7 Life but with Talking Animals?

A few days later his daughter arrived, but I wasn't there to greet her. I mean I was there, but I didn't greet her. I was too shy to the point that I might have even looked dumb.

Also, because of that, we will start training tomorrow. Magic. Finally. I can finally use it. I just need to know how it is conjured, then I'll try adding some spice to it. Conventional science is probably not available here, so I'll use it as a secret weapon.

Physics. Chemistry. Biology. Everything. Good thing I've become a bookworm. I even tried quantum physics but it was too much for me. But hey, I died a high-schooler. What do you expect?

So far, today might be a long day for me. I can't wait to study magic, so I'll just try to improve my swordsmanship until then. I usually practice away from the house. Somewhere where there wasn't anybody else. I tried to roam until I found a lake.

This seems to be a good place. After stretching a bit. I started swinging my swords. Imitating my father's style. And suddenly to these words from a manga scene came unto me:

"You're trying too hard to be like the person you love!" Went this dude. "Find your style!"

Granted, the dude ended up getting beat up by the protagonist, but that's a story for another time.

And I remember my move, Flash Steps. I used it again and again. Perfecting my technique and sharpening every single bit of it. I'll do it again and again until it becomes natural for me.

With that, before I continue making a new one, I'll master this one first.

By the way, I'm thinking of making a new one once I learn to combine magic with it.

Well, I didn't notice that I got too absorbed by my training. Not until I felt someone gazing at me.

Being watched was normal. I mean, I'm the only kid with black hair, plus I'm probably the only 6-year old, hopefully ever, with a full license to chop every tree in sight.

But this? This was different. It was a wolf who was watching me.

And by a wolf, I mean bigger than average, fangs the size of daggers, red, beady eyes, trained on the center of my forehead, killer stance, jet-black fur.

Drool was racing down its cheeks. Combined with everything from earlier, I concluded.

Hahahhaha. I'm in danger.

I preemptively assumed a defensive stance, narrowing my body to make myself a smaller target. I scanned the forest for any other wolves, hoping for a route of escape.

And my senses told me to run. To be honest, I wanted to run. My brain was sending signals back and forth that the wolf was stronger than me.

But then, I puffed myself up. The logic being that I got Isekai'd. Isekai people seldom die until episode 5. And I probably haven't cracked an anime yet, so I was fine.

"I trained, you know. I won't be dog food!" I yelled, even though I knew that the wolf couldn't understand me. "Can y'all stop slobbering? Like, please? "

The wolf started to lower his head as if making a long jump. Before I even realized it, I immediately used Flash steps. When I was near the wolf's abdomen, I focused all my charged mana into my arms and gave it a good hit. I won't kill it, I mean killing it won't do me any good…

The wolf smacked against a tree, and let out a pitiful whimper.

"Sorry, bud." I clicked my tongue. "That might sting for a bit."

"Sorry, too. I think I gave out too much bloodlust." Said the wolf.

If ever there was a moment bruh, this was it. Channeling my inner disdain, I clasped my hands together, breathed in, and brought them down to deliver the most emphatic "BOI" ever done in history.

To be fair though, it was the first-ever done in this world.

"Wait, you can talk. Then why didn't yo-" I was puzzled; didn't know animals here supposed to know how to talk. "Ever heard of 'talk before fight'?"

"Human child, why are you here in this forest?" Asked the proud wolf, standing mighty high even though he was hurt.

"I w-was just here for magic training." I was also there to kickstart my harem, but I probably didn't need to mention that.

"Do you know that you and your kin are prohibited from entering this forest?" He (I think the wolf was a he) cocked his head and stared at me.

"Why though?"

He sighed and told me about the war.

"Back then, humans waged war against the elves for their gain. Humans were arrogant and even claimed that they would dominate every race and become superior beings. All corners of the world shook, reducing many cities... No, countries to ashes. Of course, we fought them too."

I needed to pee, so I wanted to wrap this up. "Y-your point being?" I said, doing the pee-pee dance*

(*Teen Titans reference. Please understand, dear readers :) ).

"Let's just say that no one won the war and everybody just agreed to hate each other in silence. We've taken great measures to avoid each other, 'till the likes of you came along. Now, tell me, why is a halfling such as yourself deep within the Forest?"

" I was mastering my swordplay. You see, the move I just used was one of my styles-"

"I know what you were doing, I just want to know WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" He barked.

"My mom sent me here?"

He slinked over to me and licked my face. He sniffed my hoodie. Needless to say, I don't want to describe it.

"You're her boy, aren't you?" He looked down on me, probably with disdain. I wouldn't know. I don't speak wolf expressions. "You smell just like that traitor."

"Watch your mouth." The atmosphere tensed up. The air went frigid, and the warning signal dialed up to DEFCON 3**. "Y'all can talk trash, but leave my Mom out of this, 'kay?" I smiled but it was a killer's smile. Like a battle maniac getting heated up in battle making scary laughs, I tried to give off a similar aura. I never had a serious fight against anyone except my dad, so I was pretty excited to make this wolf fear me.

(** By the way, DEFCON 3 is a nuclear launch warning. It means to get and stay alert, maybe find the bomb shelter. Danger? Higher than normal. If y'all get DEFCON 3 on the news, ayt, GGWP to u.)

Funny thing was, I don't know whether I'm fine or not with me smiling like that. Mom told me to be myself, and me that day…

Was that natural? Was it forced? Why did I only pull that out on the wolf?

Will I act like that again?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I heard footsteps and yelling in the distance. Probably should have stopped before anyone saw us, but rule #3 of getting into fights is that you never bring up someone's momma unless y'all want to get serious.

And right now, I wanted to put something serious into his chest.

"Foolish kid." He bared his fangs and prepared to leap. "Do you think you can scare me?"

I cleared idle thoughts from my head and stared straight back at him.

"Let's see who's foolish then." I rolled up my sleeves, threw my hoodie on my face, and brought my sword out. "Hey, wanna dance?"

And sparks began to fly.

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