12 Life but Silence Remains in Me?

Shrouded in darkness, a transparent ground was the only thing supporting me from falling. I was tucked in a bed of stars, a sight to be seen, it almost felt like… that one time.

That being said, you probably don't want to know what that one time was.

Did I die again?

I looked below my feet. I saw a vast stretch of green and blue resembling the crusty, leathery old maps Garyn kept in his study.

It sounds like a cold place to be, given that it's in the middle of nowhere, but space is actually nice if you get past the fact that your physical body is dying somewhere on some godforsaken rock millions of miles below your transparent feet. And I was in the middle of achieving enlightenment on the world beneath my feet when suddenly, a light so bright that my eyes could not withstand blasted me with full force.

" Let me guess, it's you again."

"Oh. How can a mere human be so sure?"

"The scenery seemed familiar, and no one takes quite a grand entrance like you."

Lilith greeted me with her patented Cheshire grin, and a mug (that one ahegao mug I worked for so long at Sentucky's to afford) filled with piping-hot joe. She sat down beside me and pointed to a mountain range a few million meters beside me.

"So what do you want? Why did you pull me here again." I paused. "Also, is that my mug?"

"Fancy how you think I'm the one pulling you in or should I say… How did you die this time?"

"Fall damage. Wait, that's besides the point!"

She laughed (with reverb, totally annoying) and patted me on the head. Which normally I would savor, given that head pats from a cute girl are acceptable as a currency where I come from, but I had no sense of sense whatsoever. That is to say, all five senses went dull, and I couldn't see, touch, or hear.

Well, I could, but it felt very uncomfortable as if someone wrapped a cloth around my body and slowly tightened it bit by bit.

What, did you think smell and taste would actually be important in the middle of space? Trust me, spirits don't eat or drink.

Wait, so what is Lilith?

"Interesting. To think that the vessel is this fragile." She grinned. Or at least I think she did. My vision was murkier than your average lake after a flood.

"Vessel?" I paused to think. "What vessel?" I tried speaking, but my voice came out as a tiny squeak. Or at least I think it did. Maybe my hearing was turning off.

"Don't worry yourself over it. It's something that a puny human can't understand."

"Can you stop calling me 'human'?" I tried for a smile. "I have a name."

"No need. Your time is almost up. Anyways, try to survive back there."

My head went fuzzy. My eyes completely lost visual perception and my body seemed to lose my sense of balance. Suddenly I fell but it was different this time. I was sinking in an endless sea, constantly becoming darker, slowly welcoming me, centimeter by centimeter until… I fell asleep. I fell asleep in the quiet embrace of that endless sea.

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