
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

PettiaMius_6689 · Cómic
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49 Chs

CHP 14: Settlement...

~ Jacob's Pov ~








"Argh..." The pain was higher than last time... Much higher, but it wasnt as bad as when I had consumed the bear. That, was downright unbearable... 

"Crap!..." I bit my tongue, feeling my mind swirling around. Knowing what comes next, I steeled my resolve.

I felt the memories of the Anbu leader enter m mind as if it were m own, his life and experiences flowed through me. I could see why he was this strong. Not only was he talented, he also had hard-work to back it up...

A few seconds passed... And soon, my body stopped writhing in pain, but now comfort...

I looked down, finally sensing my chakra signature; it had practically tripled since just a moment ago. It really goes to show the gap we had. Not only was the leader strong, but having his strength, and memories flow through me, showed me how wide the gap was.

If I had faught him when I just got here, I would have lost, badly... His strength, speed, and toughness were superb, with my only up being my sheer amount of stamina and healing potency... And, he was only a bit above above a regular jonin, not even a mid leveled one...

'Now that I have what you have, I'll have a smoother time growing stronger... Status!"





Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18 Years old

Life-span: 1134--> 1345 Years old

Height: 6'4

Weight: 134kg

Chakra Points/CP: 10,551--> 12,345.6--> 35,674.55/--> 10,551--> 12,345.6--> 35,674.55 CP

Chakra Affinity: Water, Lighting, Wind, Earth and Fire

Talent Value: B+--> A-

Str: 65.21--> 72,4--> 123.54 Tons/5500--> 53,000 Tons 

Spd: Mach 46.34--> 52.4--> Mach 89.4/Mach 57--> Mach 436

Mov-Spd: 574.6--> 634.5--> Mach 1.82/Mach 3.65

End: 435--> 512--> 721/567--> 973

Sta: ∞


Int: 13.2--> 16.1/15--> 17


(Stats in the middle are what he gained after training intensely for the last couple of days, and the last stats are what he as now...)




'There was this much of a gap between them all?' Talent and biological limits are terrifying. The leader of this group had more growth rate than even daniel had. Meaning, he could train, and grow faster in a shorter span of time.

Still, I had grown in every stat but my charm. I don't think that would be growing anymore either... Regardless, the jump was massive. This kid likely could been a high level jonin... Not quite elite, but definitely up there...

If he had the right teachers, he could have been invaluable to the village. A pity, really...

I turned, seeing the valuables he had. And oh did he have them. He had a chakra metal sword given to him by Danzo himself, higher tiered jutsus and some seals that are invaluable to me now.

'It's a good thing I decided to follow through with this...' Not only did I get fortunate in my findings, the people who ambushed the team were idiotic enough to leave them behind for me.

Now, I had more than enough to help get myself afloat here in this place. I took up his belongings, and used his storage scroll for taking out the seals he had. These weren't just ordinary seals, but chakra-weighted seals.

They were essentially seals that absorbed chakra from the user, allowing them to be as heavy as they need' given if said user had enough chakra for the load they needed or wanted to carry. Luckily, the seals didn't have much of a tax on chakra, and the user didn't need to constantly supply it either...

Not only that, you could always just retract your chakra from it at any point as well, removing the burden practically instantly.

It was a dream come true for anyone who wanted to train and grow, but the leader didn't find much use for them since they were somewhat burdensome, as well as the amount of time he needed to use them to improve, just didn't come around much.

I summoned the items, taking out the fours seals, and rapped them around my body, and placing them all around my limbs... The were a comfortable fit, which was good.

'Ok... Time to test these out...' I quickly willed my chakra to move from my body and into the seal, and soon, I could immediately feel my chakra decreasing, as well as my body getting under pressure due to the weight...

After a few minutes, I increased the weight of each seal to what felt like around... 110 Tons on each limb, for now. I could move a bit comfortably with this amount without looking too off. And, I could get some increase in strength and speed in as well. 

'Still, this took around a tenth of my chakra reserves...' the drain wasn't that bad though. With this, I could, at least theoretically always increase my chakra since I would always be gaining some amount of physical prowess increases... 



I threw some mock punches to test my movements, 'Not bad, for now at least...' With that done. I had the location, and knowledge of most noteworthy persons of the village burned into my head.

That came with it's perks of who to get...

'Naturally, I want to take some of Naruto's blood, Sasuke's as well, maybe I can find Shisui and absorb his, since he was a super prodigy. Senju, but his blood will be difficult to gain without causing some problems... Definitely Shikamaru's blood too, he's an exception in his clan, but that will be tough since he's very intelligent from what I recall...'

This would take a little while, and I would need to somehow get close to the cast without alerting suspicion... Which, is near impossible with my skillset at the moment.

"*Sighs...* So much to do, with so little time..." Though, I was patient. One wrong step, and I could be dead within a the twinkling of an eye... Even though I had what I had now, I was still essentially canon fodder in the grand scheme of things. Especially when it comes to how strong people in this universe can get.

Though, I think I'll have my fun here...

I quickly body-flickered to the top of the largest tree I saw, the village not too far from here. I'll get closer by morning, and see if I can become a part of Konoha. I had the village's pass with me, and their search isn't that strict, so getting in should be easy enough...

My current clothing, although a bit unusual should be fine enough to not garner much suspicion.




~ The Next Day... Third person Pov ~




Two guards stood patrolling the gates of Konoha, their gaze unmoving and somewhat focused, in the distance, one of them saw a figure approaching...

"Hey, Tani! We got someone coming, straighten up." The guard signaled his colleague.

"I hear you..." Tani responded, albeit being evidently tired from likely standing all day...

As the figure drew closer, their eyes widened a bit.

'H-He's huge...' Tani thought. He could tell from here, that whoever this was, is very well trained. Likely a taijutsu expert of some kind. Because he swore he never saw someone this conditioned in his life.

Typically, with larger physiques the ninjas looked a bit awkward at times with their build and were typically slower, but for the first time in his life, he saw someone that looked like the polar opposite. Even through the thick, and somewhat baggy clothing the person wore, he could still see how well-built the person was...

He quickly looked over at his friend, who might have had the same opinion. To which, he confirmed was true...

As the person approached, both men felt as if they were being dwarfed.

"State your business in Konoha," Tani demanded, his tone firm, yet not hostile.

Jacob, being the one in question, quickly took out his pass from his jacket to show his legitimacy, "I'm just coming back from visiting some distant relatives from a nearby village south of here." 

Both the guards, not seeing an issue with the reason, and it was the east gate, they nodded in acceptance.

"Alright... Let him through!" One of them shouted. Soon, the large gate began to open behind them. Jacob nodded at the guards while walking ahead...





"Shit..." Jacob thought, a subtle unease creeping in. 'Did I come off as suspicious?' Suppressing the rising panic, he calmly pivoted to face the approaching guard.

"It's none of my business, but I just wanted to ask, are you a taijutsu specialist?" the guard inquired. Jacob's tension immediately eased as he realized the non-threatening nature of the question.

"Yes, actually, I'm somewhat of a taijutsu specialist," Jacob confirmed promptly, earning a nod of acknowledgment from one of the guards. With the brief interaction diffusing the tension, he continued on his way without further hindrance...




'That... Was a close one... Now, I wonder who'll be my first target?






