
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Cómic
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18 Chs

New friends and enemies...

"So your own people are fighting with you? And for what? To rule? Or they want anything else?"

"No. They don't plan to rule. They're planning to kill us all. So, they don't need to worry about rebels and fightings over and over."

Frankestein and Shinni were discussing the intense situation. Everybody else in the room was quiet.

"What do you expect from us?"

"We need your help to win this war. I have risked my life to find you. We have held them back for long time but we can't anymore. They're getting stronger. They're harnessing black powers and they're going further away from humanity. They don't understand human laws anymore. I need to return  immediately. They need every fighting moon clan. We'll will die if it's take, but we won't let them win. Not until moon clan breathe." Shinni's voice got deeper and her eyes were sparkling with rage against her enemies.

"How far your kingdom is? Can you show us the location on the map?" Tao asked, he looked worried about the girl.

"Yes. I can. I have a map with me." And she handed him a piece of old paper.

"Let me check it on my computer." Tao replied and went to check in his laptop.

But Frankestein looked worried about something else. 'What if this is a trap by his enemies and they're are trying to hurt master. He has just started enjoying his life after that devastating battle and responsibilities. He needs peace. I can't drag him in this. I will handle it. If they are the enemies, master doesn't need to worry. I can take care of it. And if the girl is saying the truth, I can her help win this war. School work can wait for a little while.'

"Get some rest Ms. Shinni. It will be dinner time soon. We will call you when it's ready. Until then you rest in the room. M-21 will show you the room" He shaked hands with her intentionally. Her hands were ice cold and felt warm at the same time. He had read about the clan that they were only pure human left on the earth with superhuman powers and gentle heart. But they never use their power to hurt anybody. He thought It's not the case anymore. They're fighting with each other. They are being corrupted, like all other humans on the earth. They're being normal. He decided to help her genuinely.

M-21's eyes were sparkling with love and awkwardness. He showed her the way to the room.

"This is the room Miss. This is it. You can call me if you need anything."

"My friend Neil will be here soon. Can you let him stay here with me?." Shinni requested.

"Of course, why not? Neil, right? He will have white hairs too right? I will recognize him." M-21 replied awkwardly.

"Yes. And enemies will have white hairs too. Just the eyes will be different." She explained.

"Then should we wait to attack until confirmation?"

"No. Call me if you see anyone unknown." She sounded worried.

"Does your friend know your location?" He continued the conversation with most obvious question he had in his mind.

"Yes. We can communicate with each other."

"So, you have superpowers to communicate with each other? Like telepathy or something?"

"No. And kind of yes. We can communicate. But if I contact him using my power, he will know my location and my enemies too. So I used this 'Black box'. Neil has one too. We got it from special friend. He said nobody can trace this." She showed her mobile phone with pride. Like she was the only one who knows how to use it.

M-21 was kind of impressed with her intelligence. She learned to use a mobile phone. But did she know that, anybody can trace mobile phone location too if it is not secured.

"Fine. I will let know if anybody comes near the house." His mind was alarmed. He went to Tao's room to discuss the fighting plan in case anybody attacked.

Everybody was gathered around dining table for dinner except Raizel.

He was drinking his tea on the sofa for last one and half hour.

"Master, let's have dinner."

Raizel didn't answer.

"What is it Master? You look worried. Is anything wrong?"

"Someone is outside." Raizel answered calmly. He was looking out of the window for last few hours after finishing his tea.

"It should be Neil. Shinni's friend. We were expecting him."

Raizel nodded and went to have dinner.

Frankestein stood there for a while looking out of the window. It was dark outside. Too dark for a night like a full moon. Something was seriously wrong outside.

"Tao, check security cameras for any unexpected movements outside the house." Frankestein ordered Tao with worried eyes. Everybody was alerted by the Frankestein's sudden change of mood. Raizel was the only one sitting there calmly.

Shinni replied in hurry, "Let me help you."

M-21 accompanied her too.

Tao was looking at the security cameras for any unusual movement but he wasn't able recognize any. There was pin drop silence outside. It was unusual. Suddenly he saw a man jumping over the wall of neighbor's house. He zoomed and confirmed that it was Neil.

"It's Neil." Shinni shouted joyfully. Let me get him. She picked her sword and left.

Frankestein was feeling something unusual too. "Wait Ms. Shinni. Let me come with you. I am afraid he brought some friends with him unknowingly."

Shinni started looking at him with disbelief. "It's impossible. We didn't keep any trace. They can't know our location."

"You didn't contact anyone. Are you sure he didn't?" Frankestein questioned.

She murmred something to herself. She still couldn't believe that Neil was not alone. Because if he was not, then she had put all of these innocent people in great danger, and they're not in the battle yet.

They came outside softly.

(Pic cr. Noblesse.wiki)

It was dark, too dark. She wouldn't be able to harness any power from the moon tonight. She made herself ready to fight.

Neil was searching for Shinni in the dark. He looked harmless. They let him jump inside the house and Takio grabbed him.

M-21 also jumped outside to fight. But there was no movement. They all were waiting for the enemy to attack. And somebody attacked M-21 with blood red sword. He screamed hard and grabbed the enemy with his bare hands and threw him away. He almost half died in that throw. But still was able to get up and attack again.

And 4 more red swordsmen attacked Shinni and Frankestein. Tao and Takio came outside to help Frankestein and M-21.

Takio, Tao and M-21 jumped into the ground, forming a circle facing their backs to each other.