

Raprophet is a story of Jay a young musician who discovers that he is also a "Seer" a person who has the ability to see into the future and is able to identify Angels,Demons and other wordly powers.His Journey is most supernatural as he realizes how he would use his gift to help people.The plan unravels as one written in an ancient script in Blue primus a celestial world with coordinates on earth .To complete his task he must fight brutal and bloody battles using help of Angels assigned to him from Blue Primus to finish his mission.He discovers that his mission is also known by the netherworld powers who do everything in their strength to stop him by distracting him and finally end him .Jay is also a gifted rapper and singer and uses poetic words to summon power from Blue primus and he become a force to reckon with .The netherworld also raises up several challenges against him from his childhood to pry him open to his weakness but he is forever followed by his guardian angel "Raid" who fights all his battles but little does he know that it depends on his decisions if his Angel was to win or lose.

Jeven_John_8463 · Fantasía
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22 Chs


The demons were working double time to use their new opportunity—Earnest and Tabitha were taking a few weeks' time out to go on a holiday and also had to move to the interior for more work. They had left an announcement for everyone at Brown Chapel on the bulletin board that they would meet them in a few weeks.

As the days went by, Don and Shelly were progressively declining in keeping on the path. They were completely ignoring reading the Primus Script because work was getting more intense, and they both had to work overtime. Don wasn't spending time praying anymore, except for a short, silent prayer before his meals.

Don was still harbouring bitterness and anger against George and his friends, whom he had loved but now had lost for the sake of his new lifestyle. George and Sally did not call Don and Shelly after that night, because they were scared of them. Don was back to watching late night soaps and falling asleep on the couch.

Even after the incident, Don and Shelly still did not realize that they had opened themselves to spiritual attack that night because they had not asked the Emperor to know his will before they made their own decision to go.

Jay also started feeling the pressure of temptation with the reduction of prayer in the house. He was also being targeted by the enemies of his soul. During the week that followed the incident at George and Sally's party, Jay walked into Logwood High, and his friends told him, a pretty girl on the basketball court was asking for him. When he went there, he saw her. She looked at him as he stared back. Sheyon was one of the most popular girls in school. She was pretty as a flower and aced her classes, but she also had a great interest in Jay. She was in one grade below him, but she had smiled at him before in the corridors. Just as he began to walk towards her, Fireball caught his arm.

"Hey, leave me alone, Fireball," he said and jerked his arm out from the grip.

Fireball stood silent and just let Jay do his own will. He followed Jay from a short distance as Jay proceeded to meet her. He found her standing with some other girls who were eyeing him as well. He heard the girls call her name.

"Sheyon, look, it's your crush—that cute guy, and he is looking at ya."

Jay heard that, but when he looked at Sheyon, she smiled at him and looked away. Jay's heart was gripped by Sheyon's beauty, and his hormones were running wild.

"Let's go to the cafeteria," her girlfriends said. Then all of them proceeded to go, including Sheyon.

Jay followed, and she met him near the cafeteria.

"Hi. I've seen you before," Sheyon said.

Jay smiled shyly. "Yeah. Let's meet up during break?" he asked.

She winked at him and said yes.

His heart was gripped by her. He would wait every day that week after school to go to the basketball court because he would always find her there, watching boys play. He wondered whether it was because she liked basketball or because of the boys. Some popular boys—the ones called "hunks" by all the girls—came up to her to talk, and she would talk to them and flirt with Jay at the same time by looking at him.

Jay felt jealous, and he wanted to get her before anyone else could, so one day he told her he found her interesting. Sheyon hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

Fireball rolled his eyes. Suddenly, a five-foot-nine-inch form stepped out of the shadows, catching his attention. Fireball immediately recognized that it was Spirit Cupid.

Spirit Cupid was a demon who looked like an overgrown baby with a deceptive charm to his face. He was a demon warrior angel and was known to bring almost anyone down.Only a few could escape his clutches as he targeted emotions and ultimately the heart where many millions succumbed.He had a bow that was crafted in the lowest realms of the earth, specifically designed to bring humans to moral ruin. Strapped on his back was a quiver full of arrows. The tips of the arrows were dipped in a poisonous purple, thick, sticky substance. When they pierced the target, they would first feel as sweet as honey but later turn into bitter gall.

As Sheyon walked to her class, Cupid looked at Fireball with a mocking grin.

Fireball stared at him in anger.

One afternoon, the Route Number Seven bus was late because it had a breakdown and was in the garage getting repaired. The school was done, so most of the Route Number Seven students had to stay back and wait for the bus.

Jay was walking through the corridors, but he did not realize a few demons had already seen him and were hatching a plan against him. Suddenly, Sheyon walked in from the other end of the corridor. Their eyes met.

Cupid stepped out from behind her with his bow and arrows.

Fireball stepped out from behind Jay with his fists clenched.

Sheyon smiled and put her hands out to shake Jay's. Jay sweated as he gave a nervous smile and shook her hand.

"You are a singer, right?" Sheyon asked. "I love the way you do your thing."

Jay was blushing as he looked at Sheyon. She was pretty, and there was something about her eyes. He mumbled, "Thank you so much! Did you ever take part in the musical?" Jay asked.

"Nope, but I would like to if you are there," Sheyon replied. Her eyes had an alluring power about them. "Why don't we go for a walk?" Sheyon asked.

"Oh wow, okay!" Jay replied as they started walking.

Spirit Cupid quickly lifted his bow and shot his first arrows at Jay. Then he wielded his bow to strike Fireball with it, but Fireball grabbed Cupid's arm, and in a flash of movement, he flipped him with a judo throw, smashing him against the wall. Cupid got up and charged at Fireball, who effortlessly evaded and knocked him out. Then Cupid whistled, and a few of his comrades stepped out of the shadows. Fireball easily knocked out all the other evil spirits.

At that moment, the bus arrived. Jay said a quick bye as he ran to the honking bus.

Sheyon watched Jay run. "Meet you tomorrow, Mr. Cute," she called out.

Spirit Cupid got off the floor, hurt by the impact. He said to Fireball, "I'll get Jay through her one of these days, and I'll get my guys to beat you up."

Fireball smirked at Cupid before getting onto the bus with Jay.

Jay had arrows lodged in his back. When Fireball tried to pull them out, Jay got angry and snapped at him. "Hey, I like her!"

Fireball couldn't do anything because Jay allowed it to happen.

When Jay reached home, he couldn't stop thinking about Sheyon. He began writing love letters in his notebooks and then tearing them off and throwing them into the trash bin so no one would see. He couldn't stop thinking about her eyes.

Fireball was rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he watched Jay writing with General Temptation influencing him. Fireball could not remove the arrows till Jay wanted Sheyon out of his life for good. The purple substance from the arrows was seeping into Jay's soul, and he was getting infected with the wrong kind of infatuation. Attracted by the smell of Jay's wounds, more demons came to his home.

A number of other demons had already made their way onto Don and Shelly's property. Due to the increase of arguments between Don and Shelly, they found they were able to take residence on one side of the property. These issues, along with sin and prayerlessness, had opened many portals to the demons in their home.

Jay began to meet Sheyon more often, and every single time he met with her, there were fights between Fireball and new demon recruits. Jay was feeling so drawn to Sheyon, but he felt uncomfortable at the same time. He was talking to her more often but always in the shadows. He did not want anyone to know that he was falling for her.

Sheyon began to take advantage of Jay. She began to control him. He was not allowed to even share about his faith to any girls. Soon she also tried to stop him from talking about his beliefs with guys as she wanted him with her during the breaks.

While he was hanging out with Sheyon, Jay's friends who had been inspired by his changed lifestyle were continuing to speak to other students about the prince. When they noticed him with Sheyon, they thought he was sharing about spiritual matters with her as they had seen him doing the same with many girls and boys in the days and weeks before he had met her.

Jay was lying to himself, thinking someday he could bring her to know the Emperor so he could manipulate an approval from the Emperor to have her with him, but every time he would talk about the Emperor she would turn hostile. She had built a wall around herself. When it came to the Emperor, she would quickly change the subject or fake crying as she loved attention. And so Jay would ask his friends to continue the work while he was spending time with Sheyon.

Sheyon wanted to get physical with the relationship, but Jay knew it was wrong, so he never did it. He never even gave her a kiss but was always careful. The feeling that the Trinity was always watching him kept him alert. He was also aware that physical displays of affection would be considered very serious disciplinary issues if discovered by any of the school authorities.

Sheyon began to call Jay's home phone number often, and his parents had become acquainted with her. So she decided to take advantage of this one day by speaking to Jay's parents and convincing them to come with Jay to the beach with her and her family. Don and Shelly really didn't consider it as a threat because they never thought anything more of it than an innocent friendship.

At the beach, their folks all went for a walk towards the nearby restaurant to check it out. Just barely out of their sight, Sheyon and Jay were walking near the waves.

Sheyon had other things in her mind. She asked if Jay would kiss her.

Jay was surprised and just stood there as Sheyon began to hold his hand.

Suddenly, Fireball and a few angels sent a big wave to crash on them, sending them both screaming as they went flying and landing on the beach sand. They laughed as they were taken by surprise, not knowing what happened.

Cupid stood a few feet away, jaw hanging open in disgust..

Cupid stared angrily at Fireball and kicked up the sand.

Fireball just laughed it off

The following week at school, Logwood High was holding an interschool basketball game in the gym that went on for a couple hours. Jay was alone in a classroom, copying down a friend's class lecture notes into his book. The students had the option to go watch the game or to stay back and study, so everyone would go to the game. Jay was copying some of the notes he had missed because he had been lagging behind.

Just as he was almost done Suddenly, Sheyon walked into the classroom. She looked so attractive, wearing a ton of makeup, with glossy lipstick and her beautiful eyes rimmed with eyeliner. He noticed that she was also wearing her hair differently that day. It seemed to be flowing over her shoulders in soft, beautiful waves. He could have sworn he had never seen her so attractive before.

She closed the door and came over to sit right next to Jay.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "I was looking for you in all the usual spots, and then I figured that you might still be in your class."

"I'm just finishing copying some notes from the lecture that I missed during class. All the others left to watch the game."

She brushed her fingers through Jay's hair.

The hair on his neck stood on end .

Spirit Cupid stood right in front of them with a wicked smile as he pulled out his bow and arrow. He took aim to finish where he had left off in his plot against Jay.

"Oh Jay, you are so cute!" she said as she moved her face next to Jay's, batting her long, dark eyelashes.

Jay looked at her as she grabbed his arm. She was stunning, and she smelled great. But when he looked at her closely, he saw that her eyes were turning green like a reptile's. He felt like it was literally a snake talking to him.

"Jay, come on! Be normal—everyone kisses in high school! What the heck is wrong with you, boy? I mean, do you even know how lucky you are, you bozo? You got one of the hottest girls in Logwood High. I mean, there are guys who are standing in line to get me, but I went for you ever since I noticed your performance and your cuteness in the musical. Look, I know you have never been with a girl. But see, now even God is giving us the chance—there is no one else in this classroom. I'm alone with you, and we have at least an hour to just get crazy. Besides, I want you to be proud that I made you a man." Sheyon was tightening her grip.

Jay was sweating bullets. He felt like he was in the coils of a snake, and he had to get out before it was too late.He wanted her but he knew it was wrong. Even her voice was beginning to change from the soft, innocent voice to the cold hiss of a snake.

"Sheyon, please take it easy. I don't want people to see," Jay said.

She grabbed his collar with her hands. She was forceful and pulled him close to her. "Come on, babe lets kiss slowly. No one is even in the corridors and stop acting like a chick."

He drew back, but she did not release her grip. She pulled him with a jerk, causing his shirt to tear and the first few buttons to fall off. Her eyes were just like a snake's, and she looked like she was going to devour him.

When Sheyon had walked into the classroom, Cupid had entered right behind her. He saw Fireball across the room. Cupid pulled out one of his arrows and licked the arrow along the shaft, saying, "Things are about to get steamy in this room. You can pack your holy halo and get out," Cupid said with a smirk.

"Not while I'm around," Fireball said.

Fireball darted into the air like a bolt of lightning and kicked Cupid, causing some of his arrows to fall and scatter across the floor. Cupid jumped up onto a table. Wielding his bow, he tried to hit Fireball with it, but Fireball ducked. Cupid quickly jumped onto another table and cussed as he swung the bow at Fireball's legs, but Fireball leaped onto another table. Cupid grabbed a handful of his arrows from the floor and put them back into his quiver.

"I don't need to shoot at you," shouted Cupid. "I'll give you a good beating with this bow, and then we'll see who wins this battle!" He brandished his bow and began to walk on the tables towards Fireball.

Fireball calculated the timing of Cupid's brandishing bow, and in a second, he somersaulted into the air, kicking Cupid on his chin. Cupid dropped his bow on impact. When Fireball hit the floor on his feet, he picked up the bow and whacked Cupid with it, sending him through the open window. The bow disintegrated into thin air as Cupid continued falling towards the ground, three stories below.

"I just sent your bow to hell," Fireball called out. "Your mission against Jay with Sheyon is over ."

Mid-fall, Cupid caught and held onto a ledge with his hand. He turned around and saw a large tree nearby. He tried to dive into it to hide, but in his disorientation, he ended up crashing awkwardly into the branches, sending thirteen blackbirds fleeing from the tree. He was holding his chin, which was broken in the middle by the kick delivered by Fireball. He collapsed, due to the impact, but the portal did not open because he was not yet mortally wounded.

Just at that moment, Jay saw a water bottle on the table right behind Sheyon. He slowly reached out to get it without her noticing. It was filled to the top with ice-cold water. While she grabbed him to kiss him, he quickly opened the lid. Jay turned the bottle upside down, pouring cold water out on Sheyon's head. She screamed and released her hold from his shirt.

Jay jumped back and ran out of the classroom.

Sheyon was startled and shocked at the same time.

Fireball stood at the window, grinning at Cupid. He bowed low to the Emperor and praised him for giving him the power to ward off an impending disaster for Jay.

Blue primus clapped at Fireball's victory. At the same moment, the school was thundering with the sound of clapping from the gym because Logwood High had just scored a major point in the game.

Sheyon ran to the girls' restroom to dry herself off.

Suddenly, a few girls she knew entered the restroom. One girl said, "Oh my gosh, Sheyon! Why are you drenched?"

Sheyon couldn't tell them the real reason, so she told them she was trying to drink water from a bottle, but the lid opened too quickly.

At the end of the day, when it was time for the students to get on their buses, Sheyon spotted Jay sitting in his bus, looking out the window. She stared angrily at him from the outside.

She shouted in a rage, "How could you do this? I'll get you for this, you *****!" She started to cuss loudly.

"You ripped off my buttons, so we are even," Jay said before he looked away.

"I hate you, Jay! You're the worst *****!"

Jay just slid the window shut. Fortunately, in the midst of all the commotion of kids getting onto their buses, nobody noticed their exchange.

Fireball looked through the window and saw Sheyon taking her seat in another bus. Cupid was wearing a chin guard and neck brace and was sitting behind her with two other demons, staring at Fireball. They were shouting curses and blasphemies at Jay and his angel.

Fireball just laughed and turned away before he got a child to pull the curtains over the windows. The bus started and took off on the road to home.


That evening, General Fear went to meet some of his loyal associates in the Wilderness Realm, a gathering place for demons. It was a very important meeting.

"I want to have full access to Jay's house," he said. We need to get into it through someone or something. They threw out all the stuff some of us lived in. Now the only way is to reenter, and this time we have to be more subtle."

Then Anubis, the Egyptian jackal demon said, "We can enter Jay's house through an old friend of Don and Shelly's. I have something up my sleeve."

General Fear nodded in approval at Anubis, who was a highly experienced demon.

* * *

It was Thursday evening, the beginning of another weekend. After a hectic day, Don and Shelly got a call from Abukhaff, who was an old Jordanian friend. Abukhaff and his Egyptian wife Samiha were their friends from the time Don and Shelly had just gotten married. They had numerous hangouts and parties together back in the day. Abukhaff had called to say that he and his wife were going back to his country with their three boys. It was an abrupt decision, and they had to pack up and leave the next week. So they invited Don, Shelly, and Jay over to their house for dinner the next day.

During dinner at Abukhaff and Samiha's house, they spent time reminiscing on the old days as they looked at pictures from when they were all younger and Jay was a toddler. They laughed and sang some favorite Arab songs that used to come on the television.

Abukhaff and his wife talked with Don and Shelly long past midnight. Before the family left, they exchanged parting gifts. Samiha gave them a package of gift wrapped cookies, and Abukhaff handed them some oddly-shaped items, also in gift wrap. Then Abukhaff brought out another gift wrapped in an exquisitely embroidered cloth and said it was the most precious one. Don and Shelly reciprocated with gifts of their own.

They left late at night, and Jay slept the entire trip on the way back. The family reached home close to 3:00 a.m. As tired as they were, they stayed up to open the gifts and look them over. They had received several antiques. Don was intrigued by the Egyptian vase, which had many paintings of Egyptian culture on it, as well as the figurines of the Pharaoh and the Sphinx, Anubis, Nefertiti, and Osiris. They loved the gifts and put them up in their second floor showcase. Jay took a couple to his room too. When they opened the gift in the embroidered cloth, they saw it was a big, book with beautiful, ancient-looking designs on the cover. Don placed it on a prominent shelf in the library.

During the night, after they had gone to sleep, demons began to come out of the figurines—these were ancient, territorial demons. The most evil ones came out of the book.

The next day was church, but Don, Shelly, and Jay were too tired and slept in. From that day, Don, Shelly, and Jay started having strange experiences. They each began to fall sick for no good reason.

Shelly would dream of huge snakes chasing her and Don, and when they were almost about to swallow her, she would wake up with a scream. Then Don would have to comfort her.

Jay would also have nightmares of Anubis chasing him, and when he had almost got him, he would wake up breathing heavily and sweating. He would jump out of bed to put the night light on because he feared there was someone else in his room. He sensed a demonic presence in the house. He would find Rookie by his bedside, but Fireball would be standing on the balcony of the house. Jay was unaware that it was because he had brought some of the Egyptian figurines inside his room and that Fireball was wounded a little from the battles he had to fight inside the house while the family was sleeping.

Soon, Don, Shelly, and Jay's relationships with the Emperor and others were being affected. Everyone would keep getting distracted from reading the Primus Script. Don and Shelly started to have arguments often. They would pick on Jay about performing well on his exams. Even at work, things were getting hectic, and the pressure was mounting for both Don and Shelly.

There was one morning when Jay reached Logwood High and was walking by the basketball court. He stopped dead in his tracks. Sheyon was in the arms of a handsome basketball champ. When she saw Jay, she didn't even bat an eye.

Cupid was sitting high up on the basketball rim, looking at Fireball with an evil grin.

Fireball spun Jay around, and they walked him away, but Jay was already hurt by what he had seen.

Sometime later Anubis led a couple of the demons to attack even Rookie. When the family got home one day, Rookie was lying motionless on the floor. Don and Shelly rushed him to the vet. After receiving an IV drip for about half an hour, he was fine. The doctor said he had a seizure because of something unusual he must have eaten. When the family discussed it, they realized it had to have been the cookies they received from Abukhaff. Rookie would have passed away if the angels hadn't fought and held the demons back till Rookie was attended to.

Every morning, the demons would go back into the figurines, and every night, they would come out again to inflict harm on the family.

The family was starting to realize that something was very wrong ever since Don and Shelly walked into George's party, and things hadn't been the same after that.

One evening when everyone was at home, the phone rang. Shelly picked up the receiver. It was Earnest. He and his wife were back from the long vacation and extra work, and they were eager to check on how the family had been holding up for the past few weeks. They wanted to come over the next day for prayer. Earnest told Don and Shelly to fast breakfast and lunch and to be praying for themselves. Don and Shelly agreed and ended the call.

Don bit his lip as he realized that since the episode at George's party, which had been four weeks ago, they had not even attended Brown Chapel. The long break from the life group had stifled the fire in them. He knew Earnest was a spiritually powerful man, and he was sure that Earnest would find out when he prayed that something was seriously wrong.

The next morning as Don and Shelly woke up, they asked the Trinity to intervene. They also woke up Jay and requested that he fast too. Jay agreed to join them by fasting breakfast.


Fireball was wounded. He had deep gashes and cuts on his arms ,chest and the back of his body where he was attacked by the demons that came out of the figurines and the book with the ancient inscriptions. Fireball and the other Guardian Angels of the family had fought well, but there were too many demons for them to handle. Fireball was taking on twenty armed demons at a time and was getting worn out. Because there was so little prayer and holiness in the house, it was weakening him, and he lost his place in Jay's room as the demons occupied it. At certain times, the angels were able to go into the house, but at other times, a fight would ensue.

Late one night, the demons tried to occupy the front yard, but Fireball and the other Guardian Angels fought back. Somewhere in the neighbourhood, an unknown, neighbour who was a devout follower of the Trinity was up praying, and this strengthened the angels at that very moment.

On the day that Earnest and Tabitha were coming over, General Fear, General Deception, General Faux Religion, Spirit Anubis, and Spirit Osiris were alerted by Spirit Sickness and the other demons inside the house. They arrived that day through a demonic portal that had opened up over the book of inscriptions. General Faux Religion summoned several of his cult spirits to the house, armed and ready for attack.

Later, when Earnest and Tabitha arrived, a portal from Blue primus opened above the front yard, right above the angels. A squadron of Assassin Angels from Fireball's tribe came down from Blue primus through the portal as reinforcements.

One of the Assassin Angels walked up to Fireball, and they greeted each other.

The Assassin Angel said, "I have a delivery for you from Blue Primus." He handed Fireball a sword with a handle that looked like beautifully carved ivory.

"Wow, this looks great! Just what I needed!" Fireball said.

Earnest and Tabitha sat with the family in the living room and began to sing hymns and to praise the Trinity. Earnest played a guitar and Tabitha was playing a tambourine. Their worship music to the Trinity was simple, but it was restoring. The presence of the Trinity began to saturate the entire home.

Outside, a beam of light had fallen on the yard. Fireball and the other angels began to feel intense healing in their wounds, and their strength began to revive.

As the worship began to intensify, the demons inside the house suddenly became fearful.

Earnest began to hear the Wise One speak to him. He closed his eyes and began to speak furiously in some mysterious language. Outside the house, the cult spirits, who had just arrived, began to climb the fence and advance towards the house.

The Guardian Angels, led by Fireball, stood to oppose them. Fireball halted the demons with his sword drawn. All the angels had weapons, and they were looking stronger as they were healing.

Earnest closed his eyes and put his hand on his head as if he were listening. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the couch. He asked, "Do you know if there are any demonic objects in the house?"

"Demonic objects?" Shelly asked in surprise.

"Like any antiques, little statues or figurines that represent any spirit beings from other cultures or any other religion?"

Don looked at Shelly and then said, "Well, we had a friend give us a few Egyptian figurines."

"I see a demonic book, an ancient book," Tabitha said. She was praying with her eyes closed.

Don turned to Shelly with a look of shock on his face.

Shelly nodded and whispered to Don, "Let's show them everything we got from Abukhaff."

Don ran upstairs and brought back the ancient book, the vase, and all the figurines from the showcase.

"Is that all?" Earnest asked.

Jay remembered the Anubis and Nefertiti figurines in his room, so he ran and got them too.

Earnest pointed out to them the Egyptian gods carved around the vase. Then he laid his hands on the entire lot and prayed to break the curses they had brought over the Hayath family.

"Get some gasoline," he said. "We need to burn these."

Don answered him, " Cant we gift this to some one else"

Jay was also unwilling at first they had a mild argument as to why it was to be destroyed. Earnest told him it was bringing them harm to whoever has them.The Demons tried to sow discord about destroying the beautiful artifacts and figurines but finally he agreed to destroy them

They made a fire outside in the yard and burned the items. The book took the longest to burn. Thick smoke filled the air.

Then a very violent fight broke out on the front yard of the house between the cult spirits and the angels. General Faux Religion sprang at Fireball with his sword. Their swords clashed, sparking fire. Faux Religion swung his sword at Fireball's head. Fireball ducked and with a spin slashed Faux Religion on the hips. Faux Religion stumbled a few steps backwards but then came back like a crazed zombie, striking furiously at Fireball. With each strike of Faux Religion's sword, Fireball felt like the blow weighed a ton. Fireball felt his hands starting to grow weak. He realized it was from the power of the lies of Faux Religion.

Then Fireball shouted, "The battle belongs to the Emperor!"

Declaring this truth strengthened Fireball against Faux Religion's power, and he blocked Faux Religion's sword in midair with his own sword and then struck Faux Religion under his arm and on his face. The gash was deep, and Faux Religion stumbled again. Fireball then drove his sword into the thigh of Faux Religion. He screamed as he fell to the ground. Fireball plunged his sword into the belly of Faux Religion. A portal opened, and Faux Religion fell through, screaming in agony.

Just at that moment, Fireball was kneed by Anubis from behind. Fireball's sword fell out of his hand as he fell to the ground. Anubis sprang and locked his arm around Fireball's neck. Anubis was a very powerful demon. He began to drag Fireball out to the street in order to pound his head against the asphalt. When they got into the street, Fireball managed to break the iron grip of Anubis's arm and elbowed him on his jaw. Anubis threw punches at Fireball's chest. Fireball reeled on impact. Anubis tried to bite him with his gaping jaws, but Fireball gave him a right hook that knocked several of his fangs out. Anubis was bleeding green. In anger, the jackal spirit clawed Fireball's ribs, leaving a large wound and causing Fireball to stagger backwards. Anubis then threw another punch, but Fireball caught him by the wrist. With a spinning elbow and uppercut combination, Fireball sent Anubis thirty feet into the air and then crashing violently into a tree. A huge branch of the tree broke off and landed on the car passing along the road next to it.

The wind outside was beginning to intensify. Don and Shelly had burned almost everything by then. They had to put the fire out quickly because they saw a big storm was fast approaching.

The demons were being attacked by the angels on all sides with swords and chains. As fiery angels hacked the demons down, many portals to hell were opened, and many demons were hurled in.

An Assassin Angel who had picked up Fireball's sword tossed it back to Fireball. Then Fireball attacked Anubis with his sword and cracked the demon's shoulder blade. With a roundhouse kick, he knocked Anubis out and sent him through the portal.

General Fear came and stood before Fireball. "So you are Jay's Guardian Angel who is making all the trouble around here. Let's see you take me down."

The demons made way, for they knew General Fear was a powerful demon.

He took a judo stance with his trench coat touching the ground. He was tall, and his green, ghostly eyes looked out from under the hood pulled over his face. He circled Fireball, baring his yellow fangs.

The wind began to get hostile. A few cars collided as the effects of the invisible battle broke out onto the streets. Several demons were getting thrashed to pulp by the angels. Some demons latched onto the weaker angels and began to strike them, but the Emperors Blue primus reinforcements, who were stronger, assisted them.

Earnest's prayer strengthened the reinforcement angels, and each one took four demons down at one go. Meanwhile, Tabitha's fervent, incessant prayers on the side sabotaged the communication airways of the demonic realm.

Spirit Osiris was the last to be cast out; he was the hardest to defeat.

Earnest began to feel the full force of the enemy. He asked Don and Shelly to pray harder.

As they continued to pray, Earnest turned towards Jay. Earnest asked Jay if he was in any wrong relationship now or in the past. Jay confessed that he liked Sheyon and had been in an infatuation period. Earnest prayed and Jay wept as his unholy emotional tie with her was broken. He felt the deep arrows that had been lodged in his body fall off. They were the spiritual arrows that Cupid had shot him with at the beginning of his infatuation with Sheyon. The purple ooze drained out as an angel applied a healing balm to his heart. After a few minutes, Jay was set free. He bundled up the letters, key chains, and little goodies she had given him, put them into a brown paper bag, and threw it into the fire pit outside the house.

Earnest looked at Jay as they knelt in prayer and said, "You must let go of any lady in the present and in the future who is not a participant of your calling. There will be destiny thieves who will try to distract you from what God has purposed for you, so be on your guard."

Jay nodded as hot tears poured down his cheeks. Cupid writhed in Agony somewhere on earth.

Don and Shelly also had to confess harbouring unforgiveness against George and Sally.

Don, Shelly, and Jay as a family asked the Trinity for forgiveness for compromising their path and neglecting to communicate with the Trinity. They wept deeply together, confessing their wrongs towards each other and forgiving each other.

Then Earnest and Tabitha poured scented olive oil onto their heads as a sign of dedication to the Emperor, and they prayed together against every sin and sickness the family had.

Due to the intense prayers, a disturbed Spirit Osiris went out of the house in great anger, along with Spirit Sickness. When they were outside, they saw General Fear circling Fireball.

Osiris, the thirteen-foot demon, and Spirit Sickness began to attack several of the Guardian Angels, knocking them out of their way. They were so powerful that these angels were not able to withstand them. Several angels were wounded, but they continued to fight.

The battle moved from the Hayaths' front yard to the streets and went all the way to the muddy slope below, as many angels and demons rolled down the slope, fighting ferociously while in a death lock with their enemies.

As swords clashed, punches and kicks were exchanged between the angels and demons, flashes of lightning from the sky hit the ground. There was now a thunderstorm in full force over the neighbourhood. The storm was getting so intense that not even a street dog had the courage to venture out that night.

Suddenly, another flash of lighting shot across the sky, and a loud peal of thunder was heard as a powerful angel surrounded by bright light descended at breakneck speed. Then wham—the feet of Archangel Michael landed right on the shoulders of Osiris and Spirit Sickness. He smashed the two demons into the ground. Then lifting them both up by their necks, he slammed their heads together. Osiris roared in pain and Spirit Sickness was already concussed. The skull of Spirit Sickness had been crushed on impact.

Then the other angels hacked Spirit Sickness with machetes, bound him with chains and flung him into the portal.

A group of cult demons charged forward to help Osiris, but the reinforcement angels defended Michael against them. Osiris clawed at Michael, scratching him on the chest and abdomen with his long evil sharp claws, but Michael withstood the attack and threw him to the ground. Michael had the breastplate of righteousness that was impenetrable, even by the strong demon Osiris. Michael severely stomped on him through and through, crushing Osiris's bones. Osiris screamed and tried to change course, but Michael was too strong for him. Michael held his arms, tearing them at the rotator cuffs. Osiris shrieked with bloodcurdling yells. Michael hacked Osiris on the hip with his sword. Then he quickly turned around and shoved his sword into Osiris's eyes, blinding him. He pressed Osiris's body against a tall textured wall. Osiris was screaming so loudly that it caused the birds that had taken shelter from the storm in the nearby trees to flee upwards in a panic.

Michael reminded Osiris of a couple of his past defeats. "You know we beat you when the ten plagues came to Egypt at the time of Moses. And you remember what the Prince did to you guys on that crimson tree."he elbowed Osiris and threw him a few feet in the air kicking him on the groin as he fell a couple of feet .Osiris cursing got up off the ground in an effort to fight Michael.

Meanwhile, General Fear lunged at Fireball with a kick to his thigh, making him wobble a bit, but Fireball returned a lightning-fast, hard kick to General Fear's ribs. They heard a slight crack, and then General Fear wobbled, placing his hands on the ribs where they hurt so badly. General Fear steadied himself and threw several punch-and-kick combinations at Fireball. Fireball warded off a few before a random one hit him hard, making him wobble backwards. He held the hood of a car to steady himself.

The rain was still heavy. A tree landed on the road with a crash as Fireball gave a combination of elbows and flying kicks at General Fear that sent him reeling backwards. General Fear spun and came right back at Fireball, but Fireball threw a left and a right hook combination that rocked General Fear off his feet, and he hit the ground. General Fear jumped back onto his feet. His mouth was bleeding, and his ribs had hairline fractures. Fireball had some wounds on his face and legs from the punches and kicks from General Fear. They were both breathing heavily.

General Fear was furious. "I'm not leaving till I kill you," he growled. Burning sulphur came out of his mouth like a wisp of smoke.

The other angels and demons were staring for a moment as the battles of Michael versus Osiris and Fireball versus General Fear continued.

General Fear ran at Fireball, kicking him and throwing several lightning-fast right and left hooks. Fireball blocked a few, but it was like blocking iron. General Fear struck Fireball square on his jaw, throwing him off balance. Then he lunged at Fireball, headbutting him in the abdomen, knocking the wind out of him. But as Fireball was falling onto his back, he reflexively used his arms and legs and his falling momentum to grab General Fear and flip him backwards. General Fear's tall body crashed into a fence, which broke upon impact.

Fireball fell to the side of the tarred road. The impact was hard on him. His vision was blurring. He could see General Fear lying down, but then he was slowly picking himself up.

Michael came to aid Fireball. He put his hand out to Fireball, helping him up from the ground.

Osiris, mortally wounded by now, was staggering towards Michael. The archangel thrust his sword into the heart of Osiris, who lost balance and fell into the gaping portal to hell. His bloodcurdling yell faded as he fell.

General Fear saw Michael and backed off.

Suddenly, the Emperor sent a bolt of power from Blue primus that went into Fireball. With his new power supply, he ran at General Fear like an angel on steroids. Fireball jumped thirty feet into the air. Using a quick kick combination, he struck General Fear hard on the chin with his right foot, his chest with his left foot, and then kicked him square in the gut with his right foot. This move broke General Fear's jawbone, cracked a few more ribs, and sent him tearing headlong through an iron garage door. He landed on the hood of a car, denting it very badly.

The neighbors came to see what was happening as they had heard the loud sound through the storm, but all they could see was a gaping hole in the garage door.

General Fear got up with his back in searing pain. He knew he stood no chance. He was severely wounded and needed to make his escape to the Wilderness Realm, where he would be able to heal.

Using sorcery, he teleported himself there. Then he crashed under a thorny tree and lay down as he lost consciousness.

A few feet away, General Deception was sprawled facedown, badly torn up from the fight.

All the other demons were beaten soundly and were bound and thrown by the angels into the portal to hell.

Fireball fell into the arms of Michael in exhaustion.

Archangel Michael hugged Fireball, saying, "Good work, buddy. You fought way above your rank. Nice moves and good speed. Loved your endurance. The Emperor is with you, Raid."

"Thank you, Archangel Michael," Fireball said.

They bowed low to the ground with the other angels and worshipped the Trinity. By then, the sun was rising, the storm had just ended, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. The angels smiled as they heard the Morning Star Angels sing a song of victory from Blue primus.

Then Earnest, Tabitha, and the Hayath family came out of the house to the yard. After a very long time of intense prayer, they all had stayed up the rest of the night talking. Earnest and Tabitha were teaching them about spiritual warfare, answering the family's questions and sharing many stories about people they had met in their travels around the world who had similar situations and experiences. Don and Shelly had also urged the couple to stay in the house until the storm was over and it was safe to drive home.

Now that the storm had stopped, many of the neighbors had also come outside and were gathered in small crowds, observing the damage. They overheard one of the neighbors saying a cyclone had just come through Oman. Everyone was shocked to see how much destruction the storm had left behind. Cars were overturned. Doors had been ripped off. Trees were stripped and large branches broken.

"This was more spiritual than physical, ladies and gentlemen," Earnest said.

Don, Shelly, and Jay nodded in agreement. Their heads were still fragrant with the sweet scent of the olive oil.

A group of angels was standing on the front yard, many of them needing medical assistance. A great host of angels had descended from the Blue primus portal and lifted the angel casualties onto fiery stretchers to take them to Blue primus for healing.

In the midst of the commotion, Jay's eye was caught by a circle of angels standing around Archangel Michael, having a serious discussion. Jay excused himself from his group. While the rest of Jay's group was busy inspecting the damage from the storm and talking with the neighbours, he slipped away and went over to them. Jay was shocked to see a grievously wounded Fireball leaning on Archangel Michael's arms.

"What happened to Fireball?" Jay asked Archangel Michael with tears streaming down his face.

Two angels came with a fiery stretcher and helped Fireball onto it.

At that moment, the Emperor instructed Michael to speak to Jay and explain what had happened.

Archangel Michael said, "This happened during the battle we just fought. Every time you backslide—that's when you stop following the Emperor's ways and start doing your own thing, Jay—Fireball and we other angels fight for you, and the Trinity feels the pain. You all opened many doors for Satanic powers to come into your lives, so Fireball had to join me in this huge battle for your family because you are worth it!"

Jay sobbed as he dropped to his knees and touched Fireball's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Fireball! Please forgive me for snapping at you when I was around Sheyon. Please be okay!"

Fireball nodded and smiled at Jay. He extended his arm towards Jay. When Jay put out his hand, Fireball gently squeezed it and then slowly faded out of consciousness.

Archangel Michael said, "Once he's with the Emperor, he'll be fine, and once he is fully healed, he will return to do his duties."

The fiery stretcher was elevated to Blue primus and disappeared, along with the multitude of angels returning to Blue primus, led by Michael.

The tears continued streaming down Jay's cheeks. Jay's heart had sunk so low.

As Michael was ascending, he called out to Jay, "Don't worry, Jay. Fireball is an expression of our love. We will send him back. Till then, we will send the Sky Patrol, four of our powerful Warrior Angels who will be watching over you till he is back."

Meanwhile, the roads were still being cleared by service vehicles. There had been many accidents on the road because the cyclone had come without warning. The tree branches and flipped over cars were removed.

Many people were outside helping. Some called it an "act of God"; others said it was the work of the Jinn. However, many others were simply appalled at the disaster in that part of the town.

Although they were exhausted from staying up all night long, Earnest, Tabitha, Don, Shelly, and Jay helped to clean up as well. After an hour of work, they ate breakfast together. Then Earnest and Tabitha left for their home.

Don, Shelly, and Jay sat down on the couch together with Rookie. Jay remembered what he saw and heard about the angels. He told his parents, and they were amazed. Don and Shelly and a few people noticed feathers lying in heaps certain places some thought these were feathers of huge birds killed in the storm but Don and Shelly knew they were angel feathers.

"So Fireball is not gonna be around for a bit?"

"Yep," Jay said.

Rookie whined and walked away to lie down in a corner.

Jay was so surprised at Rookie's response. "Did you see that?" he asked.

"Yeah, we did," Shelly said. "Supernatural is quite natural to us nowadays," she said to Don, and they laughed.

"He'll be back, Rookie, ole pal," Don said.

Rookie lifted his head, and after looking at Don, he seemed to understand. He stretched himself and went to sleep.

Later that evening, Don and Shelly were watching the news. Amy May, the familiar news anchor, was reporting on the cyclone that had come through the area. There were a few accidents but no deaths.

Although there was a lot of destruction, the Hayaths' house and the praying neighbor's house were untouched. The neighbor's car that had been dented by General Fear during the night was towed away. Don and Shelly were surprised to learn from the news report that the car was discovered to be the same one from a hit-and-run case some years ago. It had been hidden in that garage for years for fear of being found.

That night, before falling asleep, Jay was stroking Rookie behind the ears. He was trying to comfort him because he was missing Fireball. The motion of Jay's hand gradually slowed down as they both dozed off.

During the night, the Wise One came to Jay in a dream and said, "Look, I'll take you to where Fireball is right now."


Fireball was in a coma when the fiery stretcher arrived in Blue primus. The fragrance of the atmosphere woke him, and he opened his eyes. "Am I home?" he asked.

The Warrior Angels around him nodded their heads.

The Emperor walked up to Fireball and commended him before he was moved to one of the healing rooms for angels.

Fireball was examined and given physical aid in the healing room. Several splinters of sharp iron and nails were removed from his body. None of his bones were broken, but there were deep stab wounds and cuts in his body. Muscles were strained. There were also a few burns and ligament tears on his arms, feet, and hips. His belly still hurt, and he needed rest.

Later on, Fireball saw the Emperor again, waving at him from the entrance to the healing room. Fireball smiled in recognition.

Fireball was offered a tall glass of sugary nectar that began to heal his wounds. It was cold and so refreshing that he went off into a deep sleep.

An angel in the healing room had Fireball's hands in his as he checked Fireball's pulse. "Two weeks and he will be fine," he said to Archangel Michael.

"This guy fought like a wild warrior," Michael said. "Good to have my little brother back here after fourteen and a half years."

Many other angels were admitted into the healing rooms. Some had grievous wounds because the demons Osiris and Spirit Sickness had attacked them viciously. Many of them had bad head and chest wounds. Some had been smashed on the concrete fences but still got up again to fight, so now they had come in with very serious injuries. In the healing rooms, every cell of their angelic bodies was taken into consideration.

Meanwhile, Jay had suddenly found himself standing next to the classy, gray-haired gentleman whom he recognized as the Wise One. He gave Jay access through the main gates of Blue primus and then walked him over to one of the healing rooms. They stood together at the entrance, which did not have doors made of glass but of water that stood like glass and had fishes in it. These fishes were colorful and loved playing in that water. The trees outside would spread their branches far enough to enter the room and give their fruits, each kind in its season, to the angels to eat for healing. The trees knew no evil; they were kind and could sense a hurting angel or human.

Many miles away from the healing rooms, the Worshipper Angels assembled at the massive arena to worship the Emperor, the Prince, and the Wise One. As they began to worship, the wounded angels began to hear it over in the healing room. As they enjoyed the beautiful singing and musical instruments, suddenly their flesh began to heal, their bones began to stop aching, and the wounds began to close up. The glorious presence of the Trinity began to permeate the healing room. Some of their injuries were even healed instantly through the worship that flowed from the arena. The trees even grew by hearing the worship.

The Wise One said to Jay, "The healing rooms have no anesthesia because the pure, powerful presence of the Emperor makes their bodies numb like Adam was made numb before his rib was extracted."

Then little children and beautiful animals came in to meet the angels. The children walked up to each of the angels, carrying flowers of many varieties and colors. They put flowers on the angels' bodies and stroked their hair. They giggled as they put flowers on the angels' faces.

The angels smiled and laughed. They began to heal even more from the love and affection.

"All these children and animals are a reflection of the Emperor's goodness and mercy," the Wise One said to Jay. "Sometimes he comes in through these precious ones. They are the angels to the angels."

Jay was anxious to find Fireball, but there were so many beds in the healing room they were in. As he and the Wise One walked through, he saw different angels. They were huge. The smallest of them were twelve feet in height. That was when Jay realized that in Blue primus, they were bigger than on the earth realm because they grew in the light of the Trinity's love.

The angels were excited to see Jay and began to call to him. They pointed down the aisle of the healing room.

As Jay and the Wise One walked in that direction, he saw a hand waving at him. Then he noticed the blondish hair. It was Fireball. He was huge in Blue primus—at least thirty feet tall.

Fireball was sitting up in his bed, feeling very groggy, but he smiled as Jay came near. "Good to see you here, buddy. You came to visit me?"

Jay jumped back with his hands on his mouth. He was shocked to hear Fireball talk.

All the angels began to laugh.

"Oh, Raid can talk. Oh yes, I mean Fireball can talk, buddy," the angel said, correcting himself. "I am not allowed to on earth," he said. "I am not to distract you by talking to you, unless there is an uncanny need—the Emperor's orders."

The Wise One smiled. "Yes, Jay, on earth the Guardian Angels do not talk unless I command them to. Their main purposes are to protect and defend."

"And... Raid?" Jay asked.

The Wise One told him that Fireball's real name was Raid, but they were ready to go with the name Jay had given him.

By now, the whole healing room was looking at Jay. In Blue primus, Jay felt no shyness or fear, but he felt welcomed.

Fireball looked at Jay and said, "Keep walking in the Emperor's ways, buddy. And take care of that pup, Rookie. I'm going to miss him for a few weeks. When I am back on earth, I won't be permitted to talk to you like this." He winked.

The angels next to Fireball's bed chuckled.

"When you go to school, the Sky Patrol will look after you. They are good fighters. If that Cupid comes to rematch me, they will shut him up again. They'll shut him up real good! Just know you'll be okay, and don't forget to pray before you sleep. The moment you came in, everyone here told me that they love you, Jay. We all do."

Jay saw that Fireball was still healing from his wounds. They were fresh scars, but the healing seemed to be progressing quickly.

The Wise One said to Jay, "In a few hours, he will be okay and ready for exercise."

While they were still talking, an angel brought Fireball a glass with a strange, glowing liquid. Jay looked into the glass. The liquid was so beautiful. Waves of orange and burgundy were swirling around in the glass.

Fireball drank it slowly and then lay down. His sky blue eyes stared towards the ceiling.

When Jay looked up, he was surprised to see there was actually no ceiling, but instead they were looking up at the sky. It was a blue sky, but planets and constellations were also visible. It was a form of visual therapy to help heal recovering angels.

Fireball's long hair was lying loosely over his pillow, and he breathed easy as he let the process take its course. "Take care, little buddy. See you soon," Fireball said as he dozed off.

Jay began to feel a tug at his sleeve as the Wise One began to take him back to earth.

When Jay opened his eyes, he could feel a tingling all over his body. He realized he was back. He saw Rookie fast asleep in his room. Jay felt the cold breeze coming through the open window. He got up to drink some water, and then he slept again.

The Sky Patrol stood outside. There was not a demon in sight, but only people clearing the debris from the storm.


Lucifer sat on the throne with his eyes popping out of his head as he watched the video of the fight recorded by Eavesdropper. His body trembled in fierce anger. The chalice from which he drank was shaking so much that the filthy contents were spilling out. All of a sudden, it was crushed by the grip of his hand. He threw it down.

It rolled and touched General Fear's feet, who was bandaged and sitting in a wheelchair because of his many serious injuries. General Deception, Osiris, Anubis, and Spirit Sickness each leaned on other demons for support because none of them were able to stand up on their own, while General Faux Religion was lying in a stretcher, half conscious. General Deception was covered with gashes and bandaged with filthy, ripped cloths. Osiris looked like he had fallen into a shredding machine. Anubis was mortally wounded, and Spirit Sickness's body was beyond recognition. All of them had been summoned to appear before Lucifer's throne and were taking turns to explain what had happened.

Lucifer looked and saw that behind them were heaps of bound, mortally wounded demons. They had just arrived through long, dark portals of horror. They could not be used for another fight because they had been completely shredded by the Blue primus warring angels.

Lucifer ordered torturer demons to come forth. Soon, hundreds of very tall, very strong demons who wore coats of mail from head to toe arrived. They had cruel weapons of every kind and huge, strong ropes to bind the demons. Everyone in hell screamed when they saw them.

Lucifer commanded in a loud, harsh voice, "Take these pathetic fools and shut them up in the pits. Increase the heat and stab them constantly. Leave the leaders here for now. I need to speak to them."

The demons groaned and screamed, begging him not to send them to the fire and torture.

Lucifer was cold to their begging. He looked at them and said, "What kind of an army is this? You all are the worst! You have disappointed me, and because of you, everyone in Blue primus laughs at us. I hate you all! This is the third battle lost in this season, you hear me? Third battle!" Sulphur and red fire burst out of his mouth.

His anger made the other demons tremble in fear. Most stopped breathing so as to not make even the slightest sound. They knew the wrath of Lucifer was pure evil, and when he was furious, no one would dare disturb him or face him because it would mean certain doom.

Lucifer ruled hell with an iron fist and did what he liked with any demon. He brutally beat them when he was angry, and when he was feeling especially proud, he would force them to worship him. At times, he would be in a meeting with his commanders, and he would attack them just for the slightest misunderstandings. He loved inventing evil, and he would commend well any demon who released new ideas for tempting people. For the ones who got great men and women to fall, he would put up their portraits in the halls of hell, and he would allow those to be held in high honor and give them greater powers to bring more great people down. The demons lived in fear but would enjoy every win.

The torturers came in the hundreds and dragged the mortally wounded, groaning, screaming demons to the torture chambers and the fiery pits. The concrete floor was left with marks from their nails and claws that had scraped in desperation to stay back and the liquids that had gushed out of their wounds. The stench of their blood and vomit filled the hallways of hell. Some tried to bite and scratch the executioners, but they were no match in their mortally wounded state. The torturers beat them brutally with iron-spiked rods, breaking their bones.

When the room was cleared, only the high-ranking officers remained before Lucifer.

He walked right up to Osiris and said, "You ancient one, you look pathetic. Great, you lost both eyes! Let's see the way you fought this."

When Lucifer saw Jay in the video, he said, "This is the threat we have! I see him as a huge threat in the future. Once we find out his weakness, I need you all to work on him hammer and tongs to bring him down, you hear me"?

As the video continued, Lucifer and the demons watched the fight between Archangel Michael and Osiris. Lucifer shook his head in disappointment. "You should have brought in more demons and covered the sky realm. That's why he beat the daylights out of you. You would have had enough time to annihilate the angels if Michael was at least delayed. You did a good job in the first forty minutes, but you were stopped by Michael. He ended you so badly, Osiris! It will take me to stop that archangel. You all should summon the best fighters—thousands of them, in fact—when you see him. He is very calculating."

Lucifer fast-forwarded the video to General Fear's fight. "Who is that? Is that Raid? Oh my badness! The Guardian Angel you all were talking about?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes, it's Raid, but Jay calls him Fireball," Eavesdropper answered.

Lucifer rubbed his hand across his forehead and his mouth in anxiety as he stared into the screen.

Eavesdropper added, "Raid was an Assassin Angel. He was used by the One Above to attack many of our armies. He was very young, but now he seems to have grown up and has been given the position of Guardian Angel.

Lucifer burned in anger. He punched into the concrete pillar. His hand tore through it and came out the other side. When he pulled it back, it was as nothing had happened to his hand. He pointed at the screen. "Continue the fight of General Fear versus Fireball."

General Fear held his head low in disappointment.

Lucifer was appalled at the fight. "General Fear, you are getting mauled by Raid here. Did you train enough for this? I mean, look at the way he has picked you apart! Oh wait... oh my! He kicked you into a garage door! And then... here, freeze that!" Lucifer snarled.

Eavesdropper froze the video.

Lucifer continued, "Like a chicken, you fled! You used sorcery to teleport to the Wilderness Realm. How weak! Why didn't you stay and fight?"

General Fear was too weak to argue back and could only muster enough strength to speak in a weak voice in defense of himself. "The demons and I had been ready to take them out, but the prayer and fasting inside their house affected me.

"A few weeks ago, we had brought in Spirit Alcohol, and then we infiltrated through Don's friends who invited them to their party. We were getting George and Sally to pour the whiskey over Don and Shelly, but some angels interfered. We then brought in General Faux Religion. We hid ourselves inside the gifts and released the spirits all over.

"We were successfully doing everything till that man Earnest called. He and his wife came over, started praying, and then he started messing things up," General Fear said.

"Why didn't you attack him and his wife?" Lucifer asked.

"Holiness, sir. They walk in holiness. The force field around them is too powerful," General Fear replied.

"Hmm. I've heard enough," Lucifer said.

He looked at Anubis. "You have been a disappointment too, ever since the times of Moses, but I expected a comeback from you, Anubis."

Anubis looked at the floor, clutching his slashed-up torso.

Lucifer called in some transport demons. "Take these and leave them in the Wilderness Realm. Let them rest. Use some magic arts and wizardry, and heal them until they are well enough to get back to work."

After they left, Lucifer was alone in the room. Utterly disappointed, he blasphemed the One Above. He remembered the loss on Calvary as he felt the scar on his head from that crushing defeat. He looked above and shouted, "You! You! Someday I'll get my revenge against you!" As he screamed, sulfur and fire came out of his mouth and eyes.

His outburst travelled through a portal, resulting in a bomb exploding in Palestine, killing many people.

A demon smiled as he saw the dead bodies torn to ribbons. "Lucifer got mad again," he told a principality who stood near the war tank.

They watched human souls scream as they travelled through the portal to hell. The children were carried away to Blue primus by angels.

Lucifer sat in deep thought on the edge of a cliff in hell overlooking this scene. As he watched the souls of humans being tormented, it gave him some momentary relief.