rea was really annoyed. She wanted to retaliate against Kilian's careless treatment.

 Kilian shrugged unconcernedly. "You're quite cute actually, but you're not the type I can play with in bed." Kilian turned his head again just to observe Rea's tiny body. The man's dark eyes flashed with ridicule. "Your chest hasn't even grown yet. So, your identity is kept secret so that I can play with the woman I like."

 How depraved this man really is, Rea thought angrily.

 Without thinking, Rea threw her hand away until Kilian's grip was released. The girl's face looked angry and almost crying. Her voice trembled as she said, "You're truly a devil!"

 In contrast, Kilian just remained silent. Luce behind them didn't say anything. Honestly, their alpha is really a jerk.

 Kilian sighed. Slowly he moved closer to Rea again. "Come on, I'll take you to your room," he said trying to be gentle.

 Rea smiled sarcastically. "Fuck you!"

 In the same second, Kilian's eyes widened in surprise when he found that Rea was running very fast. Push through towards the kitchen until she almost touched the exit. Kilian just woke up from his shock and started running.

 "Damn! You're really wild, Mate." Even so, Kilian couldn't hide his chuckle. "Luce, let me chase her myself. She seems to like playing cat and mouse."

 Luce could only sigh as he nodded.

 On the one hand, Rea ran as hard as she could while her mind was shaking with fear. It doesn't matter if you have to get question marks from the kitchen workers. Then when the girl's hand managed to reach the doorknob, Kilian almost caught her waist. However, Rea managed to escape. She could even hear the man's angry growl.

 "Oh, no, no! That's enough, you could get hurt!" Kilian cursed as he gave chase. His dark eyes blinked in disbelief when he found that Rea had managed to seize the horse and ride it carelessly.

 "Hyaa!" The girl screamed loudly. The horse was surprised by Rea's arrival, and with poor control, the animal suddenly ran fast in no particular direction. "Damn it, don't struggle."

 Kilian grabbed his horse, rode it quickly when he knew that Rea had almost reached the back garden of the palace. Meanwhile, the omegas who were working suddenly became stunned silent watching this unusual scene.

 Nobody had ever seen anything like this of course. Moreover, when they realized that the girl who was riding a horse with a pale face was Rea, they added that the alpha was the one who was chasing her.

 Luce couldn't stay silent. "Call the warriors! Stop the horse the girl is riding!" he shouted.

 The warriors immediately ran and grabbed their respective horses. The rest chose to change shifts to wolf form to move faster.

 Only, they were late. Rea couldn't reach the maximum and ended up falling into the lake made by the palace.

 "Damn!" Kilian cursed loudly. Rushed off the horse and jumped into the lake followed by Luce and several warriors.

 "Help!" Rea started to run out of breath. The lake was quite deep and would have almost drowned her if Kilian hadn't immediately grabbed her body and dragged her to the edge.

 As Rea coughed and tried to control herself, Kilian who was sitting next to her, panting for breath, looked at the girl with an angry look.

 "You're making me angry!"

 Rea, who was soaking wet, started to cower in cold and fear.

 She looked at Alpha Kilian with a sad look. "Please, let me go."

 Kilian grinned. "After what you did? No! You're not going anywhere."