
Planning, Encounter, and Surprise???

After thinking for a while, Tyo still cant make any conclusion from all of this. He still think all the event in past hours all just an illusion his mind conjure. But, its all feels so real, how the bird chirp, at how the people interact with each other. This is not a game anymore this is his reality now, the game he used to play just turned into real life. And he is still wondering about the panel he seeing when he think about status, skill, inventory. Is everybody has it, or this is just a special thing for him. He get's that this world is a world from game, but, does everybody can have access to a system like him, he don't know.

So the first thing he will do is more extensive information gathering. The info which he get from the old merchant is only the layout and important places in prontera city. Prontera is the capital city of rune midgard, with a proximately 20 square KM, and with an estimated 500.000 population. There are four district in the inner wall, and 8 district in outer wall (Please google the map if you dont know). On the outer northwest district located a barrack where prontera guard reside. And a place where you can be a knight if you choose to. And on the north east located a grand cruch where acolyte and priest usually can be found doing prayer to the gods. The inner district is where you can find adventure guild, most of the shop, and the inn.

After a while Tyo start to get a grip to his emotion. He start to make a mental note about what will he gonna do to survive in this new life. First he will check his surrounding subtly if the system or this panel thingy is only for him or not. Second, find a way to earn money, by earn money is killing monster beacuse what else can he do in fantasy world beside killing a monter or people to make a living. Tyo never kill a person before, all his life in earth is full peace. But in this world he know that sometimes he must kill a person too. He dont believe that he is in the type of isekai novel where the mc lead a happy life all the time. This is a sword and magic world with superpowered mosnter and man life. Third, find more power, there is no such thing as having enough power. If the status is only for himself and he cant increase his status by doing heavy work out or find new knowledge, then he will level up like crazy. Its a good thing that somehow, he can understand the language, read and write. He give thanks to whoever give him this boon.

Now that Tyo have a goal, time to find the truth..

"hmm, its noon now. Better find a restaurant and looking for food and see if people have this system like me"

Tyo then walk out from the inn go to the center prontera and start looking for a restaurant that can give a broad view to people the street. Tyo then found a random restaurant near the fountain and start looking for a seat facing the road. He found a spot and sit on the chair, after a while a barmaid came and ask him what he will order. Tyo looking at the barmaid in a daze, because its the first time in his life that he see a natural green hair. Because from when he first transported and go to inn to plan his life, he is so confused and stressed. Now that Tyo already calm his mind and heart he can appreciate a beauty in front of him. Bright blue eyes, rosy red lips, and that enchanting long green hair, she exlude an unique charm. On top of that she got that hourglass figure that many of the girls back on earth would kill for. She wore a maid uniform, with a black hairband, a frilly skirt. Tyo start to notice that he keep staring at the girl let out a cough to hide at his blatant staring, not that its works. He blame his hormone because of his teen body again. 'Damn hormone making me flustered in front of girls' he tought. The girl start to chuckle and ask again.

"Would you like to order something or you just gonna keep staring?"

"Umm, yeah i'll order your best meal and drink then, and sorry for staring. I just found you really pretty..."

Tyo said with much embarassment. 'Dammit im 24 for god sake get a grip man' he fuming inside his mind.

"It will be beef steak, and mix fruit juice then, is that okay?" The girl then chuckled again and continue saying "its alright, i get that a lot" and wink at Tyo.

"Yeah that will do how much it will cost?" Tyo ask.

"15z for that all sir" Tyo then pretend to put his hand to his pocket and take 15z from his inventory.

"Here, 15z and thanks" Tyo said. And the girl reply "thank you for your patronage, the meal and dring will come right up"

The maid then start to walk away and Tyo eyes magically attracted to that swaying round butt. 'Damn she's fine' and he realize that he lost to his hormone again. 'Goddamnit not again, better start looking if people staring at empty space or not'. After looking a while he almost certain that the system is for him alone but the a sweet voice bring him back from his musing.

"Here it is your order, enjoy the meal sir" the pretty barmaid said.

"Ah yes, thank you miss...?" Tyo said with a hint of asking.

The barmaid let out a bright smile and say. "Lena, you can call me Lena"

"Thank you then miss Lena, you can me Tyo"

"Okay then Tyo, just call me if you need anything else okay?"

"Sure thing miss, ill do that"

Tyo then start to eat his meal while looking at the street and the people at the restaurant. No one, no one staring at empty space. They just, do their thing. This solidify his assumtion that the system is for himself. 'Maybe the game program get transported as well?' He think. After he finished his meal he say bye to Lena, and go to his next destination, The Adventure Guild.

From the restaurant to the guild, it only take him five minutes because both is still near the center city. The building three stories high, its big and grand and there is an old but majestic feeling to it. You can almost feel the thrill coming from the building, it feels like the building releasing a pressure. Tyo just shrugged it of and thinking that must be his mind playing his trick on him. He then open the door and start looking inside. The interior look like your typical bar, there round table with four or five chair spread in the room, there is a bar inside and a board filled with paper. 'Must be where the info, job, or request put it' Tyo think. Then Tyo start looking to where he can sign up, but didnt found it. A man wearing a full plate armor and a spear seems like know Tyo predicament walk towards him and say.

"Are you new? What a are you looking for kid?"

Tyo then look at the man, and say.

"Yes sir, im new in town and wondering where i can sign up to be an adventurer"

The knight the point up the second floor and say. "If you looking for sign up, accepting and completing a job, or maybe selling your loot. There is the place, you cant miss it, you'll find a counter with sign on it." Then the knight said "good luck kid, you'll need that if you choose this kind of life" and slap his back.

Tyo didnt prepare to be slapped like that. Tumbled a lil bit. But then quickly say. "Thank you sir for your information" and go to stair. In the second floor he see a four counter with three beautiful girl and an old man. The counter with the three girls is have a long queue while the man only have two people waiting. With out thinking much, he immediately to the oldman counter and wait. After waiting a bit and now his turn, Tyo go to the counter and the old man said.

"Can i help you boy?"

"Im looking to sign up sir"

"Hmm, i see, fill this form then and the admission fee is 500z"

Lookinh at the form there is only simple list like name, age, occupation, and place of birth.

"You must fill the name and the rest is optional, Many have secret and dont want to tell it, and we understand that."

'Wow, neat, no bullshitting then' Tyo quickly fill the name section and age, and give 500z fee.

"Alright, now you just need to a drop of your blood in this card as your id" the oldman hand Tyo a card and a needle "the card can function as id in most city and a in the card there's your rank in our guild you always start as a F rank and if you do well enough, maybe you can go up to the A rank or maybe exceptional enough to goto S rank, if you lost it you can issue one in the guild in the city and it will cost you 1000z so dont lose it. Because your blood is in the card, only you can use it, if the other person grab it, the card will turn blank, just like this" the oldman then take and grab the card and show it to Tyo. The card turned white while before it was black and filled with his name and rank. The old man then continue the explanation. "You can grab the request on the board that match or one rank above you, or sometimes two rank but that need some permission from the guild or there's some special case. Just bring the job you take here for approval. And when you done you can come here to get your reward. You can sell your loot from the monster here too. We always offer a fair and fixed price. Thats it boy, any question?"

"No sir, thank you for all your info" Tyo then left the guild, and walk to the cozy honey inn.

In the middle of his walk, he see a sign post called kafra. After the sign he see another big three stories house with a big kafra sign hanging on top of the door. Walking inside Tyo immediately see a five counter with five pretty girls. He walk up to the empty counter and talk to the girl. There is a cute girl with a maid outfit but brown in color. The girl hair is pink with a twin tail. She wore a glasses, her eyes color is purple. She also wore a name tag called 'Ani'. She smile sweetly at Tyo and ask.

"Can i help you sir?"

"Excuse me miss, may i ask what service can kafra do?" Tyo ask.

"Is this your first time to kafra co. sir?"

"Yes because i am from a remote village and never see a kafra before only heard about it a little."

"I see, here in kafra you can teleport between city sir, the longer the distance the more costly it will be. And we can use storage service sir, the storage is extremely safe and no one can have the access beside you sir, the fee for opening the storage is fixed at 250z, is my explanation satisfy you sir?"

"Yes, that was really helpful thank you" Tyo paused and thinking a bit 'hmm even when i got the inventory there is nothing wrong in opening the storage since i havent explore my status and inventory yet. Maybe this night will do' with his decision Tyo then ask the kafra girl for the storage.

"Can i Open storage service then?"

"Since this is your first time, the let me explain more of all the kafra service sir. First we will make a kafra card where it needed to use all our service. To use the teleport service you just need to pay the fee here and we will charge your card with magic. Then you can use the card to the third floor, where my colleague will verify the card and teleport you to your destination. To use the storage service we will use the same method, then you can go to the second floor, one of my colleague then will lead you to a one of many room with a storage rune that will open your storage only, in there you just need to put the card to a slot near the wall inside the room, we use a mana signature and a little of your mana to open the storage so no thievery can happen. In there you can see a panel where all your item is listed, you just need to push your item to the panel and it will be saved, to take out your item, you just need touch the item name And it will come out from the panel, if the item you try to put or take out is to big, just put it in the middle of the rune and press the deposit on the panel, to withdraw the big item you just need to press the item you need and press the withdraw and the item will come out from the rune, oh yes before i forgot, the card will cost you 500z sir"

"ill take it then" Tyo then pay the zeny required and the 250z then he got a pink card with a poring in it and a word that say kafra card. the he go to the second floor. After he goes there, then another kafra girl lead him to a room with a size of 2x4 meter in the middle of the room there's a glowing white rune with a word he dont and shape he dont understand. The wall on the right side of Tyo there is an orb with a slot for a card. He put the card and suddenly the orb glow greenish light and a white panel showed up. He surprised that there is still some game element in this world. He need to explore more of this world he think. And then when he see the panel he even more surprised that there is not empty as he think it is! There is some more package and a letter.


[Letter from God]

[Old Blue Box 10x]

[Mystery Chest x3]

"What the fuck??? Letter?? From god??? Is this for real??"

With shaky hand he pressed the letter, and the letter pop out from the panel. he open the letter and read it....

Well so i realize that i forgot to put the hp and mp..

and the city size before is just so big so i changed it to 20x20km

im sorry guys hehehe..

my bad..

i will put the detail about status skill and inventory in the next chapter.

Then Tyo can start the adventure in RO world..

like i said im still new to writing, so expect mistake here and there.. if you found another mistake please tell me about it... i try to fix it immediately, just point it out.

Thanks for reading.

IceReapcreators' thoughts
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