
Re: Trash in the Apocalypse

Jun opened his eyes back to where everything first started. Back to the past when the world hasn't changed. In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead, Jun, a young survivor haunted by fragmented memories of his past lives, finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Will he find answers to his questions, or will he die and start over again? If... he can start over one more time. [World Loading...]

Arba · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Saving Jake

[Notes: 1. LevelUp! - Get to safety and build fortifications to easily reach level one. Do it as fast as you can to receive Top Achievements and the title of 'Lord'.

2. Save Jake - Get Jake out of the car. No easy way to do it so you better be fast. You already tried being careful before, almost got both of you killed!]

'Wait, what does that mean? I already tried?'

Jun didn't dally anymore seeing the man turn beet red from overexertion.

If Jake had enough courage to face the pain or motivation, he might have pulled himself out already.

Jun helped by forcefully pulling him out and it only took two tries before he got the man out. The first try was filled with doubt and uncertainty followed by the second pull with bloody results. 

Jake's thigh was mangled as a piece of skin got cascaded backward like a piece of sliced ham. The man didn't even know he passed out for a few seconds and with unfocused eyes, powerlessly leaned back on his car. 

Jun didn't need mindreading to know what was going through the man's head. Just a glance at his murderous eyes upon seeing him told everything he needed to know.

'Did I fail to show him who's the boss? Do I have to kill him again just to make sure everything goes right in the future?'

[First Aid - Jake won't last long if he doesn't get first aid. Go to the bank or the clinic for first aid!]

'The note is still updating? That means I can still change things out!'

Blood oozed from the fresh wound, staining Jake's jeans crimson.

As Jun stared intently at the wound, analyzing its severity, a holographic notification popped up in front of him, glowing with vibrant colors:

**Injury Analysis:**

- Fractured Tibia: Moderate Severity

- Laceration on Calf: Minor Bleeding


- Increased Risk of Infection

- Impaired Mobility

**Recommended Treatments:**

1. Apply Pressure to Stop Bleeding

2. Clean Wound to Prevent Infection

3. Immobilize Leg to Prevent Further Damage

**Action Required:**

- Administer First Aid Immediately

**End of Analysis**

With urgency coursing through his veins, Jun swiftly removed his belt and knelt beside Jake, who winced in pain from the injury to his leg.

Jun's hands shook slightly as he looped the belt around Jake's calf, just above the laceration, and pulled it tight to apply pressure and stem the bleeding.

"Hang in there, Jake," Jun said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We need to stop the bleeding before it gets worse."

Jake gritted his teeth, his face contorted in agony, but he nodded in acknowledgment, trusting Jun to do what needed to be done.

As Jun tightened the makeshift tourniquet, he glanced at the holographic notification still hovering in front of him.

With focused determination, he adjusted the belt until it applied just the right amount of pressure to the wound.

He knew it was right since a (Completed) tag appeared on the option to apply pressure on the wound.

"There," Jun said, his voice filled with relief as he secured the belt in place. "That should hold until we can get you proper medical attention."

Jake let out a shaky breath, his shoulders sagging with the weight of pain and exhaustion. But despite the agony he was enduring, there was gratitude in his eyes as he looked at Jun.

"Thanks, man," Jake said, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I owe you one."

Jun nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he realized that he had made the right decision in trusting the note's guidance.

With Jake's life potentially saved, he gained a new lackey as long as he kept a tight leash and showed the man who was the boss.

As Jun and Jake approached the bank, their presence did not go unnoticed by the small group of survivors huddled inside.

Eyes widened with fear and suspicion as they recognized Jun from the gruesome scene earlier.

Murmurs of concern rippled through the group, their voices hushed but filled with apprehension.

Some instinctively moved closer together, seeking safety in numbers, while others cast wary glances at Jun and Jake, their hands hovering near makeshift weapons.

"What's going on out there?" a woman whispered, her voice tinged with fear as she clutched her chest tightly.

"I don't know," replied a man, his tone grim. "But it can't be good. That guy just killed someone in cold blood. Who knows what he's capable of?"

The group exchanged nervous glances, uncertain of what to do next. Some considered barricading the doors, while others debated whether to confront the newcomers or hide and hope they would pass by.

But before anyone could make a move, the duo entered the bank and held up his hands in a gesture of peace, his expression earnest and sincere.

"We come in peace," Jun called out, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "We're not here to cause trouble. We just need a safe place to rest."

His words seemed to reassure some of the survivors, but others remained wary, their mistrust lingering like a dark cloud over the group.

But despite their reservations, they knew they had little choice but to allow Jun and Jake entry. These people still don't know what is to come and still have the same logic from before the apocalypse.

People see someone badly injured, they act kind or at least stay neutral for the sake of appearances.

Jun guided Jake to a corner of the bank. He quickly assessed the situation, his eyes scanning the room for anyone who could help with proper first aid.

His notes are updated in real-time.

[Note: Assist & Deceased - Pablo can assist with first aid. You can use the time while he's tending to Jake to get the shotgun on the locker upstairs to kill him. Not killing him will give you trouble in the future.]

Somehow, Jun can easily remember his earlier memories of the apocalypse but if tries to peek into future events, he gets flooded by warning messages from his injured eye.

Jun didn't let the note stop him from taking action. Based on experience, he can still change the outcome depending on what action he takes.

Spotting Pablo, the bank security guard, Jun hurried over to him.

"Pablo!" Jun called out, his voice urgent as he reached the security guard's side. "We need your help. My friend here has been injured, and he needs medical attention."

Pablo turned towards Jun, his expression serious as he took sight of Jake's injured leg in the distance. Even from afar, he could see the bad state of the man's leg.

Without hesitation, he nodded in understanding and gestured for Jun to bring Jake closer.

"Sit him down over here," Pablo instructed, indicating a nearby chair. "I'll see what I can do."

Meanwhile, chaos erupted elsewhere in the bank as screams pierced the air.

Jun turned to see an old lady, her eyes glazed over with a vacant stare, lunging towards one of the bank tellers with gnashing teeth. The teller barely depending herself by using her left arm as a stopgap measure.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jun's instincts kicked in and he leaped forward, his baseball bat held tightly in his hands.

"Get back!" Jun shouted, his voice commanding as he swung the bat with all his strength, striking the old lady.

The crack of the bat connecting with bone echoed through the room as Jun's blow struck the top of her head, stunning the old lady, and sending her staggering backward with a violent grunt.

But even as she stumbled, her eyes still burned with a feral hunger, her cracked head bled on the side, but it didn't stop her relentless pursuit of its prey.

Jun pressed his advantage, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. He swung the bat once more, this time aiming for her knees with deadly precision.

The impact was brutal, sending the old lady crashing to the ground in a heap, her movements growing sluggish as her face fell first to the floor.

Breathing heavily, Jun stood over the fallen figure, his heart pounding in his chest as he surveyed the aftermath of his actions.

"My body is so weak. I need to start gaining levels, so I don't get exhausted easily."

The bank teller, wide-eyed with shock, scrambled to safety as the other survivors looked on in stunned silence.

"Is everyone okay?" Jun called out, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The survivors nodded in response, their expressions a mix of gratitude and awe as they watched Jun.

Instead of manually searching the brains for loot, he looted the old lady the 'normal' way.

Hand on top of the dead body, a 10-second countdown started.

... 2... 1.

The body broke into light particles flying off somewhere. Everything except for clothes, dust, and blood remained in the place where the body was supposed to be.

The group of survivors was surprised once more to see a dead body magically disappear right in front of them.

Jun intended for them to be shocked. The things he would say next would be much easier to digest by witnessing such a supernatural event themselves.

"Listen up, everyone," Jun began, his voice firm and commanding as he addressed the room. "What you just witnessed wasn't an isolated incident. It's the beginning of something much bigger—a zombie apocalypse. Don't ask me questions, I'm just the same as you, but much more decisive."

Murmurs of disbelief and fear rippled through the group, their faces pale with shock as they struggled to come to terms with the reality of their situation. But Jun pressed on, his words fueled by a sense of urgency and determination.

"We need to act fast if we want to survive," Jun continued, his tone unwavering. "We need to barricade this place and fortify our defenses. We need to gather supplies, weapons, anything that will help us weather the storm ahead."

For some reason, Jun had a feeling no one could survive by being alone.

And he somehow had an inkling being a leader doesn't help him either.

For now, he wants to focus on two things: create a strong group that could survive it all, then become a secret ruler with no one knowing who he truly is.

As he had this thought, his notepad suddenly gained a new entry on it.

[Note: Found Black Haven - Create a strong group and become its secret ruler. This will allow you to have a carefree life not worrying about assassination attempts by other faction leaders, country leaders, alliance leaders, and intelligent zombie commanders.]