
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

PettiaMius_6689 · Cómic
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49 Chs

CHP 11: Dropped in a Forest...

~ First Person Pov ~









"Ah... Shit..." My head felt as if someone took a hot-rod and stuffed it in my head... On that thought. I realized that I wasn't on the streets anymore, but in a forest. I gathered my bearings a bit and stood up, brushing the dirt off of my jacket...

Looking around a bit more, I remembered a bit of info that I knew about Naruto.

'Given the abundance of trees, doesn't this mean I'm near the land of Konoha?' I wasn't entirely sure about this, but if I remember correctly, only the land hidden in the bushes had this much greenery round it. Still, couldn't he have placed me next to civilization?

'I have no clue where to go. But, standing here won't get me anywhere either...' I sighed, knowing that I likely had a very long day ahead of myself...

'Thinking for a bit... It would be best if I head to higher ground...' I looked up, realizing that I had a long climb... 'Damn these trees are massive...' Complaining wouldn't get me far, so I quickly hopped onto one, and quickly made my way up to the top...

After finally getting through the leaves I found myself at the top of the tree, overseeing everything but the clouds. It, was actually a beautiful view up here. But, there wasn't any time for that. Nearby I saw a village.

I looked ahead, with my vision being much more powerful than a human's I could make it out a little... 'Still, is that actually, Konoha?' It sure looked like it, but heading there now would likely be suicide... I, wasn't sure, but I'm not heading there now. Though, at least I had somewhat confirmed where I was.

I hopped back down unto the ground, I'm at least 100 miles away from there, so I I should be safe this far out. If I remember correctly, this universe has ninjas that can sense you from ridiculous distances... I wasn't taking that chance yet until I was sure...

But, how would I even do that without meeting anyone? I practically had obscure knowledge... 'I'll just see where this takes me...'

*Leaves crushed in the distance~*





Hearing noise that sounded like something approaching, I quickly jumped back into the tree, not wanting to be seen, or at least made not so obvious...

After a while, I cautiously peered through the leaves and saw a large figure in the distance. It looked like a brown bear? But if it wasn't around 15 feet tall, I could confidently say it was one. However, reality struck hard – it was indeed a massive hunk of fur, towering at around 15 feet tall...

Thankfully, it wasn't any human that came here instead. That could have been problematic... I shifted my thoughts, looking back at the bear...

Luckily, I could vaguely tell it was weaker than me, albeit not to a massive degree. Because of my heighted senses... 'To think something like this was somewhat close to my level is insane...'

Clearly these animals were built different. Actually, now that I get a closer look, that thing might still be in it's growing period. It's teeth don't even match up with the size of it's body in regards to the overall ratio.

Still... 'I wonder what it would taste like?' I thought a little greedily to myself, feeling my tiger half wanting a decent meal, and this thing looked like it would be fun to hunt...

'On second thought...' I jumped across the trees, and being experienced as I was in keeping myself quite, I dashed around without much issue, until I was right on top of it. Clearly, it was minding it's own business, likely looking for food.

It's body looked low on fat...


I jumped down, quickly forming my blade-arm, targeting the nape of it's neck. However, it turned around, noticing too late...








'A clean slice of its head.' Even though my blade was sharp, I still felt a bit of resistance from the cleave... ' Luckily I didn't use my bare hands. I looked at its body, feeling a little sorry for the thing. It didn't get to put up much of a fight...

Walking closer I used both my hands, willing my body to absorb it, knowing it would give me a decent boost in stats...

After a couple of seconds, I felt it's body dissolve and mesh into mine, and soon, I felt it again...



I felt my body actually burning from the pain. This was different from the tiger, and any other creatures I absorbed. My nerves, felt like the were re-ranging inside my head. My eyes felt as if they were filled with stacks of needles...


The pain intensified even more! My skin, it feels as if its actually melting... What is this? Why does this hurt so much more than anything I've felt before? I could barely see myself, but when I did, I saw my skin looking as if it was burning... 

'T-The memories...' It hurts so much!!!

I clenched my fists as tightly as I could muster, to stifle the urge to shout, but the pain was too much, like an overwhelming force that threatened to actually kill me from the inside. Every fiber of my being seems to ache with the weight of the memories and changes that were happening...











"...Arghh..." My head...

'Fuck... I hate, absorption...'

I could feel them, the memories again... Annoying as it was, it gave me some insight of where to go, and not to go...

I quickly shook my head to steady myself a bit. I slowly opened my eyes...

"This, is new..." I felt as if, I could see more in a sense... Was this, Chakra?" I asked myself with genuine amazement... 'It's... It's beautiful.'

I saw shades of blue, white, green, red, yellow and all sorts of colors of the spectrum. It all felt natural, yet not. Not only that. I feel, odd. Like I have something warm in my chest area...

Wait... I could, sense it, and feel it. This was likely my chakra...

I quickly brushed the dust off my hair, and stood up once again. 

'I feel so much, lighter...'






Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18 Years old

Life-span: 478--> 756 Years old

Height: 6'4

Weight: 134kg

Chakra Points/CP: 0--> 16/16 CP

Talent Value: B+

Str: 49.68--> 51.67 Tons/800--> 1500 Tons 

Spd: Mach 28/Mach 28 [LIMIT REACHED]

Mov-Spd: 375mph /375mph [LIMIT REACHED]

End: 185--> 227/185-->267

Sta: ∞


Int: 7.1--> 7.5/8 


(New) Chakra Eyes: Allows the user to visualize chakra without Effort...

Tough Skin III: Your skin is 150% tougher than a normal human's own.

Heightened senses IV: Gives 13x sense of smell, hearing and 3x clearer sight...

Denser Bones III: Your bones are 150% tougher than normal.

Danger Sense VI: You have a great sense of danger/immanent threats...

(New) Chakra Bear's Physiology: Grants you a bit of what Chakra Bear's have in their physiology. Increasing your own traits...

Ant's strength X: Increases the Max physical strength potential of the user by 50x.





I felt my eyes widening involuntarily... I actually got a decent increase from absorbing that single bear. In fact, I actually got Chakra too? 

A little confused, I thought for a moment...

'But, how's that even possible... Isn't Chakra intangible? How can I actually absorb it? Unless... The virus had that capability the whole time... It might explain why the absorption was that much more painful...

'Either way, I'm not too sure, and I'm not going to question it now either...'

I had gotten a decent bit stronger. The only real benefit being my strength and endurance limits by a good chunk. And, I even acquired something called, Chakra vision and strengthened my other abilities to boot...

'This isn't a bad hall, but it still doesn't clarify much...' I still didn't have knowledge on how strong I was at the moment, but I know I was weak in the grand scheme of things...

Not only that, I don't know which time period I was in either, whether Boruto, or Naruto...

'This, is worse than I thought it would be...' On the good side, I have knowledge on where to hunt for certain creatures, so maybe I can start from there.

With all that I had at the moment, I need to continue moving on...

'Maybe, something good will happen...'







~ In Konoha, the Sundaime's Office... Omni Pov ~




In an office with an elderly looking man, finishing the paper work on his desk, smoking his pipe, had swiftly looked to his right. Out of thin air, a white masked figure wearing a grey vest and black overalls appeared...

"Lord Hiruzen," the messenger began with a respectful bow, "I bring regretful news concerning Team 11. They have faced an unfortunate fate during the retrieval mission assigned to them..." The figure remained composed, delivering the news with a measured tone.

The elderly man, identified as Hiruzen, narrowed his gaze, his eyes reflecting both wisdom and concern, yet with calm anger. However, he held his emotions in check, responding with a calculated calmness. Swiftly, he brought his pipe to his lips once more, inhaling deeply before exhaling a plume of smoke that seemed to carry the weight of his experience...

"...For now," he uttered, the smoke lingering around him like an ethereal shroud, "I want your squad to heighten their vigilance and patrol the area diligently. Ensure nothing eludes your watchful eyes from the outer perimeters. We cannot afford any more rogue ninja to catch us by surprise like that again..." His words resonated with authority, emphasizing the gravity of the situation at hand.

The messenger, still bowing, acknowledged the order promptly. "Understood, Lord Hiruzen. We will maintain a vigilant watch, and no detail shall escape our scrutiny." As soon as he said so, he disappeared into a cloud of smoke...

Deep in contemplation, Hiruzen surveyed the village from his elevated position. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the Hidden Leaf. Yet, the shadows of uncertainty loomed, and he couldn't shake the sense that darker times that lay ahead...

"Too many... Too many of these incidents have been happening lately," Hiruzen pondered with a furrowed brow. His gaze remained fixed on the village below, where the hustle and bustle of daily life continued despite the underlying tension.

As he surveyed the scene, Hiruzen's eyes caught sight of a familiar blond-haired child playing near the village outskirts. A wistful smile crept onto the elder's face, a momentary respite from the weight of his responsibilities.

With a heavy sigh that seemed to echo the burdens of leadership, Hiruzen's thoughts turned inward. His heart carried the weight of past decisions, and the memories of friends lost lingered in the air. "Minato, Kushina... I just hope I'm carrying on your legacy properly," he murmured quietly, the words a solemn plea to the spirits of those who had entrusted him with the village's future.

The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the village. Hiruzen, momentarily lost in reflection, gathered his resolve. There was much to be done, and the echoes of the past events only strengthened his determination to safeguard the village, and its people, no matter the cost...










this actually came out well I guess

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts