
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Cómic
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18 Chs

The Blood Ritual!

Frankenstein, Tao, Takio and M-21 were silently following Shinni. Tao was looking at his boss from corner of his eyes. He had sensed the tension Frankenstein facing. But he didn't say anything. He knew, his boss would find a way through any obstacle.

Takio and M-21 had also sensed the tension, but they didn't say anything either.

To break the silence, Frankenstein asked Shinni,

"Lady Shinni, if your father, the leader of moon clan hasn't any power left, then how do you protect this kingdom? What if the enemy invade your territory and destroy it. Will you be able to save it?"

Shinni looked at Frankenstein with smile and said,

"No. They cannot enter our territory. That's why we have survived so long."

"But how?" Frankenstein asked.

"Remember the ritual father mentioned, which led to lose him all of his powers. My uncle played a little trick while performing it. He knew that God won't allow him to destroy father's power. Hence, he redirected them, to create a safety dome around our territory. My father's powers were so intense that it created such a shield around us, which no one can ever break. But, we lost our mother during that ritual." Her eyes got moist.

"How?" M-21 asked.

"My mad uncle received the information about the ritual father was going to perform, and he attacked our territory to break it. But my mother fought to him to death to stop him. He killed her by himself. I'm going to make him regret every torture he forced on us! And it will start now." Shinni said with cold eyes. As if she had planned it for years.

Frankenstein was amazed after realizing the power of Shinni's father and smartness of Shinni's uncle. But, to perform the ritual which was needed to separate Shinni's father and his mad brother, they needed the blood power. And Frankenstein knew only one, who had such a powerful influence on blood, his master, a blood lord! The only problem was, he wasn't able to reach him. He was trying to contact him for last few hours, but he was nowhere to be found.


Raizel was walking towards enemy's chamber, to finish all of this, once in for all! But he heard someone calling him. It was Frankenstein. He was asking him to stop. He wanted to finish some other business before Raizel kills the enemy.

Raizel heard Frankenstein's urgency, and tried to reply him. But he couldn't. Someone was interfering with his communication.

Few minutes later, Frankenstein tried to reach him again. He needed Raizel's help, to perform a blood ritual. Raizel stopped walking and got into thinking, what should he do first?

Raizel decided to communicate with Frankenstein first. He spoke without looking at Joshua,

"We need to get out of his influence. He is interfering with my communication."

"Yes, my lord. I know exactly where we need to go." Joshua answered with silently, but with passion towards Raizel. And he showed him the way on their right.

They both started walking towards the corridor on their right.


Frankenstein was walking towards Shinni's granduncle's house, outside the castle, while still trying to contact his master. Shinni was guiding them.

They had almost reached the destination. The castle was left behind, half an hour ago. He kept trying to contact his master. He was getting impatient now. He needed master's power to perform the ritual. Suddenly he heard the master's call.


"Yes, master?" He replied.

"You were trying to contact me."

"Yes, master. I thought you were going to the enemy's castle. I assumed, you will finish him to end this fight. But before destroying the enemy, we must perform a ritual, to separate Shinni's father, moon clan's leader, Shinnei and the enemy, who is his twin brother, Kenni." Frankenstein tried to explain briefly to Raizel.

"Are they connected to each other?"

"Yes, master. They're bonded by blood ritual. So if the enemy is killed before separation, ...."

"Mr. Shinnei will die too." Raizel interrupted Frankenstein, completing his sentence.

"Most likely." Frankenstein answered with disappointment.

Raizel didn't reply. He kept looking at Frankenstein.

Frankenstein continued,

"Hence we're going to meet Shinni's granduncle, who can perform a ritual which can separate them. But we need powerful blood magic to make it successful. That's why we need you. Only you have that much power over blood, master!"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"We need you here, master, to access Shinni's father's blood." Frankenstein expressed his concern.

"You said they're twin brothers. So, they should be sharing the same blood. So, if I access Kenni's blood, I can help in ritual from here itself, right?" Raizel suggested.

Frankenstein hadn't thought about this possibility. He looked impressed by his master.

"Yea, master!!" He said.

"Then I will head towards the enemy's chamber and meet him personally." Raizel said.

"Yes. But be careful. The dark powers are always deceiving." Frankenstein said with concern.

Raizel hear him, but didn't reply. Instead he stopped the communication and started walking back towards the chamber. But he needed his access to communicate with Frankenstein to know the exact time of ritual. So that, he can access Kenni's blood and help them at required time. He thought of breaking the barrier. He slightly touched his earrings, which keeps his powers in control.
