
8 Years back

Ren holsen returned to the past during his wedding day "what luck is this I can finally kill you rin" ren grabs a knife near by and hides it.


"Hey ren let's go we're gonna be late" ren's brother he was the one who tried to save ren when rin pushed him "yeah let's go brother" ren was determined to save his brother.

Ren goes up to the altar while rin is walking down the aile. "Do you rin yao take ren as husband" ren didn't mind all of this he was only one thing in his mind and it is to kill rin "I DO"

Suddenly there was a disturbance, people were running the next thing was the zombies.


Ren did it he killed rin and pushed her down the altar. Zombies were surrounding rin and bites her "ugh" ren tries to find his brother, but only to find a awful sight his brother was bitten. He knew that he couldn't save him ren took his knife out and killed ten zombies, he approaches his brother "Do you want me to end your suffering" ren heart were full of pain and remorse "yes brother do it"


Ren knew that this was his best choice, but he still feels regret "I Ren swear to kill every zombies that I see!" Ren wandered for days to fin the ZOC for him this was his only choice to get stronger.